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Hypersurfaces of Low Entropy

Geometric Flows in Riemannian and Complex Geometry May 02, 2016 - May 06, 2016

May 03, 2016 (03:30 PM PDT - 04:30 PM PDT)
Speaker(s): Lu Wang (Yale University)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium
  • complex geometry

  • Riemannian geometry

  • geometric analysis

  • geometric flow

  • Ricci flow

  • Kahler-Ricci flow

  • topology of hypersurfaces

  • topological entropy

Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC



The entropy is a natural geometric functional introduced by Colding-Minicozzi to study the singularities of mean curvature flow, and it roughly measures the complexity of a hypersurface of Euclidean space.

In this talk, I will survey some recent progress with Jacob Bernstein on understanding the geometry and topology of hypersurfaces with low entropy

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