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Introduction to the Langlands program and the Fundamental Lemma

Introductory Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory September 02, 2014 - September 05, 2014

September 04, 2014 (09:00 AM PDT - 10:00 AM PDT)
Speaker(s): Thomas Hales (University of Pittsburgh)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC



These talks will give an introductory survey of the following

topics: an introduction to the Langlands conjectures in their classical form as motivated from problems in number theory and automorphic representation theory, uses of the trace formula and problems such as the fundamental lemma that it motivates, and a survey of the proof of the fundamental lemma and its transfer back to characteristic zero

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