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Hyperbolicity in CAT(0)-spaces

Groups acting on CAT(0) spaces September 27, 2016 - September 30, 2016

September 27, 2016 (03:30 PM PDT - 04:20 PM PDT)
Speaker(s): Ursula Hamenstädt (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium



Bounded cohomology shows that lattices in higher rank Lie groups are not acylindrically hyperbolic. Nevertheless, convex cocompact subgroups of higher rank simple Lie groups can be defined and studied in analogy to the theory of Kleinian groups. We use these ideas to construct in some cases surface subgroups of cocompact lattices in higher rank Lie groups.

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