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Lecture Hall Tableaux, Non Intersecting Paths and Tilings

[HYBRID WORKSHOP] Integrable Structures in Random Matrix Theory and Beyond October 18, 2021 - October 22, 2021

October 19, 2021 (11:30 AM PDT - 12:20 PM PDT)
Speaker(s): Sylvie Corteel (University of California, Berkeley)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
  • combinatorics

  • limit shape

Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Lecture Hall Tableaux, Non Intersecting Paths And Tilings


Lecture Hall tableaux were introduced by Corteel and Kim in 2018 to study the combinatorics of the multivariate Little Jacobi polynomials. They are in bijection with non intersecting paths on a lattice that is not translation invariant and with lozenge tilings of a "spiral" surface. I will present the combinatorics of these objects and asymptotic results.

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Lecture Hall Tableaux, Non Intersecting Paths And Tilings

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