Home /  [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Connections Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory


[HYBRID WORKSHOP] Connections Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory August 25, 2022 - August 26, 2022
Registration Deadline: August 27, 2022 about 2 years ago
To apply for Funding you must register by: May 30, 2022 over 2 years ago
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Atrium
Organizers Lara Anderson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University), LEAD Laura Schaposnik (University of Illinois at Chicago)

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Schaposnik 2019 higgs fig2
The nilpotent cone in red over the 0, and the points A, B and C, lying over the C*-fow and of the Hitchin section respectively.
This will be a hybrid workshop with in-person participation by members of the semester-long program, speakers and a limited number of invited participants. Online participation will be open to all who register.  This two-day workshop will consist of various talks given by prominent female mathematicians on topics of analytic and geometric aspects of gauge theory. These will be appropriate for graduate students, post-docs, and researchers in areas related to the program.  The meeting aims to support young researchers working in analytic and geometric aspects of gauge theory by   facilitating mentoring from senior colleagues and helping towards the development of crucial professional skills. The format will include mentoring pairings, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions as well as the opportunity for informal discussions and connections.  
Funding & Logistics Show All Collapse

Show Funding

To apply for funding, you must register by the funding application deadline displayed above.

Students, recent PhDs, women, and members of underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Funding awards are typically made 6 weeks before the workshop begins. Requests received after the funding deadline are considered only if additional funds become available.

Show Lodging

For information about recommended hotels for visits of under 30 days, visit Short-Term Housing. Questions? Contact coord@slmath.org.

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Schedule, Notes/Handouts & Videos
Show Schedule, Notes/Handouts & Videos
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Aug 25, 2022
09:15 AM - 09:30 AM
  Welcome to MSRI
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  Co-Higgs bundles on Poisson surfaces
Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo)
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  Coffee Break
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  An A-infinity category from instantons
Sherry Gong (Texas A & M University)
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
  Mentoring Session
12:30 PM - 02:00 PM
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
  BPS Invariant from Non Archimedean Integrals
Francesca Carocci (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM
  Tea Break
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Francesca Carocci (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)), Laura Fredrickson (University of Oregon), Marina Logares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo), Laura Schaposnik (University of Illinois at Chicago)
04:30 PM - 06:30 PM
  Discussion Time
06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
  MSRI Dinner
Aug 26, 2022
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  The Asymptotic Geometry of the Hitchin Moduli Space
Laura Fredrickson (University of Oregon)
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  Coffee Break
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Some New Results in Higher Teichmüller Theory
Sara Maloni (University of Virginia)
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
  Mentoring Session
12:30 PM - 02:00 PM
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
  Assorted Hitchin Systems
Marina Logares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM
  Tea Break