Workshop Self-Assembling Geometric Structures in Material Science: The Geometry of Interfaces in Mesoscopic Materials
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- Symmetry and textures in thin films of smectic liquid crystals
- Interactions between microstructure and flow of liquid crystal polymers
- Generalized Ginzburg-Landau and Cahn-Hilliard equations and their sharp-interface limits
- Frustration and Defects in Liquid Crystals and Liposomes
- Micellar and Inverse Micellar Cubic Phases of Lipids and Surfactants
- Novel Space Partitioners
- Triply periodic interfaces with curvature properties
- Study of the phase transformation between two cubic structures
- Breaking the Energetic Degeneracy Between Bicontinuous Cubic Phases of Associate Periodic Minimal Surfaces
- Converegence of level sets for solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation to the Mullins-Sekerka flow
- Scherk's First Surface, Screw Dislocations, and Twist Grain Boundaries
- Control with Block Copolymers: From Melts to Micelles
- Pattern-Directed Self Assembly
- The Geometry of Intermaterial Dividing Surfaces in Block Copolymers
Workshop Random Matrices, Statistical Mechanics, and Integrable Systems
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- Boundary conformal field theory and representation of the fusion algebra
- D-particle bound states and generalized instantons
- Ageneralized Darboux-Halphen system, 2
- Integrable Structures Inherent in Random Matrix Theory
- Quantum Resurgence
- On the relationship between the discreet and continuous Painleve equations
- On the semi-classical limit of the focusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation
- Some unsolved problems in the Random MAtrices and Hamiltonians
- Universality and Scaling for Zeros of Random Polynomials
- Locus Configurations in the Theory of Calogero-Moser systems and WDVV equations
- Baxter's Q-operator and the Virasoro algebra
- Extended Vertex operator algebras and monomial bases
- Discriminants, q-Differences and Electrostatics
- Behavior of a Quantum Fluid Interacting by an Inverse-square Potential in a Time-dependent Harmonic Trap
- Operators on Graphs and Symplectic Geometry
- The operator-valued RHP for the correlation functions of the Quantum NLS
- Algebra of Integral Operators and Correlation functions of 1D electron gas
- Correlation Functions of XXZ model at finite temperature
- Chiral Potts Model
- Asymptotics for random permutations
- Persi Diaconis: What is HAAR Measure Anyways?
- Fay Identities, Fredholm determinants, soliton formulas and random matrices
- Phase Transitions and Random Matrices
- Scaling limit of random matrices and KdV flow
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Random Matrix Models and their Applications
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- Integral Systems and Random Matrices 1
- Frobenius Manifolds, Isomonodromy Deformations, and Integrable Hierarchies 2
- Integral Systems and Random Matrices 3
- Distribution Functions for Linear Statistics
- Matrix Enssembles with General B, 2
- Random Matrices 3
- Matrix Enssembles with General B, 1
- Integral Systems and Random Matrices 2
- Orthogonal Polynomial and Random Matrix Theory
- Steepest Descent Method
- Frobenius Manifolds, Isomonodromy Deformations, and Integrable Hierarchies 1
- Random Matrices I
- Kernels of Integral Operators and Eigenvalue Distribution in Random Matrix Ensembles II
- Universalities in Random Matrices
- Integral Operators
- Reimann Hilbert Problems
- 0's of Zeta Functions and Random Matrices
- Random Matrices and Random Surfaces 2
- Random Matrices 2
- Kernels of Integral Operators and Eigenvalue Distribution in Random Matrix Ensembles I
- Random Matrices and Random Surfaces 1
- Random Matrix Models