Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2008: Teaching and Learning Algebra
Show Schedules
- Al Cuoco, James Fey, Diane Resek, Tom Sallee, Zalman Usiskin: What are some organizing principles around which one can create a coherent pre-college algebra program?
- Deborah Ball: The National Mathematics Advisory Panel Report: Summing Up and Taking Stock
- William McCallum: Report on the NCTM Lenses on High School Mathematics report
- Hyman Bass, Roger Howe: Discussants on the presentation
- Carol Cho: 1.3b Parallel Sessions: Question 1
- Sybilla Beckmann: Solving algebra story problems with simple “strip diagrams,” solving them with algebra, and connecting the two approaches.
- Patrick Thompson: 1.3c Parallel Sessions: Question 1
- Stephanie Ragucci, Annette Roskam: Problem Solving Using CME & Core-Plus
- Matt Bremer: 1.3c Parallel Sessions: Question 1
- Roger Howe, William McCallum, Betty Phillips: Discussants on the presentation
- David Carraher, Jo Ann Lobato, Alan Schoenfeld, Uri Treisman: What is known about effective ways for students to make the transition from arithmetic to algebra?
- Ted Courant: Does 8th grade algebra prepare students for Geometry and high school mathematics?
- Betty Phillips: 2.2c Parallel Sessions: Question 2
- Paul Goldenberg: How the ideas and language of algebra K-5 set the stage for algebra 8-12
- Virginia Bastable, Susan Jo Russell, Deborah Schifter: Strengthening K-5 Arithmetic/Preparing for Algebra
- Mark Saul: 2.2c Parallel Sessions: Question 2
- Herbert Clemens, Robert Moses, Mary Jo Tavormina, Hung-Hsi Wu: The transition from arithmetic to algebra: further perspectives
- Hyman Bass, James Fey, Ed Silver: Discussants on the presentation
- Deborah Hughes Hallett, William McCallum, Tom Roby: What Algebraic understandings are essential for success in beginning collegiate mathematics?
- William McCallum: Question 3 Talk
- Glenn Stevens: Mining the early mathematics curriculum
- Dan Chazan, James Fey: What algebraic understandings do we wish future teachers might gain in college?
- Herbert Clemens, Mark Saul: Discussants on the presentation
- Dan Chazan, Al Cuoco, Hung-Hsi Wu: Preparing teachers to teach algebra
- Deborah Ball: Connections among the questions
Workshop Exterior Differential Systems and the Method of Equivalence
Show Schedules
- Robert Bryant: Riemannian Foliations in Space Forms
- Colleen Robles: Rigidity of projective homogeneous varieties and Lie algebra cohomology
- Keizo Yamaguchi: Contact Geometry of Second Order
- Michael Eastwood: Prolongation on Contact Manifolds
- Ana Cascon, William Shadwick: The Geometry of Probability Distributions: A New Central Limit Theorem
- Shankar Sastry: Parking cars with N trailers and Nonholonomy: reflections on the applications of BC3G
- Pawel Nurowski: GL(2,R) geometry of ODEs
- Hubert Goldschmidt: Infinitesimal isospectral deformations of symmetric spaces of compact type
- Niky Kamran: 09:30AM - 10:30AM Niky Kamran Wave equations and the Penrose process in Kerr geometry
- Thomas Ivey: Backlund Transformations and Darboux Integrability for Nonlinear Wave Equations
- Peter Vassiliou: Geometric Aspects of differential equations in the work of Robert B. Gardner
- Joseph Landsberg: EDS and the Method of Equivalence Lines and Asymptotic Lines of Projective Varieties
- Christine Scharlach: Symmetries for Cubic Forms and Adapted Frames
- Jeanne Clelland: Sub-Finsler geometry in dimensions three and four
- Ian Anderson: Symmetry Reduction and Darboux Integrability
- Vladimir Matveev: Integrals quadratic in velocities and solution of two problems of Sophus Lie
- Kris Jenssen: Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Prescribed Eigencurves
- George Wilkens: Second-order type-changing evolution equations with first-order intermediate equations
Workshop Homological Methods in Representation Theory
Show Schedules
- Markus Linckelmann: On graded centers of stable and derived module categories
- Cedric Bonnafe: Deligne-Lusztig restriction of modular Gelfand-Graev representations
- Cornelius Pillen: Cohomology of finite groups of Lie type
- Paul Balmer: The geometry of tensor triangulated categories of representations
- Srikanth Iyengar: Localizing subcategories of the stable module category of a finite group
- David Hemmer: An application of topology to computing the cohomology of Young modules for the symmetric group
- Brian Parshall: Reduced standard modules, filtrations, and cohomology
- Bernhard Keller: Mutations of quivers with potentials and derived equivalences
- Jesper Grodal: Local-to-global principles for groups and p-local finite groups
- Henning Andersen: Tensoring with the Steinberg module
- Jonathan Kujawa: Cohomology and Varieties for Lie Superalgebras
- Eric Friedlander: p-nilpotent operators and vector bundles
- Radha Kessar: Controlling fusion in saturated fusion systems
- Jon Carlson: Generic kernels and other constructions of modules over group (scheme) algebras
- Julia Pevtsova: Spectra of tensor triangulated categories
- Alison Parker: Homomorphisms and higher extensions for Schur algebras and symmetric groups
- Henning Krause: The representation dimension of a finite dimensional algebra
Workshop Topics in Combinatorial Representation Theory
Show Schedules
- John Stembridge: Admissible W-graphs
- Thomas Lam: Hopf algebras, Towers of Algebras and Dual graded graphs
- Michael Kapovich: Restrictions of irreducible representations to Levi subgroups and ideal triangles in Euclidean buildings
- George Lusztig: Unipotent classes and special Weyl group representations
- Andrei Zelevinsky: Combinatorics of Coxeter elements and cluster algebras of finite type
- Jan Schroeer: Dual semicanonical bases and cluster algebras
- Alexander Postnikov: Total positivity, matroids, and clusters
- David Speyer: Sortable elements -- beyond finite type
- Arun Ram: Path models
- Cristian-Paul Lenart: Hall-Littlewood polynomials, alcove walks, and the Macdonald polynomial inv statistic
- Anne Schilling: Schubert Polynomials for the affine Grassmannian of the symplectic group
- Mark Shimozono: k-Schur functions via multidegrees of Matrix Affine Schubert Varieties
- Mark Haiman: LLT polynomials
- Philippe Di Francesco: The Razumov-Stroganov conjecture: loop gas, alternating sign matrices, plane partitions and orbital varieties
- Rinat Kedem: Quantum algebra characters and cluster algebras
- Harm Derksen: Quivers with Potentials
- Anatoly Vershik: Some Problems of Asymptotic Representation Theory (ART)
Workshop Lie Theory
Show Schedules
- Georgia Benkart: Bases, Lattices, Hyperbolic Kac-Moody Algebras
- Victor Ginzburg: Mirabolic affine Grassmannian and character sheaves
- George Lusztig: Canonical bases and construction of Chevalley groups over Z
- Peter Littelmann: Superbosonization of invariant matrix ensembles
- Bernard Leclerc: Monoidal categorifications of cluster algebras
- Peter Fiebig: Sheaves on affine flag varieties, modular representations and Lusztig's conjecture
- Alexander Premet: Small nonrestricted representations and completely prime primitive ideals.
- Cedric Bonnafe: Semicontinuity properties of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells
- Ivan Loseu: Quantized symplectic actions and W-algebras
- Edward Frenkel: Langlands correspondence for loop groups
- Vyjayanthi Chari: Abelian Ideals, KR--modules and Koszul algebras
- victor kac: Poisson vertex algebras and integrable systems
- Meinolf Geck: James' conjecture for Hecke algebras of exceptional type
- Susumu Ariki: Two applications of Littelmann's path model
- Gustav Lehrer: Coxeter group actions on the cohomology of toric varieties
- Gunter Malle: Counting Characters of p'-degree
Workshop Introductory Workshop on the Representation Theory of Finite Groups
Show Schedules
- Burkhard Kuelshammer: Blocks and Counting Conjectures
- Jonathan Brundan: Representations of Algebriac Groups in Characteristic p
- Markus Linckelmann: Representation Theory and Topology
- Joseph Chuang: Broué's Abelian Defect Group Conjecture
- Burkhard Kuelshammer: Blocks and Counting Conjectures
- Jonathan Brundan: Representations of Algebriac Groups in Characteristic p
- Markus Linckelmann: Representation Theory and Topology
- Joseph Chuang: Broué's Abelian Defect Group Conjecture
- Burkhard Kuelshammer: Blocks and Counting Conjectures
- Cedric Bonnafe: Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig Theory
- Cedric Bonnafe: Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig Theory
- Markus Linckelmann: Representation Theory and Topology
- Joseph Chuang: Broué's Abelian Defect Group Conjecture
- Radha Kessar: On Duality Inducing Automorphisms and Sources of Simple Modules in Finite Classical Groups
- Gabriel Navarro: Around the McKay Conjecture
- Paul Fong: A Bijection towards Counting Conjectures in Finite Reductive Groups
- Serge Bouc: Biset Functors
- David Benson: Squeezed Resolutions over the Group Algebra of a Finite Group
Workshop MSRI's 25th Anniversary Celebration
Show Schedules
- Andrei Okounkov: Counting curves in 3-folds
- Ravi Vakil: Murphy's Law in algebraic geometry: Badly-behaved moduli spaces
- Dan Freed: Remarks on Chern-Simons theory
- Bryna Kra: Beyond Fourier Analysis
- George Papanicolaou: Sensor Imaging
- Peter Ozsváth: Heegaard Floer homology and knots
- Gunnar Carlsson: Topology and Data
- Deborah Ball, Herbert Clemens, Ricardo Cortez, Hugo Rossi, Hung-Hsi Wu: Education Panel
- Kenneth Ribet: Class groups and Galois representations
- Richard Melrose: Configuration and Moduli Spaces
- Charles Fefferman: Whitney's extension problem and interpolation of functions
- Inez Fung: Mathematics of Climate Change
- Alejandro Adem, Lenore Blum, Robert Bryant, Tony Chan, David Eisenbud, Calvin Moore, Alvin Thaler: Panel Discussion MSRI: Past, Present, and Future
- Vaughan Jones: MSRI and interactions between operator algebras, physics and low dimensional topology
- H. Blaine Lawson: Dirichlet Duality and the Nonlinear Dirichlet Problem
- Paul Seidel: Pair-of-pants decompositions
- Michael Hopkins: Topological Field Theories
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Combinatorial Representation Theory
Show Schedules
- Arun Ram: Combinatorics of Lie type
- Michel Broué: Complex Reflection Groups in Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
- Andrei Okounkov: Characters of Symmetric Groups
- Arun Ram: Combinatorics of Lie Type
- Andrei Okounkov: Characters of Symmetric Groups
- Kevin Purbhoo: The Horn Inequalities and Their Generalizations
- Syu Kato: Geometric representation theory of affine Hecke algebras
- Michel Broué: Complex Reflection Groups in Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
- Andrei Okounkov: Characters of Symmetric Groups
- Lauren Williams: Total positivity for flag varieties: combinatorics, topology, and toric geometry
- Arun Ram: Combinatorics of Lie Type
- Ghislain Fourier: Finite dimensional modules for current and loop algebras
- Sami Assaf: Applications of dual equivalence graphs
- Michel Broué: Complex Reflection Groups in Representations of Finite Reductive Groups
Workshop Connections for Women: Introduction to the Spring, 2008 programs
Show Schedules
- Monica Vazirani: Type A Combinatorics
- Anne Schilling: Crystal BAses--What is it all about?
- Bhama Srinivasan: l-Modular Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type: Past, Present, Future
- Terrell Hodge: Modular Representations of Algebraic Groups: Or To Characteristic Zero and Back Again, with Applications to Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type in the Defining Characteristic
- Julia Pevtsova: Cohomology and Support Varieties
- Georgia Benkart: Combinatorial Representation Theory - Old and New
- T. Y. Lam: Early History of Finite Group Representations