 About Us 


The Ombuds is an informal, independent, neutral, and confidential resource for all members of the MSRI community. In accordance with the International Ombudsman Association Standards of Practice and Ethics, the role of the Ombuds is:

  • to work with individuals and groups in an organization to explore and assist them in determining options to help resolve conflicts, problematic issues or concerns, and
  • to bring systemic concerns to the attention of the organization for resolution.

The Ombuds is independent of the Directorate and any other office within MSRI. She is a confidential resource. She will not identify you or discuss what you have shared with her unless you give her explicit permission to do so. The only exception to this confidentiality is if the Ombuds believes that sharing the information is necessary to prevent imminent harm to you or someone else.

The Ombuds is neutral. Her role is to listen and seek to understand your concerns and interests and those of other parties involved in an issue and to work toward a fair and equitable resolution and, ideally, mutual understanding. She can confidentially seek additional information on your behalf, coach you to resolve an issue yourself, explore options, or facilitate conversations or mediate disputes.

The role of the Ombuds is informal in that it complements rather than replaces any formal process. The Ombuds does not have the authority to make any decisions on behalf of MSRI. Contacting the Ombuds does not put MSRI “on notice” of a potential policy violation; however, she can help refer you to the proper person for pursuing such a concern.

Ombuds Contact

Catherine Glaze

By Email: ombuds@msri.org

By Telephone: (904) 414-2996

To anonymously contact the Ombudsperson through Lighthouse Services: Click Here

View MSRI's complete Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure.

View MSRI's Collegiality Statement.