Simons Professors
The Simons Visiting Professorship is funded by a grant from the Simons Foundation, in support of MSRI’s scientific programs.
Simons Professors 2022-23
Daniel Freed
Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory
Fall 2022 -
Michael Mandell
Floer Homotopy Theory
Fall 2022 Anna Cadoret
Diophantine Geometry
Spring 2023Christopher Skinner
Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems
Spring 2023
Simons Professors 2021-22
Mario Bonk
The Analysis and Geometry of Random Spaces
Spring 2022 -
Sarah Koch
Complex Dynamics: From Special Families to Natural Generalizations in One and Several Variables
Spring 2022 -
Eero Saksman
The Analysis and Geometry of Random Spaces
Spring 2022 -
Dylan Thurston
Complex Dynamics: From Special Families to Natural Generalizations in One and Several Variables
Spring 2022 -
Percy A. Deift
Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems
Fall 2021 -
Philippe Di Francesco
Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems
Fall 2021 -
Pablo Ferrari
Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems
Fall 2021
Simons Professors 2020-21
Martin Bridgeman
Random and Arithmetic Structures in Topology
Fall 2020 -
David Fisher
Random and Arithmetic Structures in Topology
Fall 2020 -
Tsachik Gelander
Random and Arithmetic Structures in Topology
Fall 2020 -
Julia Knight
Decidability, Definability and Computability in Number Theory
Fall 2020
Simons Professors 2019-20
Clark Barwick
Higher Categories and Categorification
Spring 2020 -
David Ben-Zvi
Higher Categories and Categorification
Spring 2020 -
Terry Gannon
Quantum Symmetries
Spring 2020 -
Sorin Popa
Quantum Symmetries
Spring 2020 -
Sarah Witherspoon
Quantum Symmetries
Spring 2020 -
Colin Guillarmou
Microlocal Analysis
Fall 2019 -
Andras Vasy
Microlocal Analysis
Fall 2019 -
Vladimir Fock
Holomorphic Differentials in Mathematics and Physics
Fall 2019
Simons Professors 2018-19
Lars Hesselholt
Derived Algebraic Geometry
Spring 2019 -
Valery Alexeev
Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces
Spring 2019 -
James McKernan
Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces
Spring 2019 -
Gonzalo Contreras
Hamiltonian Systems, from Topology to Applications through Analysis
Fall 2018 -
James Meiss
Hamiltonian Systems, from Topology to Applications through Analysis
Fall 2018
Simons Professors 2017-18
Tom Andrew Bridgeland FRS
Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers -
Sheldon Katz
Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers -
Raphael Rouquier
Group Representation Theory and Applications -
Alexander Kleshchev
Group Representation Theory and Applications -
Radha Kessar
Group Representation Theory and Applications -
Martin Liebeck
Group Representation Theory and Applications -
Vitali Milman
Geometric Functional Analysis and Applications -
Federico Ardila
Geometric and Topological Combinatorics -
Imre Barany
Geometric and Topological Combinatorics -
Sylvie Corteel
Geometric and Topological Combinatorics -
Igor Pak
Geometric and Topological Combinatorics
Simons Professors 2016-17
Karen Vogtmann
Geometric Group Theory -
Howard Masur
Geometric Group Theory -
Alain Valette
Geometric Group Theory -
Kasra Rafi
Geometric Group Theory -
Philippe Michel
Analytic Number Theory -
Tim Browning
Analytic Number Theory -
Tamar Ziegler
Analytic Number Theory -
Alexander Volberg
Harmonic Analysis -
Guy David
Harmonic Analysis -
Elias Stein
Harmonic Analysis
Simons Professors 2015-16
Andrea Nahmod
New Challenges in PDE: Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in High and Infinite Dimensional Systems -
Jeremy Quastel
New Challenges in PDE: Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in High and Infinite Dimensional Systems -
Jonathan Mattingly
New Challenges in PDE: Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in High and Infinite Dimensional Systems -
Luis Vega
New Challenges in PDE: Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in High and Infinite Dimensional Systems -
Martin Hairer
New Challenges in PDE: Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in High and Infinite Dimensional Systems -
Olivier Biquard
Differential Geometry -
Sun-Yung Alice Chang
Differential Geometry -
Akito Futaki
Differential Geometry -
Tom Ilmanen
Differential Geometry -
Curtis McMullen
Differential Geometry -
Natasa Sesum
Differential Geometry -
Gang Tian
Differential Geometry -
Jeff Viaclovsky
Differential Geometry
Simons Professors 2014-15
Ngô Bảo Châu
Geometric Representation Theory -
Thomas Hales
Geometric Representation Theory -
Olivier Schiffmann
Geometric Representation Theory -
Elena Mantovan
New Geometric Methods in Number Theory and Automorphic Forms -
Stephen Kudla
New Geometric Methods in Number Theory and Automorphic Forms -
Michael Rapoport
New Geometric Methods in Number Theory and Automorphic Forms -
Michael Harris
New Geometric Methods in Number Theory and Automorphic Forms -
Francois Labourie
Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures -
Yves Benoist
Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures -
David Dumas
Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures -
Francis Bonahon
Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures -
Alessandra Iozzi
Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures -
Elon Lindenstrauss
Geometric and Arithmetic Aspects of Homogeneous Dynamics -
Hee Oh
Geometric and Arithmetic Aspects of Homogeneous Dynamics -
Alex Eskin
Geometric and Arithmetic Aspects of Homogeneous Dynamics -
Yves Benoist
Geometric and Arithmetic Aspects of Homogeneous Dynamics
Simons Professors 2013-14
Piotr Chrusciel
Mathematical General Relativity -
Charles Rezk
Algebraic Topology -
Francois Loeser
Model Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory -
Sergei Starchenko
Model Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory
Simons Professors 2012-13
Craig Huneke
Commutative Algebra -
Jerzy Weyman
Commutative Algebra -
Frank-Olaf Schreyer
Commutative Algebra -
Luchezar Avramov
Commutative Algebra -
Alicia Dickenstein
Commutative Algebra -
Bernhard Keller
Cluster Algebras -
Idun, Reiten
Cluster Algebras -
Toby Stafford
Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory -
Michel Van den Bergh
Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory -
Bill Crawley-Boevey
Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory
Simons Professors 2011-12
Assaf Naor
Quantitative Geometry -
Curtis McMullen
Random Spatial Processes -
Peter Winkler
Random Spatial Processes
Simons Professors 2010-11
Henryk Iwaniec
Arithmetic Statistics -
Henrik Shahgholian
Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications -
Percy Deift
Random Matrix Theory -
Herbert Spohn
Random Matrix Theory -
Plamen Stefanov
Inverse Problems and Applications
Simons Professors 2009-10
Andreas Gathman
Tropical Geometry -
Mark Gross
Tropical Geometry -
Emmanuel Giroux
Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology -
Ko Honda
Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology -
Leonid Polterovich
Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology -
Mikhail Khovanov
Homology Theory of Knots & Links -
Catharina Stroppel
Homology Theory of Knots & Links
Simons Professors 2008-09
Vitaly Bergelson
Ergodic Theory -
Bernard Host
Ergodic Theory -
Mariusz Lemanczyk
Ergodic Theory -
Benjy Weiss
Ergodic Theory -
Gerd Grubb
Singular Spaces -
Dan Grieser
Singular Spaces -
Miles Reid
Algebraic Geometry
Simons Professors 2007-08
Mark Sapir
Geometric Group Theory -
Zlil Sela
Geometric Group Theory -
Masaki Kashiwara
Combinatorial Representation Theory -
David Benson
Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics