Registration Deadline: | March 26, 2010 almost 15 years ago |
To apply for Funding you must register by: | December 22, 2009 about 15 years ago |
Parent Program: |
Show List of Speakers
- Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University)
- Miguel Abreu
- Peter Albers
- Octav Cornea (Université de Montréal)
- Mihai Damian (Université de Strasbourg)
- Urs Frauenfelder
- Richard Hind (University of Notre Dame)
- Ko Honda
- Yael Karshon
- François Lalonde
- Gordana Matic (University of Georgia)
- Klaus Niederkruger
- Yong-Geun Oh (Institute for basic science)
- Dietmar Salamon
- Sheila Sandon
- Felix Schlenk
- Paul Seidel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Dmitry Tamarkin
- Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
- Susan Tolman
- Michael Usher (University of Georgia)
- Claude Viterbo (École Normale Supérieure)
- Chris Wendl (Humboldt-Universität)
This workshop will focus on recent progress in central problems in symplectic and contact topology and Hamiltonian dynamics such as rigidity of Lagrangian submanifolds, algebra/topology/geometry of symplectomorphism and contactomorphism groups, exotic symplectic and contact structures, and existence of periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems and Reeb flows. It will explain applications of the "large machines" such as Floer Theory, Symplectic Field Theory and Fukaya categories, showing where these machines do not yet provide satisfactory answers. Special attention will also be paid to articulating new problems and directions, as well as to explaining interactions between symplectic and contact topology and other fields.
Accomodations: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Rose Garden Inn. Reservations may be made by calling 1-800-992-9005 OR directly on their website. Click on Corporate at the bottom of the screen and when prompted enter code MATH (this code is not case sensitive). By using this code a new calendar will appear and will show MSRI rate on all room types available. The cut-off date for reservations is March 5, 2010. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hotel Durant. Please mention the workshop name and reference the following code when making reservations via phone, fax or e-mail: MSRISYMPLECTICMSRISY. If you are making your reservations on line, please go to Hotel Durant website, choose your dates of stay and enter the "123MSRI" promo code in the box. The cut-off date for reservations is February 23, 2010. The rate is $110 per night plus tax. New, completely renovated Hotel Shattuck Plaza has rooms available for you! MSRI’s preferred rate is $131. Guests can either call the hotel’s main line, 510-845-7300, and ask for the MSRI rate or go to, click on "Corporate Rates" in the reservation screen and type the code msri10. If you are interested in finding participants to share a hotel room with please visit Hotel Sharing . You will need to create an account (this will only take a few minutes). After log in please go to the "Main Forum" to view the "Hotel Sharing" thread.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Secondary AMS MSC
Show Funding
To apply for funding, you must register by the funding application deadline displayed above.
Students, recent PhDs, women, and members of underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Funding awards are typically made 6 weeks before the workshop begins. Requests received after the funding deadline are considered only if additional funds become available.
Show Lodging
For information about recommended hotels for visits of under 30 days, visit Short-Term Housing. Questions? Contact
Show Directions to Venue
Show Visa/Immigration
Show Schedule, Notes/Handouts & Videos
Show All Collapse
Mar 22, 2010 Monday |
Mar 23, 2010 Tuesday |
Mar 24, 2010 Wednesday |
Mar 25, 2010 Thursday |
Mar 26, 2010 Friday |