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Symplectic and Contact Topology and Dynamics: Puzzles and Horizons March 22, 2010 - March 26, 2010

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Mar 22, 2010
09:30 AM - 10:20 AM
  Arnold's chord conjecture in dimension 3
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM
  Symplectic Homogenization
Claude Viterbo (École Normale Supérieure)
01:20 PM - 02:10 PM
  Enumerative invariants and Lagrangian cobordism
Octav Cornea (Université de Montréal)
02:20 PM - 03:10 PM
  Monotone Lagrangian tori in CP^n and products of spheres
Felix Schlenk
04:00 PM - 04:50 PM
  Framed bordism and Lagrangian embeddings of exotic spheres
Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University)
Mar 23, 2010
09:30 AM - 10:20 AM
  Contact structures and sutured floer homology
Gordana Matic (University of Georgia)
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM
  Application of generating functions to contact rigidity phenomena in R^2n x S1
Sheila Sandon
01:20 PM - 02:10 PM
  Symplectic circle actions with minimal fixed points
Susan Tolman
02:20 PM - 03:10 PM
  Microlocal condition for non-displaceability
Dmitry Tamarkin
04:00 PM - 04:50 PM
  Homological Lagrangian Monodromy
François Lalonde
Mar 24, 2010
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  Weinstein's conjecture on symplectically fillable contact manifolds
Yong-Geun Oh (Institute for basic science)
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  Floer homology on the universal cover and lagangion embeddings
Mihai Damian (Université de Strasbourg)
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
  Embeddings of ellipsoids
Richard Hind (University of Notre Dame)
Mar 25, 2010
09:30 AM - 10:20 AM
  HF-hat = EC-hat via open book decompositions
Ko Honda
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM
  Some observations about the size of tubular neighborhoods in contact geometry
Klaus Niederkruger
01:20 PM - 02:10 PM
  Filtered Floer theory and Hamiltonian dynamics
Michael Usher (University of Georgia)
02:20 PM - 03:10 PM
  On Rabinowitz Floer homology
Urs Frauenfelder
04:00 PM - 04:50 PM
  Convexity package for momentum maps on contact manifolds
Yael Karshon
Mar 26, 2010
09:30 AM - 10:20 AM
  Spectral invariants in Rabinowitz Floer homology and applications
Peter Albers
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM
  Contact and Lagrangian Floer homologies of toric manifolds
Miguel Abreu
01:20 PM - 02:20 PM
  Open books and fiber sums, SFT and ECH: a plethora of obstructions to symplectic filling
Chris Wendl (Humboldt-Universität)
02:20 PM - 03:10 PM
  Enhanced intersection numbers
Paul Seidel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)