Workshop Ricci Flow and Geometrization of 3-Manifolds
Show Schedules
- Misha Kapovich: Thurston's Geometrization conjecture and its consequences
- Bennett Chow: A Ricci flow primer
- Bruce Kleiner: An overview of Perelman's argument for geometrization using Hamilton's Ricci flow
- Peng Lu: Perelman's L-function and (non)collapsing
- Lei Ni: Ancient solutions with nonnegative curvature
- Tobias Colding: Finite time extinction for manifolds without aspherical summands
- Takashi Shioya: Collapsing with a lower curvature bound
- Richard Hamilton: Ricci Flow
- Lei Ni: Kahler Ricci flow
Workshop Geometric Analysis
Show Schedules
- Brian White: Aspects of Mean Curvature Flow
- Leon Simon: The symmetric minimal surface equation
- Xiu-Xiong Chen: The space of Kaehler potentials
- Yu Yuan: Homogeneous solutions to elliptic equations
- Gang Tian: K-stability and Kaehler metrics of constant scalar curvature
- Harold Donnelly: Spectral theory for tensor products of Hermitian holomorphic line bundles
- Bo Guan: The Plateau problem for locally convex hypersurfaces
- Richard Wentworth: The Yang-Mills flow on Kaehler surfaces
- Peng-Fei Guan: Conformal deformation of smallest eigenvalues of the Ricci tensor
- Mu-Tao Wang: Minimal surface systems in higher codimension
- Jiaping Wang: Kaehler manifolds with positive spectrum
- Jeff Viaclovsky: Bach-flat asymptotically locally Euclidean metrics
- Gang Tian: TBA
- Mohan Ramachandran: Elementary construction of subharmonic functions on open manifolds
- John Loftin: Singular semi-flat Calabi-Yau metrics on S^2
- Yu Yuan: TBA
- Rafe Mazzeo: Positive scalar curvature and Poincare-Einstein fillings
- Xiu-Xiong Chen: TBA
- Tristan Riviere: The singular set of 1-1 integral currents
- Lei Ni: Monotonicity and holomorphic functions on complete Kaehler manifolds
- Changyou Wang: Regularity of biharmonic maps into Riemannian manifolds
Workshop Combinatorial and Discrete Geometry
Show Schedules
- Lecture 1: Graph homomorphisms, statistical physics and quasirandom graphs
- Emo Welzl: The generalized lower bound theorem for polytopes and j-facets for finite point sets
- Konstantin Rybnikov: Local versus global convexity of PL-surfaces in classical geometries
- Kevin Woods: Generating functions for sets of lattice points
- Francisco Santos Leal: Minimal triangulations and the computation of Gromov's norm
- Ileana Streinu: Points in Motion
- Julian Pfeifle: Coefficients and zeros of Ehrhart polynomials
- László Lovász: Tilings, geometric representations, and discrete analytic functions
- Oleg Musin: The kissing number in dimension 4'
- Henry Cohn: Optimality of the Leech lattice among lattices
- Wlodzimierz Kuperberg: Two problems on configurations of unit cylinders around the unit sphere
- Lewis Bowen: Periodicity and Sphere packings of hyperbolic space
- Jeffrey Lagarias: Apollonian packings: geometry and group Theory
- John Sullivan: Discrete minimal surfaces in the cubic lattice
- Alexander Bobenko: Geometry from combinatorics: Surfaces made from circles
- Gunter Rote: The polytope of pointed pseudotriangulations, and Delone and anti-Delone pseudotriangulations
- Bernd Sturmfels: The geometry of statistical models for biological sequences
- Michael Develin: The tropical rank of a Matrix
- Michael Joswig: On convex hulls
- Rom Pinchasi: Problems concerning directions of lines and planes in Euclidean spaces
- Jozsef Solymosi: Extremal arrangements of points and hyperplanes
- Meir Katchalski: On forbidden families of geometric permutations in R^d
- Peter Brass: On simplices spanned by points in 3-dimensional space
- Richard Pollack: Betti number bounds and their applications
- Geza Toth: Turan-type results for geometric and topological graphs
- Karoly Bezdek: Monotonicity of the perimeter of intersection of unit disks- a proof of Alexander's conjecture
- Gábor Tardos: Locally plane graphs and excluded submatrices
- Louis Billera: Geometric enumeration from a quasisymmetric point of view
- Van Vu: Erdos's distinct distances problem
- Richard Ehrenborg: Lifting inequalities for polytopes
- Eva Feichtner: A desingularization of real diffeomorphic actions of finite groups
- Martin Henk: Polynomial inequalities representing polyhedra
- Jiri Matousek: Discrepancy - a short problem list
Workshop Mathematical Foundations of Geometric Algorithms
Show Schedules
- David Mount: Approximate Voronoi diagrams
- Annamaria Amenta: Complexity and computation of 3D Delaunay triangulations
- Jonathan Shewchuk: Anisotropic Voronoi diagrams and guaranteed-quality anisotropic mesh generation Anisotropic Voronoi diagrams and guaranteed-quality Anisotropic Voronoi diagrams and guaranteed-quality anisotropic mesh generation
- Jack Snoeyink: Pragmatic point ordering for Delaunay tessellation Pragmatic point ordering for Delaunay tessellation in 3D and 4D
- Meir Smorodinsky: On conflict-free colorings
- Pankaj Agarwal: Geometric approximation using core sets
- Sariel Har-Peled: On core sets and shape fitting in high dimensions
- Joseph Mitchell: On some geometric optimal path and network problems problems
- Leo Guibas: What is new with kinetic data structures?
- Subhash Suri: Problems on the interface of geometry and economics
- Bernd Gaertner: Linear algebra and LP-type problems
- Marie-Francoise Roy: Bernstein basis and real rool isolation
- Thorsten Theobald: Computational complexity of stabbing, visibility and radii computations
- Boris Aronov: Efficient algorithms for bichromatic separability
- Santosh Vempala: How to compute the volume?
- Eti Ezra: Output-sensitive construction of the union of triangles
- Adrian Dumitrescu: Monotone paths in line arrangements with a small number of directions
- Kasturi Varadarajan: Bipartite perfect matching in the plane
- Yusu Wang: Capturing topological and geometric features of molecular surfaces for protein docking
- Patrice Koehl: Protein shape descriptors
- Timothy Chan: Approximation algorithms for diameter, width, and related problems
- Csaba Toth: Binary space partitions
- Ulrich Wagner: Learning about manifolds from samples
- Yi-Jen Chiang: Progressive simplification of tetrahedral meshes preserving all isosurface topologies
- Bernard Chazelle: Geometric computing with uncertain, missing, or overabundant data
Workshop Introductory Workshop in Discrete and Computational Geometry
Show Schedules
- Robin Forman: Topics in Combinatorial Differential Geometry, II
- 4-Dimensional Polytopes, II
- 4-Dimensional Polytopes, I
- Jeffrey Lagarias: Quasicrystals and Discrete Geometry
- Joel Hass: Minimal Surfaces and Normal Surfaces in 3-Manifolds, I
- Erik Demaine: Folding and Unfolding: Linkage Folding
- Bernd Sturmfels: Tropical Geometry, I
- Joel Hass: Minimal Surfaces and Normal Surfaces in 3-Manifolds, II
- Jeffrey Lagarias: Density of Sphere Packings
- Erik Demaine: Folding and Unfolding: Computational Origami
- Bernd Sturmfels: Tropical Geometry, II
- Ronald Graham: Euclidean Ramsey Theory
- Günter Ziegler: 4-Dimensional Polytopes
- Ronald Graham: Packing Equal Discs in Planar Regions
- Folding and Unfolding: Folding Polygons to Convex Polyhedra
- Joseph O'Rourke: Folding and Unfolding: Folding Polygons to Convex Polyhedra
- Günter Ziegler: 4-Dimensional Polytopes
- Ulrich Wagner: k-Sets and j-Facets
- Joseph O'Rourke: Folding and Unfolding: Unfolding Polyhedra
- Gil Kalai: Graphs and Skeleta of Polytopes, I
- David Eppstein: Computational Geometry and Robust Statistics
- Richard Gardner: Discrete Tomography: a Survey
- Gil Kalai: Graphs and Skeleta of Polytopes, II
- David Eppstein: Hyperbolic Geometry, Moebius Transformations and Geometric Optimization
- Richard Gardner: Reconstruction of Convex Bodies of Brightness Functions
- Annamaria Amenta: Finding Objects in the Delaunay Triangulation
- János Pach: Geometric Graph Theory, I
- Alexander Barvinok: Complexity of Convex Bodies in Higher Dimensions, I
- Robin Forman: Topics in Combinatorial Differential Geometry
- Annamaria Amenta: Actually Doing It: Algorithms and Programs for 3D Delaunay Triangulation
- János Pach: Geometric Graph Theory, II
- Alexander Barvinok: Complexity of Convex Bodies in Higher Dimensions, II
- Imre Barany: Algebraic Topology Applied in Geometry
Workshop Von Neumann Symposium on Complex Geometry, Calibrations, and Special Holonomy
Show Schedules
- Robert Bryant: Holonomy 1
- Zhiqin Lu: Complex Geometry 1
- Richard Thomas: Gauge Theory 1
- Robert Bryant: Holonomy 2
- H. Blaine Lawson: Calibrations 1
- Zhiqin Lu: Complex Geometry 2
- Richard Thomas: Gauge Theory 2
- Robert Bryant: Holonomy 3
- H. Blaine Lawson: Calibrations 2
- Zhiqin Lu: Complex Geometry 3
- Charles Thomas: Gauge Theory 3
- Robert Bryant: Holonomy 4
- H. Blaine Lawson: Calibrations 3
- Zhiqin Lu: Complex Geometry 4
- Charles Thomas: Gauge Theory 4
- Gang Tian: Kahler metrics and holomorphic foliations
- Sung Wang: Calibrated submanifolds with boundary: compact special Legendrian surfaces in $$S^5$$
- Oscar Garcia-Prada: Representations of surface groups and Hermitian symetric spaces
- Robert Bryant: Closed ${\rm G}_2$ structures
- Anda Degeratu: Crepant resolutions of Calabi-Yau orbifolds
- Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel: Second order families of special Lagrangian 4-folds
- Spiro Karigiannis: Deformations of Sturctures on Manifolds
- François Labourie: The geometry of representations of surface groups in $$SL(n,R)$$
- Naichung Leung: Instantos and Lagrangians on manifolds with vector cross
- xiaowei wang: Flat Lagrangian submanifolds in $$C^n$$ and $$CP^n$$
- Shengli Kong: Constructing $${\rm G}_2$$-metrics from nearly K\"ahler manifolds
- Bernd Ammann: On a nonlinear Dirac equation and constant mean curvature surfaces
- Weiqing Gu: Examples of associative, co-associative, and Cayley submanifolds
- Xiaobo Liu: Volume minimizing cycles in compact Lie groups
- Richard Thomas: Constant scalar curvature metrics and the stability of Constant scalar curvature metrics and the stability of algebraic varieties
- Emma Carberry: Minimal Lagrangian tori in CP^2 come in real families of every dimension
- Zhiqin Lu: Generalized Hodge metrics and BCOV torsion