Workshop Quantitative Geometry in Computer Science
Show Schedules
- Tutorial I - Nikhil Srivastava
- Jelani Nelson: Estimation of Small Norms in Data Streams
- Jonathan Kelner: Electrical Flows, Laplacian Systems and Faster Approximation of Maximum Flow in Undirected Graphs
- James Lee: Multi-Way Spectral Partitioning and Higher-Order Cheeger Inequalities
- Tutorial II - Nikhil Srivastava
- Ilias Diakonikolas: A Nearly Optimal Solution for the Chow Parameters Problem and Applications
- Adam Klivans: Recent Developments in Learning Convex Sets
- Ryan O'Donnell: Gaussian Noise Sensitivity
- Tutorial III - Nikhil Srivastava
- Oded Regev: Information Theoretic Techniques in Theoretical Computer Science I
- Shubhangi Saraf: Incidence Geometry and Applications in Theoretical Computer Science
- Oded Regev: Information Theoretic Techniques in Theoretical Computer Science II
- Kunal Talwar: Nearest Neighbor Search and Metric Expansion
- Mihai Patrascu: A New Infinity of Distance Oracles for Sparse Graphs
- Santosh Vempala: Algorithmic Applications of M-Ellipsoids
- Oded Regev: Information Theoretic Techniques in Theoretical Computer Science III
- Tight Bounds for Distributed Functional Monitoring - David Woodruff
- Remarks on Coresets for Minimum Enclosing Ellipsoids - Ken Clarkson
Workshop Chern Centennial Conference
Show Schedules
- Welcome Reception / Unveiling of Chern Statue
- World Premiere of "Taking the Long View: The Life of Shiing-Shen Chern"
- Reminiscences - James Simons
- Kenji Fukaya: Open-Closed Gromov-Witten theory and Floer homology
- Mark Gross - Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry
- Joel Fine: The diversity of symplectic 6-manifolds with vanishing first Chern class
- Toshiyuki Kobayashi: Analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces
- Jian Song - Kahler-Ricci flow and analytic minimal model program
- Gang Tian - Curavture flow on symplectic manifolds
- Clara Löh: Functorial semi-norms in homology and geometry
- Rahul Pandharipande - The tautological ring of the moduli space of curves
- Jeanne Clelland: Equivalence of geometric structures in control theory via moving frames
- Song Sun: Compact Sasaki manifolds with positive transverse bisectional curvature
- Dusa McDuff: Embedding problems in symplectic geometry
- Nigel Hitchin - Poisson geometry and bihermitian geometry
- Katrin Wendland: K3 surfaces and the Mathieu group $M_{24}$
- Patrick Foulon - Finsler Geometry and Dynamics
- Fernando Marques: Scalar curvature: rigidity and nonrigidity results
- Michael Eastwood: Complexes of differential operators
- Jeff Cheeger - Lower bounds on Ricci curvature and quantitative behavior of singular sets
- Tobias Colding - Harmonic functions and finite generation of fundamental groups
- Frank Pacard - Constant mean curvature surfaces in Riemannian manifolds
- Bennett Chow: Some estimates for gradient Ricci solitons
- Stefan Friedl - Symplectic 4-manifolds of the form S^1 x N
- Marco Gualtieri: On the construction of Lie groupoids
- Simon Brendle: Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in deSitter-Schwarzschild space
- Jeff Streets - Geometric flows in complex geometry
- Matthias Schwarz: Floer Homology and Loop Space Topology
- Vincent Minerbe: Classification results for gravitational instantons
- Aaron Nabor - Quantitative Stratification and regularity for harmonic maps and minimal currents
Workshop Embedding Problems in Banach Spaces and Group Theory
Show Schedules
- Bruce Kleiner: Embedding 1-dimensional spaces in L_1
- Sean Li: Discretization and Affine Approximation in High Dimensions
- Mark Sapir: Aspherical groups and manifolds with extreme properties
- Florent Baudier: Embeddings into reflexive Banach spaces
- John Roe: Embedding Questions and Index Theory
- Olivier Guédon: Sparsity and Non-Euclidean Embeddings
- Mikhail Ostrovskii: Low-Distortion Embeddings of Graphs with Large Girth
- Dennis Dreesen: The Behaviour of (Equivariant) Hilbert Space Compression under Group Constructions
- Guoliang YU: Fibred Embedding into Hilbert Space and its Applications
- Nirina Randrianarivony: Asymptotic geometry of Banach spaces and uniform quotient maps
- Yuval Peres: Embeddings of Groups into Hilbert Space and Speed of Random Walks
- Michael Doré: Planar valued Lipschitz functions on Hilbert spaces
- Olga Maleva: Thin Sets, Differentiability of Functions and Geometric Measure Theory
- Romain Tessera: Embedding Nilpotent Groups into Banach Spaces
- Jeff Cheeger: Quantitative Differentiation
- Eva Kopecka: Extending Lipschitz Mappings Continuously
Workshop Probabilistic Reasoning in Quantitative Geometry
Show Schedules
- Keith Ball: Gaussian Surface Area and Noise Sensitivity
- Russell Lyons: Uniform Isoperimetric Constants via Random Forests
- Yuval Peres: Markov Type and Embedding Obstructions
- Gideon Schechtman: Fine Estimates in Dvoretzky\'s Theorem
- Tuomas Hytönen: Random Cubes in a Metric Space with Application to Singular Integrals with Non-doubling Measures
- Gilles Pisier: Random Matrices, Exact Operator Spaces and Non-commutative Grothendieck Theorem
- Almut Burchard: Random Sequences of Simple Rearrangements
- Perla Sousi: New Applications of Rearrangement Inequalities
- Rachel Ward: Near-equivalence of the Restricted Isometry Property and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
- Bálint Virág: Speed exponents for random walks on groups
- Emmanuel Breuillard: Random Cayley Graphs and Expanders for Finite Simple Groups
- Manor Mendel: Calculus for Nonlinear Spectral Gaps
- Elchanan Mossel: Optimal Gaussian Partitions
- François Ledrappier: Entropies for Covers of Compact Manifolds
- Assaf Naor: Probabilistic Tools in Nonlinear Dvoretzky Theory
- Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann: Homogeneous Finite-Simensional Banach Spaces and Random Projections of Convex Bodies
- Alexander Volberg: Random Geometric Constructions for the Sharp Estimates of Singular Operators
- Anders Karlsson: Homomorphisms from Random Walks
- Alexandr Andoni: Near-Linear Lower Bound for Dimension Reduction in L1
- Ronen Eldan: The effect of dimensionality on the stability in the Brunn-Minkowski inequality: A blessing or a curse? A joint work with Bo'az Klartag
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Quantitative Geometry
Show Schedules
- Shmuel Weinberger: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Algebraic Topology
- Danial Kane: Noise Sensitivity of Polynomial Threshold Functions
- Bruce Kleiner: Differentiability and Bilipschitz Embedding in Banach Spaces
- Alessio Figalli: Optimal Transport and Applications to Functional Inequalities
- Tatiana Toro: Tangent Measures and Applications
- Van Vu: Progress and Problems in the Theory of Random Matrices
- Yves Benoist: Invariant Subsets on Homogeneous Spaces
- Larry Guth: Contraction of Areas and Homotopy Types of Mappings
- Emmanuel Breuillard: Approximate Groups and Hilbert 5th Problem
- Pierre Pansu: Lp-Cohomology and Pinching
- William Johnson: Commutators of Operators on Banach Spaces
- Oded Regev: Games with Entanglement
- Ursula Hamenstaedt: Contracting Geodesics
- Stefan Wenger: Isoperimetric Filling Problems and Large Scale Geometry
- Tobias Colding: Singularities and Dynamics of Mean Curvature Flow
Workshop Connections for Women in Quantitative Geometry
Show Schedules
- Eva Kopecka: Products of Projections I
- Ursula Hamenstaedt: Metric Distortion in Groups I
- Almut Burchard: Symmetrization in Analysis I
- Marianna Csornyei: Tangents of Null Sets and of Sets of Positive Measure
- Almut Burchard: Symmetrization in Analysis II
- Marianna Csornyei: Tangents of Null Sets and of Sets of Positive Measure
- Eva Kopecka: Products of Projections II
- Ursula Hamenstaedt: Metric Distortion in Groups II
Summer Graduate School Cluster Algebras and Cluster Combinatorics
Show Schedules
- Welcome to MSRI
- Lauren Williams: Lecture
- Nathan Reading: Lecture
- Lauren Williams: Lecture
- Nathan Reading: Lecture
- Lauren Williams: Lecture
- Nathan Reading: Lecture
- Lauren Williams: Lecture
- Nathan Reading: Lecture
- Lauren Williams: Lecture
- Nathan Reading: Lecture
- Ralf Schiffler: Lecture
- Gregg Musiker: Lecture
- Ralf Schiffler: Lecture
- Gregg Musiker: Lecture
- Ralf Schiffler: Lecture
- Gregg Musiker: Lecture
- Ralf Schiffler: Lecture
- Gregg Musiker: Lecture
- Ralf Schiffler: Lecture
- Gregg Musiker: Lecture
- Break
- Future Topics