Workshop Initial Data and Evolution Problems in General Relativity
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- Piotr Bizon: Simple nonlinear waves on curved manifolds
- Hans Ringström: Stability and instability of spatially homogeneous solutions in the T^2 symmetric setting
- Stefanos Aretakis: Conservation laws for the wave equation and applications
- Sergiu Klainerman: The formation of Trapped Surfaces
- Anil Zenginoglu: Hyperboloidal Evolution and Applications
- Jeremie Szeftel: The resolution of the bounded L2 curvature conjecture in general relativity
- Mihalis Dafermos: Black hole stability backwards and forwards
- Richard Schoen: Approximating general data by optimally flat data"
- Romain Gicquaud: Constraint equations on compact manifolds with boundary (Join work with Emmanuel Humbert and Ngo Quoc Anh
- Rafe Mazzeo: The Nahm pole boundary conditions for the KW equations
- Anna Sakovich: A Jang equation approach to the positive mass theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
- Daniel Tataru: Decay of scalar and electromagnetic waves on black hole backgrounds
- Caleb Meier: Applications of Bifurcation Analysis to the Einstein Constraint Equations
- Dan Lee: The Penrose inequality for asymptotically locally hyperbolic spaces with nonpositive mass
- Justin Corvino: Density and deformation theorems for the Einstein constraint equations.
- Gustav Holzegel: Linear Stability of the Schwarzschild Solution
- Jonathan Luk: Weak null singularities in general relativity
Workshop Fluid Mechanics, Hamiltonian Dynamics, and Numerical Aspects of Optimal Transportation
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- VILLANI Cedric: Optimal transport and curvature -- theorems and problems
- Mikhail Feldman: Lagrangian solutions of semigeostrophic system with singular initial data
- Maria Colombo: Existence of distributional solutions to the semigeostrophic equations
- Yann Brenier: Level set volume preserving diffusions
- Allen Tannenbaum: Optimal Mass Transport in Medical Imaging Computation
- Haomin Zhou: Fokker-Planck equations, Free Energy, and Markov Processes on Graphs
- Eldad Haber: Imaging of flow in porous media from reconstruction to prediction
- Edouard Oudet: Convexity constraint and related problems
- Michael Cullen: Free upper boundary value problems for the semi-geostrophic equations
- Jean David Benamou: A PDE approach to computing viscosity solutions of the Monge-Kantorovich problem
- Andrea Bertozzi: Blowup Dynamics for Nonlocal Transport Problems
- Gerard Awanou: Standard Finite Elements for the Numerical Resolution of the Elliptic Monge-Ampère Equation
- Björn Birnir: Simulations of Fluvial Landscapes and Optimal Transport
- Gero Friesecke: Density functional theory and optimal transportation with Coulomb cost
- Felix Otto: Demixing in viscous fluids: a connection with optimal transportation
- Nader Masmoudi: Nonlinear inviscid damping in 2D Euler
- Boris Khesin: Fluids, vortex sheets, and skew-mean-curvature flows
- Alexis Vasseur: Relative entropy applied to shocks for Conservation Laws and applications
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Mathematical Relativity
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- Daniel Pollack: Spacetime Geometry: A Setting for General Relativity
- Daniel Pollack: The Einstein Field Equations: A PDE Perspective
- David Maxwell: The conformal method of constructing Cauchy data for the Einstein equations
- Pieter Blue: Introduction to decay of fields outside black holes.
- David Maxwell: The conformal method of constructing Cauchy data for the Einstein equations
- Mihalis Dafermos: The cosmic censorship conjectures
- Pieter Blue: Further topics in decay of fields outside black holes.
- Mihalis Dafermos: The cosmic censorship conjectures
- Mu-Tao Wang: Quasi-local mass in general relativity
- Lydia Bieri: Null hypersurfaces in Lorentzian spacetimes
- Lan-Hsuan Huang: Density Theorems for the Einstein Constraint Equations
- Marc Mars: An introduction to the Penrose inequality conjecture
- Mu-Tao Wang: Quasi-local mass in general relativity
- Lydia Bieri: Gravitational radiation - a geometric-analytic approach
- Hans Ringström: Cosmology
Workshop Connections for Women: Mathematical General Relativity
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- Lan-Hsuan Huang: Hypersurfaces with non-negative scalar curvature
- Manuela Campanelli: Binary black holes in strong field gravity, gravitational waves and electromagnetic signatures from their accretion disks
- Carla Cederbaum: Geometrostatics: The Geometry of Static Spacetimes in General Relativity
- Qian Wang: A vector field approach for sharp local well-posedness of quasiliner wave equations
- Chen-Yun Lin: On Hamilton’s Ricci flow and Bartnik’s construction of metrics of prescribed scalar curvature
- Jocelyn Read: From perturbation to observation: measuring the response of neutron stars
- Shabnam Beheshti: Integrability meets Control Theory: Harmonic Maps in General Relativity
- Deirdre Shoemaker: The Hunt for Gravitational Waves and Black Holes
- Tanja Bode: Lighting up Binary Supermassive Black Holes: Probing the Dynamical Spacetimes of Mergers
- Anna Sakovich: On the mass of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
- Kristen Moore: Marginally outer trapped surfaces and "null" mean curvature flows
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Optimal Transport: Geometry and Dynamics
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- Luis Caffarelli: Some non local versions of the Monge Ampere equation
- Robert McCann: Optimal transport: old and new
- Tatiana Toro: Determining the regularity of a measure via the Wasserstein distance
- Nicola Gigli: Optimal transport and lower Ricci curvature bounds
- Filippo Santambrogio: Prescribed-divergence problems in optimal transportation
- Robert McCann: Optimal transport: old and new
- Xu-Jia Wang: Regularity in optimal transportation
- Filippo Santambrogio: Prescribed-divergence problems in optimal transportation
- Jan Maas: Optimal transport in non-commutative probability
- Katy Craig: Gradient Flow in the 2-Wasserstein Metric: a Crandall and Liggett type proof of the exponential formula
- Adrian Butscher: Numerical Computation of Soft Harmonic Maps
- Nicola Gigli: Optimal transport and lower Ricci curvature bounds
- Guido De Philippis: Partial regularity of optimal transport maps
- Robert McCann: Optimal transport: old and new
- Benoît Kloeckner: Optimal transport and dynamics of expanding circle maps
- Filippo Santambrogio: Prescribed-divergence problems in optimal transportation
- Nicola Gigli: Optimal transport and lower Ricci curvature bounds
- Guofang Wei: Monotonicity Formulas for Bakry-Emery Ricci Curvature
- Christian Leonard: The Schrödinger problem: a probabilistic analogue of optimal transport. Application to discrete metric graphs
Workshop Connections for Women on Optimal Transport: Geometry and Dynamics
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- Christina Sormani: Convergence of Riemannian manifolds and Metric Measure Spaces
- Sun-Yung Chang: Higher order isoperimetric inequalities - an approach via the method of optimal transport
- Julie Delon: Applications of optimal transportation and Wasserstein barycenters in computer vision, image and video processing.
- Andrea Bertozzi, Sun-Yung Chang, Marina Chugunova, Eleonora Cinti, Wilfrid Gangbo, Maria Westdickenberg: Panel Discussion
- Eleonora Cinti: Pattern formation, optimal transport and interpolation inequalities
- Marina Chugunova: Mass concentration phenomena for the long-wave unstable thin-film equation
- Claudia Kluppelberg: Density functional theory and optimal transportation with Coulomb cost