Registration Deadline: | September 11, 2006 over 18 years ago |
To apply for Funding you must register by: | June 18, 2006 over 18 years ago |
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Show List of Speakers
- Andrew Blumberg (Columbia University)
- Peter Bubenik (University of Florida)
- Sarah Day
- Vin de Silva
- Robert Ghrist
- John Harer
- Tigran Ishkhanov
- Melvin Leok (University of California, San Diego)
- Facundo Memoli (Ohio State University)
- Yuriy Mileyko
- Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers University)
- Steve Oudot
- Steve Smale (University of California, Berkeley)
- Jonathan Taylor
- Yusu Wang (Univ. California, San Diego)
- Afra Zomorodian
It is becoming increasingly clear that algebraic topology can be applied effectively in to a number of applied problems in science and engineering. Some of these problems are:
Protein docking
Algorithmic and geometric problems in robotics
Exploratory and qualitative analysis of high-dimensional data sets
Coverage and routing problems for networks of sensors
Analysis of chaotic non-linear dynamical systems
The purpose of this workshop is to survey the state of the various applications, to allow the investigators to share ideas about them, and to generate new applications. Both mathematicians as well as practitioners in science and engineering are invited to participate, so that new classes of problems can be proposed as candidates for the use of algebraic topological methods. Invited speakers include: Steve Smale (University of California, Berkeley), Susan Holmes (Stanford University), Sarah Day (Cornell University), Jonathan Taylor (Stanford University), Steve Yann Oudot (Stanford University), Konstantin Mischaikow (Georgia Institute of Technology) , John Harer (Duke University),William Kalies (Florida Atlantic University), Persi Diaconis (Stanford University), Andrew Blumberg (Stanford University), Thomas Wanner (George Mason University), Gunnar Clarson (Stanford University), Robert Ghrist (,University of Illinois), Peter Bubenik (Cleveland State University), Yusu Wang (Ohio State University), Afra Zomorodian (Dartmouth College),Yuriy Mileyko (Duke University), Tigran Ishkanov (Stanford University), Facundo Mémoli (Stanford University), Vin de Silva (Stanford University).
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Secondary AMS MSC
Show Funding
To apply for funding, you must register by the funding application deadline displayed above.
Students, recent PhDs, women, and members of underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Funding awards are typically made 6 weeks before the workshop begins. Requests received after the funding deadline are considered only if additional funds become available.
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For information about recommended hotels for visits of under 30 days, visit Short-Term Housing. Questions? Contact
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Sep 18, 2006 Monday |
Sep 19, 2006 Tuesday |
Sep 20, 2006 Wednesday |
Sep 21, 2006 Thursday |
Sep 22, 2006 Friday |