Workshop Geometric and Topological Aspects of Group Theory
Show Schedules
- Uniform exponential growth
- Negative curvature and residual finiteness
- Ruth Charney: Automorphisms of Coxeter groups
- Karen Vogtmann: The geometry of spaces of finite labelled trees
- Martin Bridson: Combings of groups and grammatical complexity
- Kevin Whyte: The large scale geometry of graphs of groups
- Lee Mosher: Quasi-actions on trees
- Mladen Bestvina: Van Kampen's embedding obstruction for discrete groups
- Pushouts (after Serre and Gersten-Stallings)
- Mark Feighn: The topology at infinity of Out(F_n)
- Noel Brady: Dimensions of CAT(0) E(G) and underline[Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "E" hasn't been defined.] (G) spaces
- Smallish knots in small 3-manifolds
- Boundary slopes of knots, and 3-manifolds with cyclic fundamental group
- Peter Scott: Canonical splittings of groups and of 3-manifolds
- Abelian subgroups of Out(F_n)
- CAT(0) cube complexes and the Kropholler-Roller conjecture
Workshop Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
Show Schedules
- Nonassociative geometry?
- Completion of solvable enveloping algebras at the clique of the augmentation ideal
- PBW basis for certain Schur algebras
- Hanspeter Kraft: Computational Invariant Theory: A survey and some new developments
- Mikhail Kapranov: Noncommutative Neighborhoods and Noncommutative Fourier Transform Abstract Received
- Victor Ginzburg: Noncommutative Geometry and Calogero-Moser Space
- Timothy Hodges: Degeneration of R-matrices
- William Crawley-Boevey: Singularities Arising from Quivers
- Edward Letzter: Is There a Computational Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry?
- James Zhang: Some Applications of Dualizing Complexes
- Eric Vasserot: Quiver Varieties with Symmetries
- Georgia Benkart: Down-up Algebras and Some Generalizations
- Iain Gordon: Blocks of Enveloping Algebras in Positice Characteristic and Relates Algebras
- Lutz Hille: Toric Quiver Varieties
- Aidan Schofield: Division Algebras and Moduli Spaces
- Jerzy Weyman: Quiver Representations and Invariant Theory
- Andrzej Skowronski: Tame Algebras and Complete Intersections
- Grzegorz Zwara: Smooth Morphisms of Module Varieties
- Henning Andersen: Quantum Analogues of Cohomology of Vector Bundles on Flag Varieties
- Yan Soibelman: On Some Questions of Deformation Theory and Noncommunative Geometry
- Amnon Yekutieli: The Auslander Condition and Perverse Sheaves
- Christof Geiss: Derived Tame Tree Algebras
- Darin Stephenson: Weighted Quantum Polynomial Rings
- Rajesh Kulkarni: Clifford Algebra of a Binary Form
- Sholto Smith: Intersection Theory for Noncommutative Surfaces
- David Patrick: Blowing-up Noncommunative Weighted Projective Spaces
- Izuru Mori: Intersection Multiplicity Over Noncommunative Algebras
- Thierry Levasseur: Invariant Differential Operators Under the Action of a Reductive Group
- Gerald Schwarz: Finite Dimensional Representatives of Invariant Differential Operators
- Severino Coutinho: Holomorphic Foliations and Nonholonomic Modules
- Colin Ingalls: Quantum Toric Varieties
- Jacques Alev: Hochshild (co)homology of Certain Algebras of Invariant Differential Operators
- Michaela Vancliff: The Points of Quadratic Algebras
- Alexei Bondal: A Sympectic Groupoid of Triangular Bilinear Forms and the Braid Group
- Daniel Chan: Noncommutative Polarization
- Daniel Levcovitz: Algebraic D-modules and Characteristic Varieties
- Nicolai Reshetikhin: Integrability of Characteristic Systems
- Jean-Luc Brylinski: Chern-Simons Theory and Bundles of Infinite-Dimensional Matrix Algebras
- Alexander Rosenberg: Noncommutative Schemes and Spaces
- Dennis Keeler: Sigma-Ample Divisors
- Ranee Brylinski: Is There Equivariant Deformation Quanitization
Workshop Mathematics of Quantum Computation
Show Schedules
- Richard Jozsa: Quantum Information and Compression
- Andrew Yao: Quantum Protocols
- Sumnit Daftuar: How Many Demensions are Needed for Catalysts of Entanglement Transformations?
- Ashwin Nayak: OHolevo's Theorem and Its implications for Quantum Communication and Computation
- Quantum Lower Bounds by Quantum Arguments
- Michael Freedman: A Topological Modular Functor Which is Universal for Quantum Computation
- Robert Solovay: Lie Groups and Quantum Circuits
- Zhenghan Wang: A Modular Functor Which is Universal for Quantum Computation
- Fourier Sampling Arbitrary Periodic Functions
- Samuel Lomonaco: The Non-Abelian Fourier Transform and Quantum Computation
- Daniel Gordon: Group Theory and Quantum Error Correction
- Dorit Aharonov: Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing
- Daniel Lidar: JUniversal Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation on Decoherence-Free Subspaces
- Miklos Santha: A Self-Testin of Universal and Fault-Tolerant Sets of Quantum Gates
- Mary Beth Ruskai: Minimal Entropy of States Emerging from Noisy Channels
- Nolan Wallach: Extrema for Entropy of n-qubit States and Quantum Error Correcting Codes
- Isaac Chuang: Quantum Computers: Physical Implementation
- Timothy Havel: Geometric Algebre Methods for Quantum Information Processing
- Leonard Schulman: Molecular Scale Heat Engines and Scalable Quantum Computation
- Trading Entanglement for Communication
- Alexei Kitaev: Fermionic Quantum Computation
Workshop Combinatorial Algebra
Show Schedules
- Grobner-Shirshov Basis Theory for Irreducible sl_[Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "n" hasn't been defined.] -Modules
- Speciality of Lie-Jordan Algebras
- Charles Leedham-Green: On the Classification of p-Groups and Prop-Groups
- Ana Vieira: Identities in the Lower Central Series of the Gupta-Sidki 3-Group and the Iterated Wreath Product of Z-p
- Alexander Retakh: Simple Conformal Algebras of Finite Growth
- Vladislav Kharchenko: A Combinatorial Approach to Quantizations of Lie Algebras
- Victor Petrogradsky: the Hierarchies of Growth and Generating Functions for Lie Algebras
- Antonio Giambruno: On Minimal Varieties of Associative Algebras and Eponential Growth
- Bernd Sturmfels: Noncommutative Grobner Bases for Commutative Algebras
- Leonid Bokut: Grobner-Shirshov Bases and the Composition Diamond Lemma For Associative Conformal Algebras
- Rostislav Grigorchuk: The theory and Applications of Branch Groups
- Victor Ufnarovski: Noncommutative Computer Algebra: What Can be Done?
- Vladimir Shpilrain: Measuring Sets in a Free Group
- victor kac: Integrable Representations of Affine SuperAlgebras and Appel'sFunction
- Yiftach Barnea: Representations of Free Pr-p Groups
- Chongying Dong: Vertex Operator Algebras, Quantum Double and Dual Pairs
- Elena Poletaeva: Superconformal Algebras, Semi0infinite Cohomolgy and Lie Superalgebras of the Hodge Theory
- Michael Roitman: Universal Constructions in the Theory of Conformal and Vertex Algebras
- Olivier Mathieu: Classification of Weight Modules
- Rosa Orellana: g-Centralizer Algebras for Spin Groups
- Dmitriy Rumynin: Amitsur-Levitski Theorem and reduced Enveloping Algebras
- Maria Gorelik: On Theorems of Kostant and Duflo for Lie Superalgebras
- Isay Kantor: A Vector Field Formula for the Lie Algebra of a Homogeneous Space
- Martin Liebeck: Powers of Classes in Simple Groups and Applications
- Benjamin Klopsch: Pro-p Groups of Linear Subgroup Growth
- Jie-Tai Yu: Some Remarkson Nagata's Problem
- Vera Serganova: On Wieght Representations of Lie Algebras and Generalized Harish-Chandra Modules
- Igor Pak: Generating Random Group Elements
- Yuri Bahturin: Identities of Graded Algebras
Workshop Computational Algebraic Analysis
Show Schedules
- Toshinori Oaku: Free Resolutions in Algorithms for D-Modules
- Toby Stafford: Inveriant Holonomic Systems on Reductive Lie Algebras
- Carlos Berenstein: An Effective Nullstellensatz in Arbitrary Characteristics
- I-Chiau Huang: A Concrete Realization of the Bott Formula
- Harrison Tsai: Computation of Homomorphism between Holonomic D-Modules
- Anton Leykin: Toward a Definitive Computation of Berstein-Sato Polynomials
- Michel Granger: The Standard Fan of an Analytic D-module
- Alicia Dickenstein: Rational Hypergeometric Functions
- Niky Kamran: Non-linear Differential Operators with Invariant Subspaces of Analytic Functions and Seperation of Variables
- Timur Sadykov: Ohorn System of Partial Differential Equations and Series of Hypergeometric Type
- Fumitsuna Maruyama: The F4 Algorithm in the Weyl Algebra
- Frédéric Chyzak: Algorithmic Proof of Combinatorial Idnetities of Holonomic Type
- Robin Pemantle: Extracting Coefficients of Meromorphic Functions of Several Variables
- Gregory Smith: Irreducible Components of Characteristic Varieties
- Bruno Salvy: Computation of Convolution Integrals
- Andrei Gabrielov: mRational Functions With Real Critical Points, Real Schubert Calculus, and a Conjecture of Shapiro and Shapiro
- Jose Ucha: On Annd(1/f) and Some D-modules of Dimension 2
- Mikael Passare: Multiple Laurent Seeries and Amoebas
- Tewodros Amdeberhan: WZ and q-WZ Cohomology: from Hard Core to Computational