Workshop Combinatorial Game Theory Research Workshop
Show Schedules
- Coin-moving puzzles
- Howard Landman: Alternate proof of the periodicity of the Sprague Grundy Function of Wythoff's Game
- Matthew Cook: Still Life
- Bill Fraser: Analysis Tools: "Brute-Force" and "Winsolve"
- Elwyn Berlekamp: Environmental Go
- Bill Spight: Analysis of the 4/21/98 Jiang-Rui endgame
- Jurg Nievergelt: Half-a-centrury of computer chess: The ongest running
- Cristopher Moore: Who wins Domineering on recutangular boards
- Vadim Anshelevich: The game of Hex: The hierarchiical approach
- Fabian Maeser: Global threats in conbinatorial games: A computation model with applications to chess endgames
- Tom Ferguson: Another form of Matrix Nim
- Wolfgang Slany: A symmetric strategy in graph avoidance games
- Len Haff: A natural map of numbers and combinatorial games
- Raymond Snatzke: Amazons
- Richard Nowakowski: The game of End-Nim
- Katherine Scott: Looney dots and boxes endgame
- Jeremiah Farrell: Games on "Word Configurations"
- Matthew Ginsberg: Games of chance: Extending computational technoques to games of imperfect information
- Arthur Benjamin: Le Her
- Cristopher Moore: One dimensional Peg Solitaire
- John Conway: Infinite Games
- Scott Huddleston: Transfinity Chomp
- Jacob Lurie: Vines
- Aviezri Fraenkel: Two-player games on cellular automata
- David Wolfe: Go endgames are hard
- David Eppstein: Searching for spaceships
- Dong Kim: A decodeing scheme for 4-ary lexicodes with minimum distance 4
- Robert McEliece: How close to Maximum Likelihood is iterative (Turb) Decoding?
- Gadiel Seroussi: Elliptic curves/cryptology
- Martin Müller: Arrows: A program that plays Amazons
- Solomon Golomb: Hypercube Tic-Tac-Toe
- Takenobu Takizawa: An application of Mathematical Game theory to Go Endgames: Some Width-Two-Entrance Rooms with/without Kos
- David Moews: The abstract structure of the group of games
- Solomon Golomb: The influences of algebraic geometry of curves over finite fields on coding
- Fast Implementations of Berlekamp's BCH Decoding Algorithm
- Jonathan Schaeffer: The games computers
- Exponential sums and improved minimum distance bounds for codes and improvements on the Chevalley-Warning and Ax-Katz results
Workshop Mathematics and Computational Biology of Genome Analysis
Show Schedules
- Active conservation of noncoding sequences revealed by cross species comparsions
- Identification of Modified Proteins by Tandem Mass-Spectrometry
- Making the Most of Microarray Experiments
- An Integrated View of Bioinformatics for both Genomics and Proteomics
- A model-based expression index from oligonucleotide expression arrays.
- Finding Needles in Haystacks: Tools for Finding Structure in Large Datasets .
- Genetic Variation in the NIDDM1 Region .
- Amir Ben-Dor: Computational Methods in Analyzing Gene Expression Data .
- LINKAGE ANALYSIS; past, present and future
- G-protein control of electrically active tissue
Summer Graduate School MSRI/PMMB Short Course: Mathematical and Computational Challenges in Molecular and Cell Biology
Show Schedules
- Geometry and Topology of DNA
- Extracting Regulatory Motifs from Genomes and Microarray data
- How are centimeter-long chromosomes dealt with inside micron-scalecells?
- Construction of human expressed sequence tag (EST) contigs and their usein estimating gene number
- Elastic properties of twisted stretched single DNA
- Linkage Analysis of Complex Human Traits Using Identity by Descent Data
- RNA Structure and Function
- Singular Value Decomposition for Genome-Wide Expression Data Processing and Modeling
- Large-scale conformational properties of DNA
- Modern Theory of Gel Electrophoresis
- DNA Knots
- Basic Biology for NonBiologists
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
- Transertion, gene silencing, and DNA supercoiling in bacteria
- Prediction and design of protein structures and folding mechanisms
- Some Combinatorial and Algorithmic Problems Related to DNA Microarrays
- Mechanisms of DNA Unlinking and Chromosome Segregation
- DNA Sequence and Three-dimensional Structure
- The Mathematics of Gene Recognition
- Protein Structure Prediction
- Molecular evolution and database searching
- Chromosome maps