Workshop Statistical Challenges for Meta-Analysis of Medical and Health-Policy Data
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- Sander Greenland: The need for multiple-bias modeling in meta-analysis and pooled analysis
- Paul Holland: Equating of measures: Report from the workshop
- I. Allen: Instability in the Fail-Safe Number and an alternative approach
- Phil Poole: The value of prospectively planned integrated analyses across a drug development programme
- Stephen Walter: Meta-analysis of diagnostic test data
- Vanja Dukic: Meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy assessment studies with varying number of cutpoints
- Michael Ortiz: Evaluating therapeutic equivalence using meta-analysis: Implications for economic analyses
- Scott Haughie: A meta-analysis of Japanese and Western clinical trial data in order to help demonstrate similarity in efficacy between the two regions
- Madhukar Pai: Evaluation of study quality, heterogeneity, and publication bias: A survey of systematic reviews on HIV/AIDS
- Michael Pignone: Methodological challenges in performing systematic reviews of economic analyses: a case study of colorectal cancer screening
- Gary Strauss: Is meta-analysis appropriate in face of heterogeneity?
- John Pope: Medical Studies and the Media -- Discussion
Workshop Conformal Field Theory and Supersymmetry
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- Anton Kapustin: TBA
- Boris Dubrovin: Frobenius manifolds and integrable systems
- Barry McCoy: Sl_2 loop algebra symmetery in the six vertex model at roots of unity
- Hirosi Ooguri: Strings in AdS_3 and the SL(2,R) WZW model
- Werner Nahm: Exploring a moduli space: CFT on K3
- Joerg Teschner: Quantum Liouville theory versus quantum Teichmueller space
- Akihiro Tsuchiya: Conformal Field Theory associated to regular chiral vartex operator algebras
- Ivan Cherednik: Gauss-Selberg sums
- Alexander Kirillov: Tensor categories and orbifold vertex algebras
- Edward Frenkel: Affine Kac-Moody algebras and geometric Langlands correspondence
- Igor Frenkel: Representation theory beyond affine Lie algebras: A perspective
- Alexander Voronov: Semisimplicity of orbifold vertex algebras
- Fedor Smirnov: Quantization of affine Jacobian and duality
- Vladimir Bazhanov: Conformal Field Theory as a completely integrable quantum system
- Richard Borcherds: Formal group laws for infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
- Ian Grojnowski: Generalized Kirillov-Reshetkhin modules over quantum affine algebras
- George Wilson: Ideals in the Weyl algebra
- Pierre van Moerbeke: Matrix integrals, random words and walks
- Antony Wassermann: Operator algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models
- Feng Xu: Local conformal field theory
- Sylvester Gates: Group-theoretic and low-dimensional origins of supersymmetry
- Dan Freed: Introduction to supersymmetry
- Bruno Zumino: Gauge theories on noncommutative spaces
- victor kac: Representations of linearly compact Lie superalgebras and the Standard Model
- John Morgan: Variations of Hodge structure associated to Calabi-Yau three folds with h^3=4
- Vera Serganova: Representations and characters for Lie superalgebras
- Maria Gorelik: The centre of P-type Lie superalgebra
- Kentaro Hori: D-branes, supersymmetry, and mirror symmetry
- Amer Iqbal: Del Pezzo surfaces in string theory
- Arkady Vaintrob: Chiral De Rham Complex
- Jeff Rabin: N=2 Supersymmetry of Super KP Equations
- Albert Schwarz: Maximally supersymmetric gauge theories
- Duong Phong: Superstring scattering amplitudes and modular forms
- Dirk Kreimer: From unique factorization of graphs to gauge symmetries
- Elena Poletaeva: On representations of contact superconformal algebras
- Gregg Zuckerman: A generalization of Harish-Chandra's discrete series to Lie superalgebras
- Misha Verbitsky: Hodge theory and supersymmetry on Kahler, hyperkahler, and hyperkahler torsion manifolds
Workshop Non-Abelian Hodge Theory
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- S. Ramanan: Twisted Higgs bundles and the fundamental group of compact Kahler manifolds
- Oscar Garcia-Prada: Representations of surface groups in unitary groups with indefinite signature
- William Goldman: Branched hyperbolic structures and Rank 2 Higgs bundles
- Eugene Xia: Higgs bundles and representation varieties
- Ron Donagi: The gerbe of Higgs bundles
- Eyal Markman: Group valued Higgs bundles over a punctured elliptic curve
- Tamas Hausel: Intersection theory on the moduli space of Higgs bundles
- Gregory Pearlstein: Higgs fields and variations of mixed Hodge structure
- Michael Thaddeus: Higgs bundle spaces as mirror partners
- Jorgen Andersen: Hitchin's connection, Higgs bundles and representations of the mapping class group
- Hans Boden: An integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant
- Domingo Toledo: Fundamental group of the moduli space of real and complex cubic surfaces
- Richard Hain: Iterated integrals and motives
- Donu Arapura: The Hodge conjecture for some moduli spaces of bundles
- Mikhail Kapranov: A Riemann-Roch theorem for (higher) determinantal gerbes and differentiable manifolds
- Andre Joyal: The theory of quasi-categories
- Amnon Neeman: A counterexample to a 1961 theorem in homological algebra
- Thomas Leinster: A language for higher categorical structures
- Vladimir Hinich: Formal deformations of sheaves of algebras
- Gerd Faltings: p-Adic Hodge theory, part I
- Olivier Penacchio: Mixed Hodge structures and fiber bundles over the projective plane
- Lawrence Breen: The differential geometry of gerbes
- Thomas Nevins: Sklyanin algebras and Hilbert schemes of points
- Gerd Faltings: p-Adic Hodge theory, part II
- Ludmil Katzarkov: Non-abelian Hodge theory and schematization of homotopy types
- Bertrand Toen: Higher Tannaka duality
- Gabriele Vezzosi: Homotopy algebraic geometry
- Dmitry Orlov: Equivalences of derived categories of coherent sheaves
- John Baez: n-Categories in Homology Theory
Workshop Geometric Aspects of the Langlands Program
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- Dennis Gaitsgory: Geometric Langlands for GL(n) and a Vanishing Conjecture
- Alexander Beilinson: On Langlands correspondence in the de Rham setting, part I
- Ivan Mirkovic: Perverse sheaves on loop Grassmannians
- Gerd Faltings: Introduction to Shimura varieties
- Michael Rapoport: Local models of Shimura varieties in the ramified case
- Thomas Haines: Combinatorial patterns in the weight filtration on the nearby cycles for some Shimura varieties with bad reduction
- Laurent Lafforgue: Pavings of polyhedra, glueing of Schubert cells and compactification of configuration spaces, part I
- Gerd Faltings: Line-bundles on the moduli-space of G-torsors
- Roman Bezrukavnikov: Sheaves on affine flags, and modular representations of the Langlands dual Lie algebra
- Matthew Emerton: p-Adic automorphic representations
- Alexander Beilinson: On Langlands correspondence in the de Rham setting, part Ii
- Laurent Lafforgue: Pavings of polyhedra, glueing of Schubert cells and compactification of configuration spaces, part II
- Michael Finkelberg: Uhlenbeck spaces for A^2 and affine Lie algebra $$\hat{sl}_n$$
- Marie-France Vigneras: Modular representations of p-adic groups and q-affine Schur algebras
- Amy Braverman: Formal arcs to algebraic semi-groups and automorphic L-functions
- Dmytro Arinkin: Fourier transform for quantized completely integrable systems
Workshop Intersection Theory on Stacks
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- Kai Behrend: A 2-Categorical Approach to Differential Graded
- Angelo Vistoli: Intersection theory on algebraic stacks: The approach of Totaro, Edidin and Graham
- Henri Gillet: Can one do arithmetics intersection theory on stacks?
- Bernd Sturmfels: Multigraded Hilbert schemes
- Andrew Kresch: Intersection theory on Artin stacks: Chow groups for Artin stacks
- Rahul Pandharipande: Gromov-Witten theory of P1, part I
- Andrei Okounkov: Gromov-Witten theory of P1, part II
- Dan Edidin: Riemann-Roch for quotients and Todd classes of simplicial toric varieties
- Jun Li: Degeneration formula of Gromov-Witten invariants
- Jason Starr: Quot schemes for Deligne-Mumford Stacks
- Tamas Hausel: Intersection theory on toric hyperkahler varieties
- Yongbin Ruan: Cohomology ring of crepant resolutions of orbifolds
- Laurent Lafforgue: Toric stacks of pavings
- Martin Olsson: Logarithmic geometry and algebraic stacks
- Aaron Bertram: How many Gromov-Witten invariants of rational curves are there, really?
- Mikhail Kapranov: Differential graded schemes in algebraic geometry
- Roy Joshua: Higher intersection theory on algebraic stacks
- Bertrand Toen: K-theory of algebraic stacks
- William Graham: On symmetric degeneracy loci
Workshop Information Theory
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- Martin Wainwright: Stochastic Processes on Graphs with Cycles: Approximate Inference and Bounds
- Neri Merhav: On large-deviations tradeoff between code-length and distortion in certain lossy source coding problems
- Jorma Rissanen: MDL theory as a foundation for statistical modeling
- Marcelo Weinberger: New settings for the sequential decision problem
- Jacob Ziv: An efficient universal prediction algorithm for unknown sources with limited training data
- Babak Hassibi: Multi-antenna communications: Information theory and algorithms
- David Tse: Diversity and freedom: A fundamental tradeoff in multiple antenna wireless communications
- Frans Willems: Weighting and waiting
- Wojtek Szpankowski: Analytic combinatorics, information theory, and algorithmics: Precise redundancy rate problem
- Amin Shokrollahi: Efficient content delivery and low complexity codes
- Jonathan Yedidia: Generalized belief propagation and free energy minimization
- Vahid Tarokh: Information theoretic energy reduction in deep submicron computation modules
- Shlomo Shamai: Information theoretic aspects of constrained systems
- Chris Heegard: Information theory and spread spectrum communications
- Prakash Narayan: Common randomness and secret key capacities
- Tom Cover: The role of side information in communication and data compression
- Kannan Ramchandran: Duality between source coding and channel coding with side information
- Brian Marcus: Concatenation of modulation encoders and ECC encoders
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Algebraic Stacks, Intersection Theory, and Non-Abelian Hodge Theory
Show Schedules
- Rahul Pandharipande: Moduli of elliptic curves
- William Fulton: What is a stack?
- Tony Pantev: Review of abelian Hodge theory
- Angelo Vistoli: Topological stacks
- Kai Behrend: Cohomology of stacks: Cohomology of coherent sheaves
- Bertrand Toen: Non-abelian cohomology
- Andrew Kresch: Intersection theory on DM stacks
- Kai Behrend: Cohomology of stacks: Cohomology with discrete coefficients
- Tony Pantev: Non-abelian Hodge theory in degree one
- David Ben-Zvi: Geometric class field theory
- Kai Behrend: Cohomology of stacks: Cohomology of quotient stacks and DM stacks
- David Ben-Zvi: Factorization
- Rahul Pandharipande: Moduli spaces of maps and GW theory
- Tony Pantev: Higher non-abelian Hodge theory (1)
- Bertrand Toen: Higher non-abelian Hodge theory (2)
- David Ben-Zvi: Quantization of Hitchin's Hamiltonians