Workshop Mathematical Semi-Classical Analysis
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- Johannes Sjostrand: Perturbations of self-adjoint operators with periodic flow-branching levels
- Nicolas Burq: Control of Schrodinger equations and high energy eigenfunctions scarring (joint work with M. Zworski)
- Stephane Nonnenmacher: Semi-classical measures of quantum cat maps
- Alejandro Uribe: Pseudospectra of Berezin-Toeplitz operators
- Yves Colin de Verdière: Normal forms for the mode conversion problem
- Andrew Hassell: The Schroedinger propagator for scattering metrics
- Elon Lindenstrauss: Measure rigidity and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian
- Viviane Baladi: Dynamical zeta functions and spectrum of transfer operators: From Milnor-Thurston to Ruelle, and back
- Wei-Min Wang: Quasi periodic solutions for non-linear random Schrodinger equations
- Pavel Bleher: Double scaling limit in random matrix models and semiclassical asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials at critical points
- John Toth: L^{p} norms of eigenfunctions in the completely integrable case
- Andre Martinez: Quantum resonances for non analytic potentials
- Nils Dencker: Pseudo-spectra of semi-classical differential operators
- E. Brian Davies: Pseudospectra and applications
- Percy Deift: Long-time behavior of solutions of the Nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) Equation with rough initial data
- Plamen Stefanov: Upper bounds on the number of scattering poles
- Alexander Sobolev: Density of states for periodic Schrodinger operators
- Shu Nakamura: On the proof of exponential estimate in the adiabatic limit (Joint work with V. Sordoni)
- Michael Hitrik: Lagrangian tori in non-selfadjoint spectral theory
- Andras Vasy: Scattering theory on symmetric spaces and for N-body Hamiltonians
- Georgui Vodev: Uniform high frequency resolvent estimates for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on non-compact Riemannian manifolds and applications
- Sandro Graffi: Estimating the Ehrenfest time through the quantum normal form
Workshop The History of Algebra in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
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- Gunther Frei: On the history of the Frobenius- and Tchebotarev-Density
- Sloan Despeaux: Very full of symbols: Duncan F. Gregory, the calculus of operations, and the Cambridge Mathematical Journal
- Eduardo Ortiz: Between algebra and analysis: The impact of the French school of Idéologie on Charles Babbage’s work on functional equations
- Jeremy Gray: F. S. Macaulay: An English schoolmaster and abstract algebra
- Severino Coutinho: Quotient rings of noncommutative rings
- Olaf Neumann: On the early history of commutative algebra with special emphasis on divisibility theories and the foundations of algebraic geometry
- Harold Edwards: Kronecker’s ‘Fundamentalsatz der Allgemeinen Arithmetik’ and its relations to the fundamental theorem of algebra
- Leo Corry: From Algebra (1895) to Moderne Algebra (1930), changing conceptions of a discipline: A guided tour using the Jahrbuch uber die Fortschritte der Mathematik
- Karen Parshall: Defining a mathematical research school: The case of algebra at the University of Chicago, 1892-1950
- Della Fenster: Leonard Dickson’s algebraic research and its institutional context: A case study of A. Adrian Albert
- Charles Curtis: Historical notes on Emmy Noether’s 1932 ICM lecture on simple algebras and algebraic number theory
- Joachim Schwermer: On the local-global principle in arithmetic and algebra
- Colin McLarty: The rising tide: Grothendieck on simplicity and generality
- Norbert Schappacher: Bartel van der Waerden’s work on algebraic geometry
- Silke Slembek: On the arithmetization of algebraic geometry: The case of Oscar Zariski
Workshop Semi-classical Methods in Physics and Chemistry
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- Including quantum effects into classical molecular dynamics simulations via the semiclassical initial value representation
- Mark Child: Quantum monodromy in the spectrum of water and other species
- Predrag Cvitanovic: Hopf’s last hope: Spatiotemporal chaos in terms of unstable recurrent patterns
- Paul Brumer: Semi-classical mechanics in the coherent control of molecular processes
- Boris Zhilinskii: Fractional monodromy of classical and quantum nonlinear oscillators and defects of lattices
- Frederic Faure: Topological indices in molecular spectra
- Elliott Lieb: A review of the Thomas-Fermi semi-classical theory of atoms and molecules
- Oleg Prezhdo: Novel approaches to non-adiabatic molecular dynamics
- Michael Thoss: Semic-lassical description of quantum effects in molecular dynamics
- Bernard Helffer: Semi-classical methods in superconductivity
- Luc Hillairet: Contribution of periodic diffractive orbits in polygonal billiards
- Srinivas Sridhar: Exploring semi-classics using microwaves
- Avraham Soffer: Time dependent resonance theory and applications
- Eugene Tracy: Ray helicity: A geometric invariant for multi-dimensional resonant linear wave conversion
- Patrick Leboeuf: Semi-classical thermodynamics of small Fermi systems
- Stephen Creagh: Wavefunction and tunnelling statistics using scar states
- Kenneth Kay: Exact quantum mechanics from classical trajectories
- Jonathan Robbins: Maslov indices and singularities of integrable systems
- Gregor Tanner: Dynamics near the triple collision in two-electron atoms
- Steven Tomsovic: Sensitivity of wave field evolution and manifold stability in chaotic system
- Victor Ivrii: Sharp spectral asymptotics for operators with irregular coefficients: Pushing the limits
- Michael Wilkinson: Non-adiabatic transitions in multi-level systems
- Kevin Mitchell: Pulse trains, fractals, and the ionization of hydrogen
- Laurent Wiesenfeld: Relative transition state: Relevance for inelastic scattering
- Herbert Spohn: Peierls substitution and beyond (space-adiabatic perturbation theory)
Workshop Computational Commutative Algebra
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- Lorenzo Robbiano: CoCoA at work
- Matthias Aschenbrenner: Bounds and algorithms for polynomial rings over the integers
- Juergen Herzog: Ideals of fiber type
- Victor Reiner: Koszul algebras in combinatorics
- Michael Stillman: Ideals associated to Bayesian networks
- Paolo Aluffi: Shadows of blow-up algebras
- Henry Schenck: Hyperplane arrangements and free resolutions
- Gregor Kemper: Separating orbits by invariants: Applications and computations
- Jon Carlson: Problems in cohomology calculations
- Duco van Straten: Stochastic factorisations, sandwiched simplices and the topology of the space of explanations
- Gert-Martin Greuel: Finite solvable groups and finite algebraic geometry
- Josef Schicho: The method of adjoints for surfaces
- Gabriela Jeronimo: Solving polynomial equations by decomposition of algebraic varieties
- Rekha Thomas: Algebraic shifting
- Loa Nowina-Sapinski: Panel: Greuel, Robbiano and Stillman
Workshop Commutative Algebra: Interactions with Homological Algebra and Representation Theory
Show Schedules
- Craig Huneke: Homological algebra over Cohen-Macaulay rings
- William Dwyer: Gorenstein duality in algebra and topology
- Roger Wiegand: Representation theory of Cohen-Macaulay rings
- John Greenlees: Brave new commutative algebra reborn
- Jan-Erik Roos: Explicit calculations of Hochschild homology of commutative algebras
- Brooke Shipley: Topological equivalences of differential graded algebras
- Edward Green: Resolutions with structure
- Sergey Yuzvinsky: Commmutative and skew-commutative algebra on hyperplane arrangements
- Gennady Lyubeznik: Local cohomology and its applications
- Jon Carlson: Depth, detection, associated primes and isomorphisms of cohomology rings
- Mara Neusel: Applications of Steenrod technology to invariant theory
- Winfried Bruns: From polytopal algebras to polyhedral K-theory
- Paul Roberts: Almost flat extensions
- Jerzy Weyman: Applications of quiver representations, I
- Harm Derksen: Applications of quiver representations, II
- Idun Reiten: Hereditary categories over arbitrary fields
- Mitsuyasu Hashimoto: Good modules over reductive groups and commutative algebra
- Hans-Bjorn Foxby: Hyperhomological algebra in commutative algebra
- Srikanth Iyengar: The homological complexity of the Frobenius endomorphism
- Michel VAN DEN BERGH: Three-dimensional flops and non-commutative rings
- Karen Smith: Jumping coefficients and the uniform Artin Rees theorem