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MSRI-UP 2019

MSRI-UP 2019: Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics

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The MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP) is a comprehensive summer program designed for undergraduate students who have completed two years of university-level mathematics courses and would like to conduct research in the mathematical sciences. The main objective of the MSRI-UP is to identify talented students, especially those from underrepresented groups, who are interested in mathematics and make available to them meaningful research opportunities, the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in successful collaborations, and a community of academic peers and mentors who can advise, encourage and support them through a successful graduate program.

The theme of the 2019 MSRI-UP was Applied Combinatorics and the research leader is Dr. Pamela E. Harris, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Williams College. The on-site director of MSRI-UP 2019 was Dr. Rebecca Garcia, Professor of Mathematics at Sam Houston State University.

Program Description

During the summer, each of the 18 student participants:

  • participated in the mathematics research program under the direction of Dr. Pamela E. Harris, a postdoctoral fellow, and two graduate students
  • completed a research project done in collaboration with other MSRI-UP students
  • gave a presentation and write a technical report on his/her research project
  • attended a series of colloquium talks given by leading researches in their fields
  • attended workshops aimed at developing skills and techniques needed for research careers in the mathematical sciences and
  • learned techniques that will maximize a student's likelihood of admissions to graduate programs as well as the likelihood of winning fellowships
  • received a $3100 stipend, lodging, meals and round trip travel to Berkeley, CA.

After the summer, each student will:

  • have an opportunity to attend a national mathematics or science conference where students will present their research
  • be part of a network of mentors that will provide continuous advice in the long term as the student makes progress in his/her studies
  • be contacted regarding future research opportunities

Application Materials

Applications for MSRI-UP 2019 were submitted via MathPrograms, which listed the required application materials. Due to funding restrictions, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents were eligible to apply, and the program cannot accept foreign students regardless of funding. Students who have already graduated or will have graduated with a bachelor's degree by August 31, 2019 were not eligible to apply.