
Upcoming Educational Events

  1. Summer Graduate School Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)

    Organizers: Ugur Abdulla (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology), Gui-Qiang Chen (University of Oxford)

    This two week summer school, jointly organized by SLMath with OIST, will offer the following two mini-courses:

    1. Measure-theoretical analysis, divergence-measure fields, and nonlinear PDEs of divergence form
      This course will present some recent developments in the theory of divergence-measure fields via measure-theoretic analysis and its applications to the analysis of nonlinear PDEs of conservative form – nonlinear conservation laws.
    2. Perron’s method and Wiener-type criteria in the potential theory of elliptic and parabolic PDEs
      This course will present some recent developments precisely characterizing the regularity of the point at ∞ for second order elliptic and parabolic PDEs and broadly extending the role of the Wiener test in classical analysis.

    Updated on May 24, 2024 09:32 PM PDT
  2. Summer Graduate School Multigraded and differential graded methods in commutative algebra (St. Mary's College)

    Organizers: Michael Brown (Auburn University), Claudia Miller (Syracuse University)
    Product of projective lines embedded in projective 3-space

    This summer graduate school focuses on modern homological techniques in commutative algebra, specifically those involving multigraded and differential graded structures. These topics have a long and rich history, but neither is generally covered in graduate courses. Moreover, recent developments have exhibited exciting interplay between the two subjects. 

    The purpose of the school is to introduce the participants to modern themes on these topics, including Koszul duality for toric varieties and differential graded algebra structures on resolutions. The school will consist of two lectures each day and carefully planned problem sessions designed to reinforce the foundational material, with an emphasis on using computational tools such as the symbolic algebra program Macaulay2. 

    Updated on Jul 16, 2024 09:17 AM PDT
  3. Summer Graduate School Mathematical Spin Glass Theory (Courant, NY)

    Organizers: Antonio Auffinger (Northwestern University), Wei-Kuo Chen (University of Minnesota), LEAD Eliran Subag (Weizmann Institute of Science)

    While their original aim was to explain the strange behavior of certain magnetic alloys, the study of spin glass models has led to a far-reaching and beautiful physical theory whose techniques have been applied to a myriad of problems in theoretical computer science, statistics, optimization and biology. As many of the physical predictions can be formulated as purely mathematical questions, often extremely hard, about large random systems in high dimensions, in recent decades a new area of research has emerged in probability theory around these problems.

    Mathematically, a mean-field spin glass model is a Gaussian process (random function) on the discrete hypercube or the sphere in high dimensions. A fundamental challenge in their analysis is, roughly speaking, to understand the size and structure of their super-level sets as the dimension tends to infinity, which are often studied through smooth objects like the free energy and Gibbs measure whose origin is in statistical physics. The aim of the summer school is to introduce students to landmark results on the latter while emphasizing the techniques and ideas that were developed to obtain them, as well as exposing the students to some recent research topics.

    Updated on Apr 19, 2024 03:00 PM PDT
  4. Summer Graduate School Local Limits of Random Graphs (Paris-Saclay University, France)

    Organizers: Ainhoa Aparicio-Monforte (Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH)), Alexandra Genesco (Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH)), LEAD Pascal Massart (Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH))
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    <p>A display of the evolution of an Erdos-Renyi random graph .&nbsp;</p>

    Random graphs are ubiquitous in modern probability theory. Besides their intrinsic mathematical beauty, they are also used to model complex networks. In the early 2000’s, I. Benjamini and O. Schramm introduced a mathematical framework in which they endowed the set of locally finite rooted connected graphs with the structure of a Polish space, called the local topology. The goal of this summer school is to introduce the framework of local limits of random graphs, the concepts of Benjamini-Schramm (or unbiased) limits and unimodularity, as well as the most important applications. The lectures will be delivered by Nicolas Curien (Prof. Paris-Saclay University) and Justin Salez (Prof. Université Paris-Dauphine) and will be complemented by many problem sessions, where students will work in small groups under the guidance of teaching assistants, who are researchers in the field. 

    Updated on Jul 12, 2024 01:18 PM PDT
  5. Summer Graduate School 2025 PIMS-CRM Summer School in Probability (Vancouver, Canada)

    Organizers: Louigi Addario-Berry (McGill University), Omer Angel (University of British Columbia), Mathav Murugan (University of British Columbia), Gordon Slade (University of British Columbia)

    The Summer Schools in Probability are a highlight of Canadian probability and are internationally significant.  Launched by PIMS in 2004, the school takes the form of two main 4-week courses along with three mini-courses. The schools have played a major role in the development of an exceptionally strong community of young probabilist in Canada, North America and overseas. This will be the 13th time this school has run.

    Updated on Mar 22, 2024 01:06 PM PDT
  6. Summer Graduate School Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures 2025: An Introduction to Recent Trends in Commutative Algebra (Toronto, Canada)

    Organizers: Sergio Da Silva (Virginia State University), Federico Galetto (Cleveland State University), Elena Guardo (Università di Catania), Megumi Harada (McMaster University), Patricia Klein (Texas A & M University), Jenna Rajchgot (McMaster University), Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster University)
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    <p>A minimal free resolution supported on a simplicial complex</p>

    The 2025 SMS will allow graduate students to learn about a number of recent trends and advances in the field of commutative algebra. The aim of the SMS is to provide an “on-ramp” for graduate students interested in algebra, combinatorics, and/or algebraic combinatorics to learn more about commutative algebra’s interaction with these fields. The introductory courses will introduce fundamental skills in commutative algebra, the more intermediate courses will expose students to cutting-edge research in the field. The school will focus on four topics within commutative algebra: Combinatorial Methods, Homological Methods, Computational Methods, and Characteristic p Methods. The SMS will provide both a series of introductory lectures and intermediate/advanced lectures from leaders in one of the four areas. The lectures will include a series of problem sessions that will allow participants to develop and hone their skills in these areas, which will be especially helpful for new people to the field. Participants will be encouraged to work collaboratively, both to enhance their own mathematical networks as well as to promote future collaborations beyond the school.

    Updated on Jul 08, 2024 03:12 PM PDT
  7. Summer Graduate School Statistical Optimal Transport (St. Mary's College)

    Organizers: LEAD Promit Ghosal (Brandeis University), Jonathan Niles-Weed (New York University, Courant Institute), Marcel Nutz (Columbia University)

    This summer school offers an exceptional opportunity for participants to delve into the intricate realm of statistical optimal transport theory. This captivating field stands at the crossroads of multiple disciplines, drawing from a rich tapestry of mathematical insights from diverse subjects, including partial differential equations, stochastic analysis, convex geometry, statistics, and machine learning, crafting a vibrant and interdisciplinary landscape. The foremost objective of this summer school is to create a dynamic learning environment that unites students from diverse backgrounds such as PDE theory, probability, or optimal transport. 

    Updated on Mar 20, 2024 02:04 PM PDT
  8. Summer Graduate School New Perspectives on Discriminants and Applications (Max Planck, Leipzig)

    Organizers: Eliana Duarte (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto), Serkan Hosten (San Francisco State University), Simon Telen (Max-Planck-Institut)
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    <p>The discriminant ∆ detects singular varieties. The picture shows three different scenarios: solutions of quadratic polynomials, cubic plane curves and cubic surfaces.</p>

    This summer school will offer a hands-on introduction to discriminants, with a view towards modern applications. Starting from the basics of computational algebraic geometry and toric geometry, the school will gently introduce participants to the foundations of discriminants. A particular emphasis will be put on computing discriminants of polynomial systems using computer algebra software. Then, we will dive into three applications of discriminants: algebraic statistics, geometric modeling, and particle physics. Here, discriminants contribute to the study of maximum likelihood estimation, to finding practical parametrizations of geometric objects, and to computations of scattering amplitudes. We will explain recently discovered unexpected connections between these three applications. In addition to lectures, the summer school will have daily collaborative exercise sessions which will be guided by the teaching assistants and will include software demonstrations.

    Updated on Jul 16, 2024 11:50 AM PDT
  9. Summer Graduate School Graphical Models in Algebraic Combinatorics (St. Mary's College)

    Organizers: Christian Gaetz (University of California, Berkeley), David Keating (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Melissa Sherman-Bennett (University of California, Davis), LEAD Anna Weigandt (University of Minnesota)
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    <p>A plane partition and an hourglass plabic graph</p>

    This school will introduce students to a range of powerful combinatorial tools used to understand algebraic objects ranging from the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Grassmannian to symmetric functions.   The summer school will center around two main lecture series "Webs and Plabic Graphs" and "Vertex Models and Applications".   While the exact applications differ, both courses will center on graphical models for algebraic problems closely related to Grassmannian and its generalizations.  This school will be accessible to a wide range of students.  Students will leave the school with a solid grasp of the combinatorics of webs, plabic graphs, and the six-vertex model, an understanding of their algebraic applications, and a taste of current research directions.

    Updated on Jul 08, 2024 03:09 PM PDT
  10. Summer Graduate School Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry (Antwerp, Belgium)

    Organizers: Pieter Belmans (University of Luxembourg), Lander Hermans (Universiteit Antwerp), Wendy Lowen (Universiteit Antwerpen), Arne Mertens (Universiteit Antwerp), Michel VAN DEN BERGH (Hasselt University), Špela Špenko (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

    This two week school on Noncommutative Algebraic Geomery will be held at the University of Antwerp in Belgium.  The school will consist of two courses: Homological Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Models for Spaces. These courses will be planned and taught by organisers with the help of teaching assistants for the problem sessions. The school will be aimed at a wide range of graduate students, from students with a Bachelor degree to beginning PhD students. The lectures and problem sessions will be complemented by a poster session in week one and a total of four introductory research talks on Friday afternoons. 

    Updated on Jul 11, 2024 02:59 PM PDT
  11. Summer Graduate School Computer Assisted Proofs in Applied Mathematics (SLMath)

    Organizers: LEAD Jonathan Jaquette (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Evelyn Sander (George Mason University)

    One of the core elements of applied mathematics is mathematical modeling consisting of nonlinear equations such as ODEs, and PDEs. A fundamental difficulty which arises is that most nonlinear models cannot be solved in closed form. Computer assisted proofs are at the forefront of modern mathematics and have led to many important recent mathematical advances. They provide a way of melding analytical techniques with numerical methods, in order to provide rigorous statements for mathematical models that could not be treated by either method alone. In this summer school, students will review standard computational and analytical techniques, learn to combine these techniques with more specialized methods of interval arithmetic, and apply these methods to establish rigorous results in otherwise intractable problems

    Updated on Apr 08, 2024 08:55 AM PDT
  12. Summer Graduate School Geometry and Dynamics in Higher Rank Lie Groups (St. Mary's College)

    Organizers: Richard Canary (University of Michigan), Sara Maloni (University of Virginia), Wenyu Pan (University of Toronto), Cagri Sert (University of Zurich), LEAD Tengren Zhang (National University of Singapore)
    <p>Flats and hyperbolic planes in a higher rank symmetric space</p> Drawn by Steve Trettel.

    Lie groups are central objects in modern mathematics; they arise as the automorphism groups of many homogeneous spaces, such as flag manifolds and Riemannian symmetric spaces. Often, one can construct manifolds locally modelled on these homogeneous spaces by taking quotients of their subsets by discrete subgroups of their automorphism groups. Studying such discrete subgroups of Lie groups is an active and growing area of mathematical research. The objective of this summer school is to introduce young researchers to a class of discrete subgroups of Lie groups, called Anosov subgroups.

    Updated on Apr 18, 2024 08:43 AM PDT
  13. Summer Graduate School Topological and Geometric Structures in Low Dimensions (SLMath)

    Organizers: LEAD Kenneth Bromberg (University of Utah), Kathryn Mann (Cornell University)
    <p>Laminations arise naturally in hyperbolic geometry and (pseudo-) Anosov flows [Image by Jeffrey Brock]</p>

    This school will serve as an introduction to the SLMath semester “Topological and Geometric Structures in Low-Dimensions”.  The school consists of two mini-courses: one on Teichmüller Theory and Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds and the other on Anosov Flows on Geometric 3-Manifolds.  Both topics lie at the interface of low-dimensional geometric topology (specifically, surfaces, foliations, and 3-manifolds) and low-dimensional dynamics.  The first course will be targeted towards students who have completed the standard first year graduate courses in geometry, topology, and analysis while the second course will geared towards more advanced students who are closer to beginning research. However, we expect that all students will benefit from both courses.

    Updated on Mar 21, 2024 09:48 AM PDT