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(Near) Substitute Preferences and Equilibria with Indivisibilities

Algorithms, Approximation, and Learning in Market and Mechanism Design November 06, 2023 - November 09, 2023

November 07, 2023 (11:45 AM PST - 12:30 PM PST)
Speaker(s): Rakesh Vohra (University of Pennsylvania)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
  • Competitive Equilibrium

  • Indivisible

Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification

(Near) Substitute Preferences and Equilibria with Indivisibilities


An obstacle to using market mechanisms to allocate indivisible goods (such as courses to students) is the non-existence of competitive equilibria (CE). To surmount this, Arrow and Hahn proposed the notion of social-approximate equilibria: a price vector and corresponding excess demands that are `small'. We identify a class of preferences called $\Delta$-substitutes, and show that social approximate equilibria where the bound on excess demand, good-by-good, is $2(\Delta-1)$ independent of the size of the economy. When $\Delta=1$ existence of CE is guaranteed even in the presence of income effects. This sufficient condition strictly generalizes prior conditions.

These results rely on a new type of Shapley-Folkman-Starr Lemma which could be of independent interest.

This is joint work with Thanh Nguyen.

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(Near) Substitute Preferences and Equilibria with Indivisibilities

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