Workshop Quantum Information Processing
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- The communication cost of simulating quantum correlations
- Qualitative and quantitative description of quantum entanglement
- An operational measure of multiple-qubit entanglement based on Grover's algorithm
- Robustness of gates
- The capacity of hybrid quantum memory
- Quantum and relativistic bit commitment
- Upper bound by Kolmogorov complexity for the probability in computable POVM measurement
- Non-abelian hidden subgroup problem
- Searching a cube
- Controlling discrete quantum walks
- Sandu Popescu: Multi-party entanglement
- Sean Hallgren: Polynomial-time quantum algorithms for Pell's equation and the principal ideal problem
- Miklos Santha: Hidden translation and orbit coset in quantum computing
- Oded Regev: On the dihedral hidden subgroup problem
- Ruediger Schack: Unknown quantum operations: A de Finetti representation theorem
- Keiji Matsumoto: Universal source coding, soft tomography, and universal concentration
- Michael Nielsen: Majorization and quantum information
- Edward Farhi: Speedup by quantum walk
- Dorit Aharonov: Adiabatic quantum computation: Universality and tools
- Michele Mosca: On the quantum derandomization of algorithms
- John Watrous: Capturing quantum complexity classes via quantum channels
- Claude Crépeau: A length n QECC probabilistically correcting (n-1)/2 arbitrary errors
- Mary Beth Ruskai: Non-Abelian stabilizer codes for quantum error correction
- Louis Kauffman: and Samuel Lomonaco: Quantum entanglement
- Willem van Dam: Qualifying entanglement with knot theory
- Leonid Gurvits: Classical complexity and quantum entanglement of bipartite mixed states
- Gilles Brassard: Quantum computation without entanglement
- Andreas Winter: Remote preparation of quantum states
- Guifre Vidal: Entanglement in quantum critical phenomena
- John Preskill: Secure quantum key distribution with an uncharacterized source
- Dominic Mayers: Composing quantum protocols
- Sandu Popescu: TBA
- Alexei Kitaev: Quantum coin-flipping
- Michael Ben-Or: Simple security proof for quantum key distribution
- Ronald de Wolf: Quantum computing, locally decodable codes, and private information retrieval
- Patrick Hayden: Hiding quantum data
- Charles Bennett: Towards a quantum reverse Shannon theorem
Workshop The Feynman Integral Along with Related Topics and Applications
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- Cecile DeWitt-Morette: Action and symmetries
- Brian DeFacio: Feynman path integral for an inverse problem
- Jean-Claude Zambrini: Path integrals, momentum representation and stochastic analysis
- Sarada Rajeev: Feynman integrals and non-commutative probability theory
- Gerald Johnson: Results on the Feynman integral in Feynman's original setting
- Michel Lapidus: Feynman's operational calculus via Feynman path integrals and disentangling algebras
- Tepper Gill: A general theory of evolutions and path integrals on Banach spaces via the Feynman calculus
- David Storvick: Operator-valued function space integrals
- David Skoug: Fourier-Feynman transforms, convolution products and first variations in function spaces
- Ambar Sengupta: The 2-D Yang-Mills functional integral: Physics applied to geometry
- Atle Hahn: Rigorous stochastic model representation for the Wilson loop observables in Chern-Simons theory
- Brian Jefferies: Path integrals for the 1-D Dirac equation
- John LaChapelle: Path integrals: Flexible tools
- Umesh Vazirani: An introduction to quantum computing
- Louis Kauffman: Functional integration and quantum computing
- Samuel Lomonaco: Feynman integrals: Mathematical challenges
- David Collins: Could quantum computing aid functional integration?
- Byoung Soo Kim: Extraction of linear factors in Feynman's operational calculus
- Zdzislaw Brzezniak: Oscillatory (Feynman) integrals for the Schroedinger equation in a magnetic field
- Sonia Mazzucchi: New developments of rigorous Feynman path integrals and application to a stochastic Schroedinger equation
Workshop Commutative Algebra: Local and Birational Theory
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- Orlando Villamayor: On hypersurface singularities and multiplicity
- Eero Hyry: Adjoint-type modules and applications
- Irving Kaplansky: How I got into commutative rings
- Steven Cutkosky: Ramification and resolution in transcendental extensions
- Lawrence Ein: Jet schemes and multiplier ideals
- Joseph Lipman: On the residue theorem for formal schemes
- Vasudevan Srinivas: Some applications of algebraic K-theory in commutative algebra
- Kazuhiko Kurano: Numerical equivalence on Chow groups of local rings
- Wolmer Vasconcelos: Cohomological degrees: Questions and answers
- Manuel Blickle: The intersection homology D-module in finite characteristic
- Hubert Flenner: C*- and C+- actions on affine surfaces
- Raymond Heitmann: Extended plus closure and colon-capturing
- Anurag Singh: Direct summands of module finite extensions
- Melvin Hochster: Closure operations in mixed characteristic
- Kei-ichi Watanabe: F-pure threshold of ideals and its applications to certain singularities
- Christel Rotthaus: Tight closure and completion
- Irena Swanson: Computing instanton numbers of plane curve singularities
- Nobuo Hara: A generalization of tight closure and its applications
- Luchezar Avramov: Non-vanishing of cohomology
- Claudia Polini: Core and integral closure of ideals
Workshop Quantum Information and Cryptography
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- Dominic Mayers: Quantum universal composability
- Debbie Leung: Nonlocal quantum resource transformations and unitary bidirectional quantum channels
- Denes Petz: Monotonicity of quantum relative entropy revisited
- Michal Horodecki: Information and entanglement in distributed systems: An interplay of resources
- Ignacio Cirac: Entanglement properties of Gaussian states
- Andreas Winter: Remarks on additivity of the Holevo channel capacity and of entanglement of formation
- Wojciech Zurek: Environment-assisted invariance, ignorance, and information in quantum physics
- Peter Shor: Quantum error correction
- Christopher King: Capacity of the depolarizing channel
- Mary Beth Ruskai: The structure of completely positive maps and entanglement breaking channels
- Mitsuru Hamada: Symplectic codes and quantum capacity of noisy channels
- Patrick Hayden: The communication cost of entanglement transformations
- Masato Koashi: Indistinguishablity and compressibility of quantum states
- Debbie Leung: TBA
- Ashish Thapliyal: The power of LOCCq operations
- Jonathan Oppenheim: Are the basic laws of entanglement thermodynamical?
- Harold Ollivier: Quantum nonlocality and quantum discord
- Vladimir Korepin: Thermodynamic interpretation of quantum error correcting criterion
- Shengjun Wu: Some aspects of entanglement
- Pranab Sen: Relative entropy and a substate theorem about quantum states
- Palle Jorgensen: Encoding wavelets in quantum states and making quantum algorithms
- Claude Crépeau: Authentication of quantum messages
- Daniel Gottesman: Uncloneable encryption
- Norbert Lutkenhaus: Quantum Information and Cryptography
- Andrew Doherty: Local hidden variable theories for quantum states
- Guifre Vidal: Entanglement in quantum phase transitions
- Karl Gerd Vollbrecht: Distillation rates beyond qubits
Workshop Conference and Prize in Honor of David Blackwell and Richard A. Tapia
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Workshop Semidefinite Programming and Applications
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- Stephen Boyd: Fastest mixing Markov chain on a graph
- Garud Iyengar: Robust portfolio selection problems
- Pablo Parrilo: Distinguishing separable and entangled states in quantum mechanics
- Christoph Helmberg: Towards a conic bundle package for linear programming over symmetric cone
- Giuseppe Calafiore: Robust convex programming: Randomized solutions and confidence levels
- Laurent El Ghaoui: Robust optimization in classification problems
- Michael Todd: Distance weighted discrimination
- Lieven Vandenberghe: Generalized Chebyshev inequalities and semidefinite programming
- Michael Overton: Optimization of matrix stability
- Monique Laurent: Semidefinite relaxations for 0/1 polytopes
- Jean Lasserre: Some applications of moments and semidefinite programming
- Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo: Extensions of S-procedure and their applications `
- Pablo Parrilo: Symmetry groups, semidefinite programs, and sums of squares
- Dimitrii Pasechnik: Quadratic optimization subject to a fixed number of quadratic constraints is polynomial-time
- Adrian Lewis: Variational properties of the spectral abscissa for symmetric versus nonsymmetric matrices: A comparison
- Yinyu Ye: Approximate the 2-catalog segmentation problem using semidefinite programming relaxations
Workshop Recent Progress in Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications
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- Freeman Dyson: Random matrices, neutron capture levels, quasicrystals and zeta-function zeros
- Pierre van Moerbeke: Virasoro and random matrices, permutations and walks
- Kurt Johansson: Random growth and determinantal processes
- Janko Gravner: Growth models and random environments
- Motohico Mulase: Graphical expansion of non-commutative matrix integrals
- Dan Virgil Voiculescu: Free probability aspects of random matrices
- Alice Guionnet: First order asymptotics of matrix integrals
- Eric Rains: Vanishing integrals and symmetric spaces
- Pavel Bleher: Critical phenomena in random matrix models
- Iain Johnstone: Some largest eigenvalue problems in statistics
- Yang Chen: Small eigenvalues of large Hankel matrices
- Alexei Borodin: Discrete log-gas models with arbitrary beta
- anne Boutet de Monvel: mKdv on the halfline
- Albrecht Boettcher: Randomly perturbed Toeplitz matrices
- John Harnad: Two-matrix models, duality and the Riemann-Hilbert problem associated to biorthogonal polynomials
- Ken McLaughlin: A complete asymptotic expansion for the partition function of random matrix theory via Riemann-Hilbert techniques
- Alexander Its: The Riemann-Hilbert method as a non-commutative analog of contour integral representations
Workshop Introductory Workshop in Commutative Algebra
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- Bernard Teissier: Monomial Ideals, Binomial Ideals, Polynomial Ideals, I
- Melvin Hochster: Tight Closure, I
- Commutative Algebra and the Cohomology of Groups, I
- Melvin Hochster: Tight Closure, II
- Commutative Algebra and the Cohomology of Groups, II
- An Introduction to Multiplier Ideals, I
- Melvin Hochster: Tight Closure, III
- An Introduction to Multiplier Ideals, II
- Commutative Algebra and the Cohomology of Groups, III
- David Eisenbud: The Geometry of Syzygies, I
- An Introduction to Multiplier Ideals, III
- Mark Haiman: Commutative Algebra of N Points in the Plane, I
- Mark Haiman: Commutative Algebra of N Points in the Plane, II
- Bernard Teissier: Monomial Ideals, Binomial Ideals, Polynomial Ideals, II
- Bernard Teissier: Monomial Ideals, Binomial Ideals, Polynomial Ideals, III
- David Eisenbud: The Geometry of Syzygies, II
- Mark Haiman: Commutative Algebra of N Points in the Plane, III
- David Eisenbud: The Geometry of Syzygies, III
- Bernard Teissier: Monomial ideals, binomial ideals, polynomial ideals, continued
- Bernard Teissier: Monomial ideals, binomial ideals, polynomial ideals, continued
Workshop Introductory Workshop in Quantum Computation
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- Umesh Vazirani: Introduction to quantum computing
- Michele Mosca: Introduction to quantum algorithms: The basics
- Ashwin Nayak: Quantum information theory, part 1
- Gilles Brassard: Quantum cryptography
- Sean Hallgren: Quantum Fourier transforms
- John Watrous: Quantum algorithms: Phase estimation and factoring
- Leonard Schulman: Group representation theory and quantum algorithms
- Ashwin Nayak: Quantum information theory, part 2
- Michele Mosca: Quantum searching, counting and generalizations
- Gilles Brassard: Quantum teleportation and applications
- Michael Ben-Or: Security of quantum key distribution protocols, part 1
- Michael Ben-Or: Security of quantum key distribution protocols, part 2
- Scott Aaronson: Quantum lower bounds
- Dorit Aharonov: Fault-tolerant quantum computation
- John Watrous: Quantum interactive proofs
- Ronald de Wolf: Quantum communication complexity