Workshop CMI/MSRI Hot Topics Workshop: Modularity for GL(2) and Beyond
Show Schedules
- Kenneth Ribet: Recent Advances in Modular Forms
- Nicholas Katz: The Sato-Tate Conjecture
- Richard Taylor: Galois Representations and Automorphic Forms: Basic Conjectures.
- Richard Taylor: Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations: Examples and Techniques
- Richard Taylor: Modularity Lifting Theorems I
- Richard Taylor: Modularity Lifting Theorems II
- Mark Kisin: Modularity of Potentiality Barsotti-Tate Representations.
- Toby Gee: The Weight in Serre's Conjecture
- Teruyoshi Yoshida: Potential Modularity
- Joel Bellaiche: Automorphic Forms on Unitary Groups I
- Don Blasius: Automorphic Forms on Unitary Groups I
- Christophe Breuil: Deformations of P-adic Representations of P-adic Galois Groups
- Mark Kisin: P-adic Local Langlands
- Mark Kisin: The Breuil-Mezard Conjecture and Modularity Lifting Theorems
- Matthew Emerton: The P-adic Completion of Cohomology
- Kenneth Ribet: Serre's Conjecture
- Michael Harris: Modularity Lifting Theorems for Unity Groups
- Nicholas Shepherd-Barron: Geometry of the Dwork Family
- Michael Harris: Potential Modularity for N-dimensional Representations
- Robert Langlands: Whither the Trace Formula
Workshop Analytic and Computational Aspects of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
Show Schedules
- Andrejs Treibergs: An Eigenvalue Estimate and a Capture Problem
- Szu-yu Sophie Chen: Boundary Estimates for Generalized Yamabe Equations
- Peter Topping: Ricci Flow, Entropy and Optimal Transportation
- Alexander Grigor'yan: Heat Kernels on Weighted Manifolds and Applications
- Lei Ni: Kahler-Ricci Solitons and Holomorphic Fuctions of Polynomial Growth.
- Duong Phong: The degenerate Complex Monge-Ampere Equation and Donaldson Geoesics.
- Leon Simon: An Interior Gradient Estimate for Solutions of the Symmetric Minimal Surface Equation.
Workshop Mathematics of Visual Analysis
Show Schedules
- William Cleveland, Lee Edlefsen, Robert Gentleman: Visual Analysis-Supporting Interation
- Suresh Venkatasubramanian: Historams, Information Distances and "Nonparametric" Inference
- Vin de Silva, Peter Jones, Michael Mahoney, Francois Meyer, Naoki Saito: Finding Patterns
- M. Alex Vasilescu: Mathematics of Visual Analysis
- Nancy Chinchor: Analytics for Visual Analytics
- Leland Wilkinson: Visions of Visual Analysis
- John Byrnes, Sanda Harabagiu, Guy Lebanon, Jean-Michel Pomarede, Christian Posse: Intergrating Heterogeneous Data Sources
- Nancy Chinchor, William Cleveland, Leland Wilkinson: Panel: Findings and Recommendations
Workshop Workshop on Topological Methods in Combinatorics, Computational Geometry, and the Study of Algorithms
Show Schedules
- Herbert Edelsbrunner: An introduction to topological persistence
- Alexandru Suciu: Fundamental group computations in the theory of arrangements and related spaces
- Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov: Chromatic numbers, morphism complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes
- Raghavan Dhandapani: Greedy drawings of planar triangulations
- Matthew Kahle: The neighborhood complex of a random graph
- Sinisa Vrecica: Equivariant methods
- Michael Joswig: Explicit computations in algebraic topology
- Carsten Schultz: Homomorphism complexes of graphs: constructions and computations
- Persi Diaconis: Graph homomorphisms and the birthday problem
- Joel Hass: Unknotting algorithms and their computational complexity
- Nikolaus Witte: Branched covers: A combinatorial model and applications
- Kevin Knudson: Algorithms in discrete Morse theory
- Gunnar Carlsson: Sparseness and matrix algorithms
- Martin Raussen: Invariance of directed spaces and persistence
- Michael Joswig: Bounds for the f-vectors of tight spans
- Bernd Sturmfels: Convex Rank Tests
- Raman Sanyal: Topological obstructions to polytope projection
- Abhishek Bhattacharya: Statistics on the planar shape space
- Anton Dochtermann: Universality of Hom-complexes
- Shripad Thite: Pants decomposition of the punctured plane
- Javier Arsuaga: Using computational knot theory to understand DNA packing in viruses
Workshop Workshop on Application of Topology in Science and Engineering
Show Schedules
- Steve Smale: Reconstruction of Submanifolds of Euclidean Space from Random Data
- Konstantin Mischaikow: Computational Homology and Spatially Explicit Nonlinear Systems
- Melvin Leok: Discrete Exterior Calculus and its Applications to Computational Electromagnetism
- Thomas Wanner: Probabilistic and Numerical Validation of Homology Computations for Nodal Domains
- Afra Zomorodian: Topological Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lipid Membrane Fusion
- Susan Holmes: Genes in Codon Space
- John Harer: Image Segmentation and Persistence
- Yusu Wang: Topological Methods in Protein Structure Analysis
- Yuriy Mileyko: Persistence Based Measures of Gene Periodicity
- Sarah Day: Computational Topology in the Study of Dynamical Systems
- William Kalies: Computational Conley Theory
- Robert Ghrist: 9/20-Talk on Application of Topology
- Jonathan Taylor: The Inegral Geometry of Random Sets
- Persi Diaconis: 9/21-Talk on Application of Toplogy
- Arthur Jamshidi: Geometric Representation of High Dimension Scattered Data as Graph of Functions
- Peter Saveliev: Homolgy of Color Images
- Peter Bubenik: A Stistical approach to Persistent Homology
- Steve Oudot: Reconstruction Using Witness Complexes
- Vin de Silva: Persistent Cohomology and its Applications
- Andrew Blumberg: 9/22-Talk on Application of Topology
- Gunnar Carlsson: Geometry of Patch spaces and Image Compression
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Geometric Flows and Function Theory in Real and Complex Geometry
Show Schedules
- Ben Weinkove: Geometric flows and moment maps, part I
- Jiaping Wang: Stability of harmonic functions
- Andre Neves: Lagrangian mean curvature flow, part I
- Natasa Sesum: Convergence and stability results for the Ricci flow, part I
- Ben Weinkove: Geometric flows and moment maps, part II
- Jiaping Wang: Sharp estimate of Green's function and applications
- Natasa Sesum: Convergence and stability results for the Ricci flow, part II
- Lei Ni: Ricci flow and invariant cones
- Tom Ilmanen: TBA, part I
- Andre Neves: Lagrangian mean curvature flow, part II
- Tom Ilmanen: TBA, part II
- Jian Song: The Kaehler-Ricci flow on surfaces, part I
- Albert Chau: Uniformization of complete non-compact Kaehler manifolds and the Kaehler Ricci flow, part I
- Jian Song: The Kaehler-Ricci flow on surfaces, part II
- Albert Chau: Uniformization of complete non-compact Kaehler manifolds and the Kaehler Ricci flow, part II
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Computational Application of Algebraic Topology
Show Schedules
- Robert Ghrist: Algebraic Topology for Sensor Networks
- Günter Ziegler: Kneser and Tverberg: On the power of topological methods in Combinatorics
- Sergio Rajsbaum: Algebraic Topology in Distributed Computing
- Konstantin Mischaikow: Computational Topology and Dynamics
- Shmuel Weinberger: Computing the homology of a manifold from somewhat noisy random data.
- Robert Ghrist: Topology for sensor networks
- Rade Zivaljevic: Configuration Space – Test Map Scheme
- Konstantin Mischaikow: Computational Topology and Dynamics
- Susan Holmes: Horseshoes and Spectral Methods for Detecting Hidden Variables
- Gunnar Carlsson: Algebraic Topology and High Dimensional Data Analysis
- Eric Babson: The Topology of Maps between Graphs
- Robert MacPherson: The Geometry of Grains
- Persi Diaconis: From Characterization to Algorithm
- rima izem: How to Describe Variations in Manifolds
- Gunnar Carlsson: Algebraic Topology and High Dimensional Data Analysis
- Yuliy Baryshnikov: Topological Variants of Arrow Theorem
- Persi Diaconis: Projection Purist: A Review and Extensions
- Christian Laing: Geometric Measures as RNA Shape Descriptions
- Steven Ellis: Singularity of Data Analytic Operators
Workshop Recent Developments in Arrangements and Configuration Spaces
Show Schedules
- Alexander Varchenko: The B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in real algebraic geometry and the Bethe Ansatz
- Daniel Cohen: Resonance and critical points of arrangements
- Eric Rains: The homology of real De Concini-Procesi models
- Janis Stipins: k-nets and Line Arrangements in P^2
- Bernd Sturmfels: Tropical Implicitization
- Henry Schenck: Fitting ideals and cohomology jump loci
- On the monodromy action on Milnor fibers of graphic arrangements
- Graham Denham: Massey products and monomial ideals
- Alexandru Suciu: Cohomology jumping loci, formality, and quasi-projectivity
- Michael Farber: Navigational complexity of collision free motion planning
- Eric Babson: Moduli of Representations of Directed Graph Algebras
- Max Wakefield: Degeneration varieties
- Richard Randell: Families of arrangements
- TAKURO ABE: The stability of $$A_2$$ and $$B_2$$-type arrangements
- Masahiko Yoshinaga: Minimal CW-decomposition and applications
- Laurentiu Maxim: Genera of complex varieties and singularities of proper maps
- Emanuele Delucchi: A remark on Deligne's proof and the Weak Lattice Property
- Daniel Matei: Homology of fiber-type arrangement complements and configuration spaces
- Anne Shiu: Geometry of rank tests
- Mario Salvetti: Some results on local system cohomologies of Artin groups
- David Eisenbud: Asymptotic Regularity of Ideals