Workshop Representations of Finite and Algebraic Groups
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- Geordie Williamson: A tale of two modules
- Radha Kessar: On Picard groups of blocks of finite group algebras
- Donna Testerman: Overgroups of regular unipotent elements, finite and algebraic
- Benjamin Sambale: Characters and Sylow 2-subgroups of maximal class
- Persi Diaconis: Applications of representation theory to statistical problems
- Martin Liebeck: Character ratios for finite groups of Lie type
- Aner Shalev: Character methods and probabilistic methods in groups
- Ben Elias: Fock space categorification, Soergel bimodules, and modular representation representation theory in type A
- Jonathan Brundan: Lie superalgebras and 2-representation theory
- Joseph Chuang: Parallelotope tilings for symmetric groups
- Raphael Rouquier: Finite groups of Lie type and (q,t)-polynomials
- Jay Taylor: Deligne—Lusztig induction and almost characters
- Carolina Vallejo Rodríguez: The McKay conjecture and Galois action on characters
- Olivier Dudas: Fourier matrices for unipotent characters
- Burkhard Kuelshammer: The Loewy structure of certain fixed point algebras
- Britta Späth: More counting for the counting conjectures
- Peng Shan: On equivariant cohomology of Calogero-Moser spaces
- Roman Bezrukavnikov: A Drinfeld center approach to character sheaves
Workshop Structures in Enumerative Geometry
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- Tom Bridgeland: Riemann-Hilbert problems from Donaldson-Thomas theory
- Kevin Costello: The cohomological Hall algebra and M-theory
- Emily Clader: Wall-crossing in Gromov-Witten and Landau-Ginzburg theory
- Jørgen Rennemo: A proof of the Donaldson-Thomas crepant resolution conjecture
- Hiraku Nakajima: Quiver gauge theories and Kac-Moody Lie algebras
- Albrecht Klemm: Periods and quasiperiods of modular forms and D-brane masses on the quintic
- Kirsten Wickelgren: Enumerative geometry using A1 homotopy theory
- Nicholas Davison: Categorified BPS invariants for the category of coherent sheaves on a CY3
- Vivek Shende: Sheaf quantization of the exact symplectic category
- Dominic Joyce: Lie brackets on the homology of moduli spaces, and wall-crossing formulae
- Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu: Mirror symmetry and structures of higher genus invariants
- Mina Aganagic: Knot Categorification from Geometry (via String Theory)
- Pierrick Bousseau: Quantum mirrors of log Calabi-Yau surfaces and higher genus curve counting
- Mark Shoemaker: Matrix factorizations in Gromov-Witten theory
- Yukinobu Toda: Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in Calabi-Yau 3-folds
- Georg Oberdieck: On counting curves in Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Felix Janda: Log compactifications of GLSM moduli spaces
- Alina Marian: Tautological integrals on Hilbert schemes of points
- Andrei Okounkov: Enumerative symplectic duality
Workshop Hot Topics: The Homological Conjectures
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- Melvin Hochster: The homological conjectures: past, present, and future
- Hélène Esnault: Perfectoid fields
- Paul Roberts: Almost mathematics and the homological conjectures
- Wieslawa Niziol: Perfectoid rings
- Brian Conrad: Adic spaces I
- Brian Conrad: Adic spaces II
- Johan de Jong: Perfectoid spaces I
- Kestutis Cesnavicius: Perfectoid spaces II
- Yves Andre: Almost purity
- Gerd Faltings: Complements on almost purity
- Judith Ludwig: Adjoining p-power roots of the discriminant
- Kiran Kedlaya: The Riemann extension theorem
- Bhargav Bhatt: The direct summand conjecture and its derived variant
- Yves Andre: The perfectoid Abhyankar lemma and big Cohen-Macaulay algebras
- Ofer Gabber: Remarks on big Cohen-Macaulay algebras and on ramification over log-regular rings
- Luchezar Avramov: Big Cohen-Macaulay modules, morphisms of perfect complexes, and intersection theorems
- Linquan Ma: Perfectoid multiplier/test ideals and symbolic powers
- Karl Schwede: Singularities mod p, and singularities in mixed characteristic
Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2018: Access to mathematics by opening doors for students currently excluded from mathematics
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- Phil Kutzko: Plenary Presentations with Moderated Discussion
- Panel on perspectives on mathematics as gatekeeper/gateway
- Parallel Sessions on Challenging the System We Are Part of
- Rochelle Gutierrez, Danny Martin: Plenary Presentations with Moderated Discussion
- What's working: Research Lightning Talks
- Regroup and Preview of Next Day Activities
- David Eisenbud, Paul Giganti: Mathical Book Prize reading and award ceremony
- Estela Bensimon, Jose Vilson: Plenary Presentations with Moderated Discussion
- Breakout Sessions: Action Plan brainstorming
- Dave Kung, Sumun Pendakur: Plenary Presentations with Moderated Discussion
- Julia Aguirre, Francis Su: Closing Summary and Action Plan Sharing
Seminar 5-Minute Talks
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Seminar 5-Minute Talks
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Seminar 5-Minute Talks
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Workshop Introductory Workshop: Group Representation Theory and Applications
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- Meinolf Geck: Character theory of finite groups of Lie type
- Gabriel Navarro: Characters of Finite Groups and Chains of p-subgroups
- Donna Testerman: Representation theory of reductive algebraic groups: techniques and applications
- Radha Kessar: Block theory of finite group algebras.
- Jonathan Brundan: Monoidal categories and categorification
- Meinolf Geck: Character theory of finite groups of Lie type
- Olivier Dudas: Representations of finite reductive groups: from characteristic zero to transverse characteristic
- Donna Testerman: Representation theory of reductive algebraic groups: techniques and applications
- Gabriel Navarro: Characters of Finite Groups and Chains of p-subgroups
- Radha Kessar: Block theory of finite group algebras.
- Donna Testerman: Representation theory of reductive algebraic groups: techniques and applications
- Olivier Dudas: Representations of finite reductive groups: from characteristic zero to transverse characteristic
- Jonathan Brundan: Monoidal categories and categorification
- Radha Kessar: Block theory of finite group algebras.
- Gabriel Navarro: Characters of Finite Groups and Chains of p-subgroups
- Olivier Dudas: Representations of finite reductive groups: from characteristic zero to transverse characteristic
- Jonathan Brundan: Monoidal categories and categorification
- Meinolf Geck: Character theory of finite groups of Lie type
Workshop Connections for Women: Group Representation Theory and Applications
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- Alexander Kleshchev: Schur algebras
- Britta Späth: An overview over the inductive conditions for the global-local conjectures
- Carolina Vallejo Rodríguez: Sylow normalizers and Galois action on characters
- Mandi Schaeffer Fry: On the Action of Galois Automorphisms on Characters and Navarro's Sylow 2-Normalizer Conjectures
- Jon Carlson: Homological algebra and group representations
- Sarah Witherspoon: From groups to Hopf algebras: Cohomology and varieties for modules
- Inna Entova-Aizenbud: Deligne categories and complexes of representations of symmetric groups
- Niamh Farrell: Rationality of blocks of quasi-simple finite groups
- Vera Serganova: Representations of algebraic supergroups.
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers
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- Ailsa Keating: Floer theory and Fukaya categories
- Rahul Pandharipande: Moduli spaces of stable maps and GW theory, I
- Kai Behrend: Introduction to Donaldson-Thomas theory, I
- Jim Bryan: Counting invariants of Calabi-Yau orbifolds and their resolutions, II
- Rahul Pandharipande: Moduli spaces of stable maps and GW theory, II
- Hiroshi Iritani: Gamma conjecture and mirror symmetry
- Kai Behrend: Introduction to Donaldson-Thomas theory, II
- Jim Bryan: Counting invariants of Calabi-Yau orbifolds and their resolutions, I
- Ailsa Keating: Floer theory and Fukaya categories
- Yukinobu Toda: Stability conditions and wall-crossing in derived categories
- Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine: Wall-crossing in quasimap theory
- Hiraku Nakajima: Introduction to Coulomb branches of 3d N=4 gauge theories from enumerative geometry point of view
- Yukinobu Toda: Stability conditions and wall-crossing in derived categories
- Barbara Fantechi: Infinitesimal deformations of varieties with transversal RDPs
- Jun Li: Mixed-Spin-P fields and Gromow-Witten invariants of quintic Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Tobias Ekholm: Knot contact homology and Gromov-Witten theory of conormals
- Mina Aganagic: Some applications of enumerative geometry
Workshop Connections for Women: Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers
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- Dusa McDuff: An introduction to symplectic Gromov-Witten theory
- Cristina Manolache: Reduced Gromov--Witten invariants from cuspidal curves
- Yu-Jong Tzeng: Enumeration of singular subvarieties with tangency conditions
- Emily Clader: Double ramification cycles and tautological relations
- Penka Georgieva: Real Gromov-Witten theory
- Konstanze Rietsch: Mirror symmetry for some homogeneous spaces
- Lauren Williams: Newton-Okounkov bodies and cluster duality for Grassmannians
- Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel: The Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture for symplectic manifolds