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MSRI-UP 2015: People

MSRI-UP 2015: Geometric Combinatorics Motivated by the Social Sciences

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MSRI-UP 2015 Staff

Duane Cooper, Site Director

Duane Cooper

Francis Su, Research Director

Francis Su

Mutiara Sondjaja, Postdoc

Mutiara Sondjaja

Daniel Eckhardt, Graduate Assistant

Daniel Eckhardt

Pam Urresta, Graduate Assistant

Pam Urresta

MSRI-UP 2015 Students

Gabriel Andrade, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Edwin Baeza, Purdue University

Caleb Bugg, Morehouse College

Ethan Bush, University of Michigan Flint

Kyle Duke, James Madison University

Gabriel Elvin, UCLA

Beauttie Kuture, Pomona College

Oscar Leong, Swarthmore College

Christopher Loa, University of Tennessee

Andres Rodriguez, Universidad de Los Andes

Michelle Rosado, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez

Alberto Ruiz Sandoval, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras

Ashley Scruse, Clark Atlanta University

Nikaya Smith, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Miles Stevens, Morehouse College

Alexis Torre, University of Arizona

Sarah Yoseph, Loyola Marymount University