Workshop Symplectic Geometry, Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
Show Schedules
- Yan Soibelman: Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and wall-crossing formulas (1)
- Jim Simons: Remarks on Differential Cohomology
- Katrin Wehrheim: Lagrangian correspondences and holomorphic quilts
- Yong-Geun Oh: Lagrangian Floer theory of toric manifolds and mirror symmetry
- Manabu Akaho: Towards singular Lagrangian Floer theory
- Yan Soibelman: Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and wall-crossing formulas (2)
- Anton Kapustin: Topological field theory and complex symplectic geometry
- Katrin Wehrheim: A symplectic category - chain level version and symplectic applications
- Denis Auroux: Special Lagrangian torus fi
- Hiroshige Kajiura: On some deformation of Fukaya category
- Yan Soibelman: Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and wall-crossing formulas (3)
- Katrin Wehrheim: Topological quantum fi
- Hirosi Ooguri: Wall Crossing as Seen by M Theory and Matrix Models
- Denis Auroux: Special Lagrangian torus fibrations and mirror symmetry (2)
- Dmitry Tamarkin: Microlocal category for a symplectic manifold
- Bertrand Eynard: Matrix model techniques in enumerative geometry
- Yongbin Ruan: Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau Correspondence
- Bruno Vallette: Homotopy algebra with operads
- Denis Auroux: Special Lagrangian torus fi
- Mina Aganagic: Wall Crossing, Quivers and Dimers
- Tohru Eguchi: Entropy of manifolds with reduced holonomy
Workshop Symplectic and Poisson Geometry in interaction with Algebra, Analysis and Topology
Show Schedules
- Victor Guillemin: Zoll-type phenomena in spectral theory
- Chris Croke: Boundary and Conjugacy Rigidity
- Mélanie Bertelson: Another point of view on affine connections
- Marius Crainic: Conn's linearization theorem
- Clifford Taubes: Contact structures and the topology of 3-manifolds
- Graeme Segal: Geometric aspects of the positivity of energy in quantum field theory
- San Vu-Ngoc: Symplectic and spectral theory of semitoric integrable systems
- Viktor Ginzburg: The Weinstein-Moser theorem and the motion of a change in a magnetic field
- Jiang-Hua Lu: On a Poisson structure on conjugacy classes
- Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach: Compatible structures and Dirac pairs
- Bertram Kostant: Experimental evidence for the occurrence of E_8 in nature and the radii of the Gosset circles
- Yong-Geun Oh: Spectral invariants and Lagrangian intersection: open-closed Floer theory
- Tudor Ratiu: Poisson Geometry in Control, Optimization, and Imaging
- Ping Xu: Characteristic classes and Courant algebroids
- Henrique Bursztyn: B-fields, quantization and Morita equivalence
- Michael Hitrik: Spectra for non-selfadjoint operators in two dimensions
- Ezra Getzler: Supergravity and gerbes on superspace
- Pierre Schapira: Quantization of Hamiltonian isotopies and applications to symplectic topology
Workshop Symplectic and Contact Topology and Dynamics: Puzzles and Horizons
Show Schedules
- Clifford Taubes: Arnold's chord conjecture in dimension 3
- Claude Viterbo: Symplectic Homogenization
- Octav Cornea: Enumerative invariants and Lagrangian cobordism
- Felix Schlenk: Monotone Lagrangian tori in CP^n and products of spheres
- Mohammed Abouzaid: Framed bordism and Lagrangian embeddings of exotic spheres
- Gordana Matic: Contact structures and sutured floer homology
- Sheila Sandon: Application of generating functions to contact rigidity phenomena in R^2n x S1
- Susan Tolman: Symplectic circle actions with minimal fixed points
- Dmitry Tamarkin: Microlocal condition for non-displaceability
- François Lalonde: Homological Lagrangian Monodromy
- Yong-Geun Oh: Weinstein's conjecture on symplectically fillable contact manifolds
- Mihai Damian: Floer homology on the universal cover and lagangion embeddings
- Richard Hind: Embeddings of ellipsoids
- Ko Honda: HF-hat = EC-hat via open book decompositions
- Klaus Niederkruger: Some observations about the size of tubular neighborhoods in contact geometry
- Michael Usher: Filtered Floer theory and Hamiltonian dynamics
- Urs Frauenfelder: On Rabinowitz Floer homology
- Yael Karshon: Convexity package for momentum maps on contact manifolds
- Peter Albers: Spectral invariants in Rabinowitz Floer homology and applications
- Miguel Abreu: Contact and Lagrangian Floer homologies of toric manifolds
- Chris Wendl: Open books and fiber sums, SFT and ECH: a plethora of obstructions to symplectic filling
- Paul Seidel: Enhanced intersection numbers
Workshop Research Workshop: Homology Theories of Knots and Links
Show Schedules
- Tim Perutz: A 2-category associated with a holomorphic symplectic manifold
- Catharina Stroppel: Categorification of coloured Jones and 3j-symbols
- Aaron Lauda: A categorification of quantum sl2
- Pedro Vaz: The diagrammatic Soergel category and sl(N)-foams
- Robert Lipshitz: Hochschild homology via time dilation
- Joshua Greene: The lens space realization problem
- Andras Stipsicz: Topological approach to Heegaard Floer homology I
- Zoltan Szabo: A topological approach to Heegaard Floer homology, II
- Louis Kauffman: Topological Quantum Information, Khovanov Homology and the Jones Polynomial
- Benjamin Webster: Categorification of quantum groups and quantum knot invariants
- Jacob Rasmussen: Holomorphic triangles and maps induced by contact structures
- Tim Perutz: Lagrangian correspondences and invariants for 3-manifolds with boundary
- Ciprian Manolescu: A combinatorial approach to Heegaard Floer invariants
- Sucharit Sarkar: Sutured Floer homology and minimal genus Seifert surfaces
- Tomasz Mrowka: The Unoriented Skein Relation for Instanton Knot Floer homology
- Denis Auroux: Fukaya categories of symmetric products and bordered Heegaard-Floer homology
- Eli Grigsby: On sutured Khovanov homology and sutured Floer homology
- Yi-Jen LEE: "Filtered Seiberg-Witten Floer homologies with "almost harmonic" perturbations
- Peter Kronheimer: From Khovanov homology to instanton homology for knots
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Homology Theories of Knots and Links
Show Schedules
- Matthew Hedden: Heegaard Floer Homology I
- Scott Morrison: Khovanov Homology I
- Sabin Cautis: Categorical quantum group actions in geometry, I
- Matthew Hedden: Heegaard Floer Homology II
- Lenhard Ng: Legendrian Knots I
- Scott Morrison: Khovanov Homology II
- Sabin Cautis: Categorical quantum group actions in geometry, II
- Andras Juhasz: Sutured Floer Homology I
- Lenhard Ng: Legendrian knots II
- Ben Webster: Khovanov-Rozansky Homology I
- Tomasz Mrowka: Introduction to Instanton Floer Homology
- Andras Juhasz: Sutured Floer Homology II
- Ben Webster: Khovanov-Rozansky Homology II
- Aaron Lauda: A categorification of quantum sl(2)
- Anthony Licata: Applications of sl(2) Categorification
- Aaron Lauda: Diagrammatic categorification of quantum groups II
- Ben Webster: Knot Homology for Quantum Invariants Through Pictures
- Eli Grigsby: A connection between Khovanov homology and Heegaard Floer homology
- Vera Vertesi: Legendrian and Transverse Classification of twist knots.
Workshop Connections for Women: Homology Theories of Knots and Links
Show Schedules
- Eli Grigsby: Introduction to knot homology theories and categorification
- Dusa McDuff: Introduction to Floer Theory
- Heather Russell: Springer varieties from the topological perspective
- Keiko Kawamuro: Pseudo-Anosov maps and dilatations
- Carmen Caprau: The universal sl(2) foam cohomology
- Shelly Harvey: Knot and Link Concordance
- Gordana Matic: Contact Invariants in Floer Homology
- Vera Vertesi: Knots in contact structures and Heegaard Floer homology
- Joan Licata: Combinatorial invariants for Legendrian knots
- Ina Petkova: Cables of thin knots and bordered Heegaard Floer homology
- Sinem Onaran: Legendrian Knots and Open Book Decompositions