Workshop Random Walks and Random Media
Show Schedules
- Alejandro Ramirez: Criteria for Ballistic Behavior of Random Walks in Random Environment
- Christophe sabot: Edge reinforced random walks, Vertex reinforced jump process, and the SuSy hyperbolic sigma model.
- Dmitry Dolgopyat: Dynamical point of view on some random walk models
- Marek Biskup: A central limit theorem for the effective conductance and resistance
- Alexander Fribergh: On the monotonicity of the speed of biased random walk on a Galton-Watson tree without leaves
- Timo Seppalainen: Directed polymers and KPZ universality
- Ivan Corwin: Directed random polymers and Macdonald processes
- David Wilson: Spanning trees of graphs on surfaces and the intensity of loop-erased random walk on Z^2
- vladas sidoravicius: Stability of the greedy server: Proof of the Coffman-Gilbert conjecture on the unit circle
- Kenneth Alexander: Subgaussian Concentration and Rates of Convergence in Directed Polymers
- Augusto Teixeira: Random walks on finite graphs and random interlacements
- Jiri Cerny: Chemical Distance on Random Interlacements
- Serguei Popov: Conditional quenched CLTs for random walks among random conductances.
- Yuval Peres: Detecting the trail of the random walker
- Omer Angel: Linearly reinforced random walks.
- Erwin Bolthausen: On the localization-delocalization critical line for the random copolymer
- Perla Sousi: Self-interacting random walks
- Anna Levit: Stochastic Representation of the Ground States for the Mean Field
- Balint Toth: Scaling limits for self-interacting random walks and diffusions
- The Cutoff Phenomenon for Typical Birth and Death Chains - Persi Diaconis
- Jonathon Peterson: Large deviations and slowdown asymptotics for excited random walks.
- Jian Ding: Maxima of two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field
- Nike Sun: Potts and independent set models on d-regular graphs
Workshop Statistical Mechanics and Conformal Invariance
Show Schedules
- Richard Kenyon: Conformal invariance of double-dimer loops
- Jan DeGier: Discrete holomorphicity and critical boundary fugacity for the O(n) model on the honeycomb lattice
- Jason Miller: Imaginary Geometry and the Gaussian Free Field
- Jeremie Bouttier: The nested loop approach to the O(n) model on random maps
- Gregory Lawler: Defining SLE in multiply connected domains using the Brownian Loop Measure
- Denis Bernard: Heat flow in non-equilibrium conformal field theory
- Bertrand Duplantier: SLE, KPZ and Liouville Quantum Gravity
- Nike Sun: Hausdorff dimension of the CLE gasket
- Dapeng Zhan: Restriction property of annulus SLE
- Julien Dubedat: Dimers and families of Cauchy-Riemann operators
- Mina Aganagic: Quantum Riemann Surfaces and Box-counting
- Sergei Lukyanov: Lax representation for the non-linear sigma model with a global U(1)xU(1) isometry
- Paul Fendley: Taming the Integrable Zoo
- Yuval Peres: Zeros of Gaussian analytic functions- invariance and rigidity
- Francois David: Random Metric and Conformal Geometries: some old and new questions
- Dmitry Chelkak: Conformal invariance of spin correlations in the planar Ising model
- Nikolai Makarov: The topology of the support of the equilibrium measure in the random normal matrix model
- Didina Serban: Conformal blocks in 2d CFT, the Calogero-Sutherland model and the AGT conjecture
- Clément Hongler: Conformal Invariance of Ising Model Interfaces
Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2012: Teacher education in view of the Common Core
Show Schedules
- Session 0 - Opening
- Session 1 - Hopefully and Hopelessly American: The Challenge of the Common Core
- Session 2 - What are mathematical practices?
- Session 4, continued - Reports from Breakout Sessions
- Session 5 - Examples from classrooms. Implications of the Common Core.
- Overview - Part 3: How can teachers’ professional training support their command of the mathematics of the CCSS and their ability to work on it effectively in practice?
- Session 7a - Professional resources for learning to teach the Common Core.
- Session 7b - Professional resources for learning to teach the Common Core.
- Session 7c - Professional resources for learning to teach the Common Core.
- Session 8 - Part 4: What infrastructure can support broad development and implementation of teacher training and support aligned with the Common Core?
Workshop Spring Opportunities
Show Schedules
- Aparna Higgins, Talitha Washington: Applying for Jobs (Moderator: Trachette Jackson)
- James Propp: Quasirandom Processes
- Sheldon Axler, Jamylle Carter, Jesus De Loera, Linda Green, Trachette Jackson: Academic Jobs (Moderator: Dave Auckly)
- Jesus De Loera: Easy to State but Hard to Solve: Some Open Questions About Convex Polyhedra
- Lloyd Douglas, Florence Fasanelli: Applying for Grants (Moderator: Dave Auckly)
- Sheldon Axler, Jamylle Carter, David Scott, Vera Serganova, Mariel Vazquez: Tenure (Moderator: Trachette Jackson)
- Lloyd Douglas, Eliabeth Moseman: Government Jobs (Moderator: Trachette Jackson)
- Aparna Higgins: Project NExT, What Works
- Jennifer Schultens: Knots and Surfaces in 3-dimensional Space
Workshop Percolation and Interacting Systems
Show Schedules
- Vincent Beffara: Mini-course, Part I: The 2D random-cluster model at and around criticality
- Amir Dembo: Ferromagnetic Ising measures on large locally tree-like graphs
- Alexander Holroyd: Embedding Percolation
- Christophe Garban: Magnetization field at criticality in the Ising mode
- Vincent Beffara: Mini-course, Part II: The 2D random-cluster model at and around criticality
- Fabio Martinelli: Aging Through Hierarchical Coalescence in the East Model
- Peter Winkler: Coordinate Percolation
- Coordinate percolation and embedding of binary words - Vladas Sidoravicius
- Vincent Beffara: Mini-course, Part III: The 2D random-cluster model at and around criticality
- Yuval Peres: Unpredictable paths and percolation
- Dana Randall: Colloids, Lattice Gasses, and Other Models with Hard Constraints
- Vincent Beffara: Mini-course, Part IV: The 2D random-cluster model at and around criticality
- Elchanan Mossel: Interacting Probability Experts on Networks
- Dayue Chen: Random walks on a percolation cluster: recurrence, speed and collisions.
- Allan Sly: The dynamics of the 2D SOS model
- Vincent Beffara: Mini-course, Part V: The 2D random-cluster model at and around criticality
- Richard Kenyon: Limit shapes in the double-Ising model
- Omer Angel: Percolation on Random Planar Maps
Workshop Hot Topics: Thin Groups and Super-strong Approximation
Show Schedules
- Alexander Gamburd: Mini-course 1: Expander Graphs, Thin Groups, and Super-strong Approximation
- Jean Bourgain: On Zaremba\'s conjecture
- Hee Oh: Mini-course 2: Effective circle count for Apollonian circle packings, via spectral methods
- Alex Kontorovich: On the Strong Density Conjecture for Apollonian Circle Packings
- Alexander Gamburd: Mini-course 1: Expander Graphs, Thin Groups, and Super-strong Approximation
- Andrei Rapinchuk: On the strong approximation in algebraic groups
- Emmanuel Kowalski: Mini-course 3: Sieve in discrete groups, Part I
- Hee Oh: Mini-course 2: Counting for orbits of thin groups, via ergodic methods
- Emmanuel Breuillard: Mini-course 4: Approximate groups, Part I
- Jordan Ellenberg: Mini-course 5: Thin groups as monodromy groups, Part I
- Alireza Golsefidy: Affine sieve and expanders
- Curtis McMullen: Dynamics of units and packing constants of ideals
- Emmanuel Kowalski: Mini-course 3: Sieve in discrete groups, Part II
- Alan Reid: 3-Manifold groups, surface groups and thin subgroups of SL(3,Z)
- Jordan Ellenberg: Mini-course 5: Thin groups as monodromy groups, Part II
- Laci Pyber: Growth in linear groups
- Elena Fuchs: How generic are thin groups?
- Emmanuel Breuillard: Mini-course 4: Approximate groups, Part II
- Gopal Prasad: Weakly-commensurable Zariski-dense subgroups and isospectral arithmetic compact locally symmetric spaces
- Igor Rivin: Asymptotic properties of obscure groups
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Lattice Models and Combinatorics
Show Schedules
- Mireille Bousquet-Melou: Philippe Flajolet, founder of Analytic Combinatorics
- Dan Romik: Second class particles in exclusion processes and "jeu de taquin" on infinite Young tableaux
- Paul Zinn-Justin: Six-vertex and eight-vertex models on their combinatorial line
- Jesper Jacobsen: Exact corner free energies for two-dimensional integrable lattice models
- Philippe Di Francesco: Discrete Integrable Systems and Cluster Algebras
- Andrea Sportiello: 6-Vertex and O(1) Dense Loop Model: Correspondences of Razumov-Stroganov type
- Alexei Borodin: Macdonald processes and random directed polymers
- Luigi Cantini: Finite size Emptiness Formation probability for the XXZ spin chain at $Delta=-1/2$
- David Wilson: Software Demos
- Lauren Williams: Combinatorics of the asymmetric simple exclusion process
- Olivier Bernardi: A nested loop approach to percolation on random triangulations
- Grégory Miermont: The scaling limit of random plane quadrangulations
- Jean-Michel Maillet: The form factor approach to correlation functions in critical integrable models
- Filippo Colomo: Arctic curves of the six-vertex model
- Mihai Ciucu: The interaction of diagonal defects in a dimer system on the square lattice
- Beatrice de Tiliere: Combinatorics of critical Ising model via dimers
- Clément Hongler: Conformal Invariance of Ising Model Correlations
- Gordon Slade: A renormalisation group analysis of the 4-dimensional weakly self-avoiding walk
- Richard Kenyon: Banded states and limit shapes in the Ising model
Workshop Connections for Women: Discrete Lattice Models in Mathematics, Physics, and Computing
Show Schedules
- Anthony Guttmann: Tutorial: Statistical and mathematical physics of discrete lattice models
- Christine Soteros: Lattice Models of Polymer Entanglements
- Marie Théret: Maximal stream, minimal cutset and maximal flow in d-dimensional first passage percolation
- Neal Madras: The Number of Entangled Clusters
- Mariel Vazquez: Random knots and confinement considerations
- Christian Krattenthaler: Combinatorics of Discrete Lattice Models
- Cédric Boutillier: Limit shape and fluctuations for random Young diagrams confined in a box
- Mirjana Vuletic: The Gaussian free field and Pfaffian processes
- Dana Randall: Tutorial: Counting and sampling on lattices, a computer science perspective
- Nayantara Bhatnagar: Reconstruction on Trees
- Ivona Bezakova: Counting and sampling minimum cuts in weighted planar graphs
- Raissa D'Souza: Explosive Percolation on Random Graphs and Lattices
- Allan Sly: Glauber Dynamics for the Ising Model on the Square Lattice
- Peter Winkler: Forceless Physics: Models with Hard Constraints
- Maria Carla Tesi: An Elementary Qualitative Model for Diffusion and Aggregation of A-beta Amyloid in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Perla Sousi: The effect of drift on the volume of the Wiener sausage and the dimension of the Brownian path
- Nike Sun: Asymptotics of dimers on tori and cylinders
- Mireille Bousquet-Melou: Exactly solvable classes of self-avoiding walks