Workshop Automorphic forms, Shimura varieties, Galois representations and L-functions
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- Marie-France Vigneras: Parabolically induced mod p representations of reductive p-adic groups
- Matthew Emerton: Moduli stacks of local Galois representations
- Peter Scholze: Integral p-adic Hodge theory
- Wei Zhang: Special parahorics and exotic good reduction
- Benjamin Howard: Cycles on Shimura varieties and applications to Faltings heights
- Ana Caraiani: On the Hodge-Tate period map for Shimura varieties of Hodge type
- Kai-Wen Lan: Higher Koecher's principle
- A. Raghuram: Special Values of automorphic L-functions and congruences
- Akshay Venkatesh: The exterior algebra in the cohomology of an arithmetic group
- Dipendra Prasad: Branching laws and period integrals for non-tempered representations.
- Henri Darmon: Modularity of non-semisimple Galois representations
- Frank Calegari: The Bloch Kato Conjecture for some Adjoint Selmer Groups.
- Sarah Zerbes: Euler System
- Christopher Skinner: p-adic L-functions, Iwasawa theory, and elliptic curves
- Laurent Fargues: G-bundles and the local Langlands correspondence
- Gaetan Chenevier: On conductor 1 algebraic automorphic representations of GL(n) over Q, and applications
- Laurent Clozel: P-radicial base change,mod p
- Bluegrass Performance
Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Workshop Categorical Structures in Harmonic Analysis
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- Peter Scholze: Some structures from geometric Langlands in the setting of a p-adic field
- Julia Gordon: Transfer principles and uniform estimates for orbital integrals
- Zhiwei Yun: Geometric representations of rational Cherednik algebras
- Joseph Bernstein: Periods and Global Invariants of Automorphic representations
- Hiraku Nakajima: Coulomb branches of 3d N=4 gauge theories and motivic DT-invariants
- Alexander Braverman: Local L-factors and perverse sheaves on certain loop spaces
- Ivan Mirkovic: LOOP GRASSMANNIANS from the point of view of LOCAL SPACES
- Hélène Esnault: Relation between the Étale fundamental group and stratifications
- Konstantin Ardakov: Equivariant D-cap modules on rigid analytic spaces
- Geordie Williamson: Modular representation theory and the Hecke category
- Dennis Gaitsgory: Picard-Lefschetz oscillators for the Drinfeld-Lafforgue compactification
- Alexander Goncharov: Ideal webs, moduli spaces of local systems, and 3d Calabi-Yau categories
- Marie-France Vigneras: Simple modules of pro-p Iwahori Hecke algebras
- Yiannis Sakellaridis: Non-categorical structures in harmonic analysis
- Xinwen Zhu: Commutativity constraints revisited
Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Seminar Chancellor Lecture on p-adic geometry
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Workshop Introductory Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory
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- Thomas Hales: Introduction to the Langlands program and the Fundamental Lemma
- Dmytro Arinkin: The Geometric Langlands Correspondence
- Edward Frenkel: Gauge theory and Langlands duality
- Victor Ginzburg: Geometry of Quiver varieties
- olivier schiffmann: Quivers, curves, Kac polynomials and the number of stable Higgs bundles
- Thomas Hales: Introduction to the Langlands program and the Fundamental Lemma
- Dmytro Arinkin: The Geometric Langlands Correspondence
- Pramod Achar: The Springer Correspondence
- Victor Ginzburg: Geometry of Quiver varieties
- olivier schiffmann: Quivers, curves, Kac polynomials and the number of stable Higgs bundles
- Thomas Hales: Introduction to the Langlands program and the Fundamental Lemma
- Pramod Achar: The Springer Correspondence
- Edward Frenkel: Gauge theory and Langlands duality
- Victor Ginzburg: Geometry of Quiver varieties
- Nicholas Proudfoot: Quantizations of symplectic resolutions, part I
- Dmytro Arinkin: The Geometric Langlands Correspondence
- Pramod Achar: The Springer Correspondence
- Nicholas Proudfoot: Quantizations of symplectic resolutions, part II
- olivier schiffmann: Quivers, curves, Kac polynomials and the number of stable Higgs bundles
- Paul Baum: Representations of p-adic groups
Workshop Connections for Women: Geometric Representation Theory
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- Vera Serganova: Combinatorics, representations and geometry of algebraic supergroups
- Julianna Tymoczko: Springer representations and other geometric representations Part 1
- Vera Serganova: Combinatorics, representations and geometry of algebraic supergroups.
- Marie-France Vigneras: Pro-p-Iwahori-Hecke algebras of p-adic groups.
- Julianna Tymoczko: Springer representations and other geometric representations Part 2
- Christine Huyghe: Survey over localization theorems for representation theory of Lie algebras
- Miaofen Chen: Connected components of moduli spaces of p-divisible groups
Workshop Introductory Workshop: New Geometric Methods in Number Theory and Automorphic Forms
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- Shou-Wu Zhang: Gross--Zagier formula: why is it right
- Kai-Wen Lan: An example-based introduction to Shimura varieties and their compactifications
- Birgit Speh: Construction of some modular symbols
- Payman Kassaei: Analytic continuation of p-adic modular forms and applications to modularity
- Shou-Wu Zhang: Gross--Zagier formula: why is it right?
- Kai-Wen Lan: An example-based introduction to Shimura varieties and their compactifications
- Birgit Speh: Construction of some modular symbols
- Payman Kassaei: Analytic continuation of p-adic modular forms and applications to modularity
- Shou-Wu Zhang: Gross--Zagier formula: why is it right?
- Kai-Wen Lan: An example-based introduction to Shimura varieties and their compactifications
- Rachel Ollivier: Aspects of the mod p representation theory of p-adic reductive groups
- Frank Calegari: Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups
- Rachel Ollivier: Aspects of the mod p representation theory of p-adic reductive groups
- Jared Weinstein: An overview of the theory of p-adic Galois representations
- Gabriel Dospinescu: Phi-gamma modules and p-adic Hodge theory
- Frank Calegari: Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups
- Jared Weinstein: An overview of the theory of p-adic Galois representations
- Gabriel Dospinescu: Phi-gamma modules and p-adic Hodge theory
Workshop Connections for Women: New Geometric Methods in Number Theory and Automorphic Forms
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- Ling Long: Generalized Legendre Curves and Abelian Varieties with Quaternion Multiplication
- Julia Gordon: Local heuristics and exact formulas for counting elliptic curves over finite fields
- Ana Caraiani: Patching and p-adic local Langlands
- Ila Varma: Local-global compatibility of regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representations when l is not equal to p
- Sarah Zerbes: Euler systems and the Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
- Ellen Eischen: p-adic families of Eisenstein series and applications
- Birgit Speh: Construction of some modular symbols