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  1. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  2. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  3. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  4. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
    Speakers: Frank den Hollander (Universiteit Leiden; Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden)

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:47 PM PST
  5. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  6. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  7. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  8. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  9. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  10. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  11. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual, Baker Board Room

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  12. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual, Baker Board Room

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  13. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  14. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual, Baker Board Room

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  15. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  16. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  17. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  18. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  19. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  20. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  21. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  22. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  23. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  24. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  25. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  26. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  27. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  28. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  29. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  30. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  31. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  32. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  33. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  34. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  35. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  36. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  37. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  38. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  39. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  40. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  41. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  42. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  43. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  44. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  45. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  46. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  47. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  48. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:52 PM PST
  49. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  50. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  51. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  52. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  53. Chancellor Professor Course: Interdisciplinary Topics in Mathematics: Theory of Combinatorial Limits

    Location: UC Berkeley, Dwinelle 183
    Speakers: Daniel Kral (Masaryk University; Universität Leipzig)

    The theory of combinatorial limits is a rapidly developing area of mathematics, which provides analytic tools to study large combinatorial objects (e.g., graphs representing social networks). These analytic methods have led to new ways to cope with notoriously difficult extremal combinatorics questions and established new links between analysis, combinatorics, ergodic theory, group theory, probability theory and statistics. The theory was also the subject of the 2021 Abel Prize lecture of Lovász entitled "Continuous limits of finite structures".

    The course will present basic concepts of the theory of combinatorial limits related to various combinatorial objects such as graphs, permutations, and hypergraphs, and discuss analytic representations of their limits. We will discuss how the theory of combinatorial limits is related to regularity decompositions and how its analytic tools can be applied to various problems in computer science and mathematics, in particular, in extremal combinatorics where Razborov's flag algebra method has led to advances on long-standing open problems (with solutions of the Erdős-Rademacher Problem and the Erdős Pentagon Problem being among the first results obtained using the method). We will demonstrate how the flag algebra arguments can be applied both directly and in a computer-assisted way, including non-asymptotic settings, e.g., to compute particular Ramsey numbers.

    Updated on Jan 17, 2025 02:01 PM PST
  54. PSDS & EC Joint Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:34 PM PST
  55. EC Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:30 PM PST
  56. PSDS Seminar

    Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual

    Zoom Link

    Updated on Feb 06, 2025 01:53 PM PST
  1. ADJOINT 2025

    ADJOINT is a yearlong program that provides opportunities for U.S. mathematicians to conduct collaborative research on topics at the forefront of mathematical and statistical research. Participants will spend two weeks taking part in an intensive collaborative summer session at SLMath. The two-week summer session for ADJOINT 2025 will take place June 30 - July 11, 2025 in Berkeley, California. Researchers can participate in either of the following ways: (1) joining ADJOINT small groups under the guidance of some of the nation's foremost mathematicians and statisticians to expand their research portfolio into new areas, or (2) applying to Self-ADJOINT as part of an existing or newly-formed independent research group ((three-to-five participants is preferred) to work on a new or established research project. Throughout the following academic year, the program provides conference and travel support to increase opportunities for collaboration, maximize researcher visibility, and engender a sense of community among participants. 

    Updated on Jan 28, 2025 03:42 PM PST

Past Seminars

  1. Seminar Meet the Staff Tea

    Created on Jan 23, 2025 10:42 AM PST
  2. Seminar Five Minute Talks

    Updated on Jan 30, 2025 03:25 PM PST
  3. Seminar Five Minute Talks

    Updated on Jan 28, 2025 03:02 PM PST
  4. Seminar Five Minute Talks

    Updated on Jan 28, 2025 03:01 PM PST
  5. Seminar Five Minute Talks

    Updated on Jan 28, 2025 02:59 PM PST
  6. Seminar Five Minute Talks

    Updated on Jan 28, 2025 02:55 PM PST
  7. Seminar Lunch Problem Session

    Updated on Dec 13, 2024 12:20 PM PST
  8. Seminar Lunch Problem Session

    Updated on Sep 17, 2024 02:32 PM PDT
There are more then 30 past seminars. Please go to Past seminars to see all past seminars.