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Current Scientific Events

  1. Program Complementary Program 2023-24

    The Complementary Program has a limited number of memberships that are open to mathematicians whose interests are not closely related to the core programs; special consideration is given to mathematicians who are partners of an invited member of a core program. 

    Updated on Sep 26, 2023 11:36 AM PDT
  2. Summer Research in Mathematics 2024 Summer Research in Mathematics

    MSRI/SLMath's Summer Research in Mathematics program provides space, funding, and the opportunity for in-person collaboration to small groups of mathematicians, especially women and gender-expansive individuals, whose ongoing research may have been disproportionately affected by various obstacles including family obligations, professional isolation, or access to funding. Through this effort, MSRI/SLMath aims to mitigate the obstacles faced by these groups, improve the odds of research project completion, and deepen their research experience. The ultimate goal of this program is to enhance the mathematical sciences as a whole by positively affecting the research and careers of all of its participants and assisting their efforts to maintain involvement in the research community.

    The ultimate goal of this program is to enhance the mathematical sciences as a whole by positively affecting the research and careers of all of its participants and assisting their efforts to maintain involvement in the research community.

    Updated on May 21, 2024 03:45 PM PDT
  3. MSRI-UP MSRI-UP 2024: Mathematical Endocrinology

    Organizers: Alexander Diaz-Lopez (Villanova University), Maria Mercedes Franco (Queensborough Community College (CUNY)), Rebecca Garcia (Colorado College), LEAD Candice Price (Smith College), Robin Wilson (Loyola Marymount University)

    The MSRI-UP summer program is designed to serve a diverse group of undergraduate students who would like to conduct research in the mathematical sciences.

    In 2024, MSRI-UP will focus on Mathematical Endocrinology. The research program will be led by Dr. Erica J. Graham, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College.

    Updated on Mar 07, 2024 11:11 AM PST
  4. African Diaspora Joint Mathematics ADJOINT 2024

    ADJOINT is a yearlong program that provides opportunities for U.S. mathematicians – especially those from the African Diaspora – to conduct collaborative research on topics at the forefront of mathematical and statistical research. Participants will spend two weeks taking part in an intensive collaborative summer session at SLMath (formerly MSRI). The two-week summer session for ADJOINT 2024 will take place June 24 to July 5, 2024 in Berkeley, California. Researchers can participate in either of the following ways: (1) joining ADJOINT small groups under the guidance of some of the nation's foremost mathematicians and statisticians to expand their research portfolio into new areas, or (2) applying to Self-ADJOINT as part of an existing or newly-formed independent research group to work on a new or established research project. Throughout the following academic year, the program provides conference and travel support to increase opportunities for collaboration, maximize researcher visibility, and engender a sense of community among participants. 

    Updated on Apr 10, 2024 10:50 AM PDT
  5. Summer Graduate School Introduction to Quantum-Safe Cryptography (IBM Zurich)

    Organizers: Jonathan Bootle (IBM Zürich Research Laboratory), Luca De Feo (IBM Zürich Research Laboratory)
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    This two week summer school, jointly organized by SLMath with IBM Zurich, will introduce students to the mathematics and algorithms used in the design and analysis of quantum-safe cryptosystems. Each week will be dedicated to two of the four families of quantum-safe schemes.

    Updated on May 01, 2024 08:53 AM PDT