Registration Deadline: | January 27, 2001 about 24 years ago |
To apply for Funding you must register by: | October 22, 2000 over 24 years ago |
Parent Program: |
Show List of Speakers
- Michael Anshelevich
- Alvaro Arias
- William Arveson (University of California, Berkeley)
- Hari Bercovici
- Philippe Biane (École Normale Supérieure)
- David Blecher
- Marek Bozejko
- Thierry Cabanal-Duvillard
- Erik Christensen
- Kenneth Dykema
- Edward Effros (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Damien Gaboriau
- Liming Ge
- Uffe Haagerup (University of Copenhagen)
- Marius Junge
- Eberhard Kirchberg (Humboldt-Universität)
- Christian Le Merdy
- Franz Lehner
- Bojan Magajna
- Naofumi Muraki (Iwate Prefectural University)
- Magdalena Musat (University of Copenhagen)
- Alexandru Nica
- Timur Oikhberg
- Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto University)
- Vern Paulsen (University of Waterloo)
- Gilles Pisier (Texas A & M University)
- Florin Radulescu
- Narcisse Randrianantoanina
- Eric Ricard
- Zhang-Jin Ruan
- Allan Sinclair
- Roger Smith
- Piotr Sniady
- Roland Speicher
- Marius Stefan
- Steen Thorbjoersen
- Dan Virgil Voiculescu (University of California, Berkeley)
- Vrej Zarikian
- Paul Zinn-Justin (University of Melbourne)
As part of the full-year 2000-2001 program on Operator Algebras, MSRI will host a one-week workshop on Free Probability and Non-Commutative Banach Spaces, January 22-26, 2001. The Free Probability section of the workshop will cover several aspects of the subject: applications to von Neumann algebras and C*-algebras of free product type, connections with random matrix theory, free stochastic processes and free stochastic integration, combinatorial approach via noncrossing partitions, free entropy. Probable participants in the Free Probability section include: G. Ben Arous, H. Bercovici, P. Biane, M. Bozejko, M. Anshelevich, T. Cabanal - Duvillard, K. Dykema, L. Ge, D. Gaboriau, A. Guionnet, U. Haagerup, K. Johannsen, A. Nica, F. Radulescu, D. Shlyakhtenko, R. Simion, R. Speicher, M. Stefan, S. Thorbjoernsen, D.Voiculescu, P.Zinn - Justin. The Non-commutative Banach Space section will cover the central concepts of the recently developed theory of operator spaces such as: exactness, local reflexivity and injectivity with applications to C* tensor products, operator algebras and operator modules. The non-commutative Lp-spaces, which play an important role in this theory, provide many points of contact with free probability. Probable participants in the Noncommutative Banach Spaces section include: W. Arveson, D. Blecher, E.G. Effros, U. Haagerup, M. Junge, E. Kirchberg, C. Le Merdy, J. Kraus, B. Magajna, N. Ozawa, T. Oikhberg, V. Paulsen, G. Pisier, C. Pop, N. Randrianantoanina, H.P. Rosenthal, Z.-J. Ruan, A. Sinclair, R. Smith, C. Webster
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To apply for funding, you must register by the funding application deadline displayed above.
Students, recent PhDs, women, and members of underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Funding awards are typically made 6 weeks before the workshop begins. Requests received after the funding deadline are considered only if additional funds become available.
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For information about recommended hotels for visits of under 30 days, visit Short-Term Housing. Questions? Contact
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Jan 22, 2001 Monday |
Jan 23, 2001 Tuesday |
Jan 24, 2001 Wednesday |
Jan 25, 2001 Thursday |
Jan 26, 2001 Friday |
Jan 27, 2001 Saturday |