Workshop Algebraic Geometry: Last Week of Program
Show Schedules
- Anders Buch: Rationality of Gromov-Witten Varieties
- Burt Totaro: Fano Varieties and Asymptotics of Cohomology
- Ravi Vakil: On Universal Covers and Fundamental Groups
- David Eisenbud: Old and New Information on the FIbers of Generic Linear Projections
- Stefan Kebekus: Differential Forms on Singular Spaces, Extension Theorems And Applications
- Brendan Hassett: Rational Points of Varieties over Functional Fields
- Sándor Kovács: Mild Singularities
- Dan Abramovich: Varieties with a Twist
- János Kollár: Open Problems in the Moduli Theory of Varieties of General Type
- Laura Matusevich: Hypergeometic Families
- Max Lieblich: Stacks and their Applications: Some Recent History and Open Questions
- James McKernan: Towards Abundance and the Existence of Log Terminal Models
- Miles Reid: Old and New Perspectives on Higher Dimensional Classification
Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2009: Teaching Undergraduates Mathematics
Show Schedules
- David Bressoud: Today's Challenge
- Ole Hald, Robert Kimball, Ian Morrison, Karen Rhea: Engaging Students in Mathematical Ideas
- Wade Ellis: Using Inquiry Questions and Action/Consequence Documents to Imporve Student Understanding
- Maria Terrell: What we learned from the good questions project
- Ron Buckmire, Jerry Epstein, John Orr: Assessment
- Ron Buckmire, Jerry Epstein, John Orr: Assessment-Panel
- Jim Lewis: Today's Challenge
- Patrick Averbeck, Daniel Teague: Transition from high school to college and from two year to four year institutions
- Bill Crombie: The work of the Algebra Project in Preparing students for college
- Marilyn Carlson: What does mathematics education research have to say?
- David Bressoud, Amy Cohen-Corwin, Yvonne Lai: Panel Response
- Natasha Speer, Joseph Wagner: Putting research into practice: a reform-oriented differential equations course
- Deborah Hughes Hallett: Relations with the disciplines
- Deborah Hughes Hallett: Relations with the disciplines-Panel
- John Jungck: Relations with the disciplines
- John Jungck: Relations with the disciplines-Panel
- Lawrence Gray: What have we learned?
- Lawrence Gray, Bonnie Saunders: What have we learned?-Panel
- Bonnie Saunders: What have we learned?
Workshop Economic Games and Mechanisms to Address Climate Change
Show Schedules
- Rene Carmona: Cap-and-Trade Market Models, Tutorial I
- Rene Carmona: Cap-and-Trade Market Models, Tutorial I I
- Michael Ludkovski: Optimal Switching to play Games with the Environment
- James Bushnell: Bushnell"s Talk
- Prajit Dutta: Game Theory and Climate Treaties, Tutorial I
- Prajit Dutta: Game Theory and Climate Treaties, Tutorial II
- Robert Pindyck: Uncertainty, Extreme Outcomes, and Climate Change Policy
- Svetlana Pevnitskaya: An Experimental Investigation of Economic Incentives in Environmental Conservation, Sustainability and Renewable Energy
- Katerina Sherstyuk: Games with Dynamic Externalities and Climate Change Experiments
- Bard Harstad: The Dynamics of Climate Agreements
- David Zetland: Climate change dynamics in theory, experiments and reality
- Max Auffhammer: Auffhammer"s Talk
- Richard Gilman, David Housman, David Mond, Stephen Schecter: Panel Discussion: Game theory in the math curriculum (motivated by climate change!)
Workshop Great Circles 2009
Show Schedules
- Mark Saul: What is a Math Circle?
- Bob Kaplan: Collegial Math Circles: A Demonstration and Discussion
- Anna Burago, Mary OKeeffe, Harold Reiter: Great Circles I
- Zvezdelina Stankova: "A Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle - the American Experience. What have we learned?"
- Samuel Vandervelde: Mathematical Battle
- Janet Mertz: Gender, Culture, and Math
- Ellen Kaplan: "Collegial Math Circles: A Demonstration and Discussion."
- Thomas Davis, Alex McFerron: Great Circles II
- Julia Brodsky: Great Circles II
- Fred Smyth: Implicit Attitudes andStereotypes matter in Math and Science
Workshop Mathematical Genomics
Show Schedules
- Peter Bickel, David Galas, Wing Wong, Rick Woychik: *Discussion Panel*
- Rafael Irizarry: Detecting Differentially Methylated Regions with Microarray Data
- Sandrine Dudoit: Statistical Inference in mRNA-Seq
- Lauren Weiss: SNPs and Copy Number Variants in Autism – What are we Missing?
- Nancy Zhang: Characterization of Allele-specific Copy Number in Tumor Genomes
- Haiyan Huang: A Bayesian Probabilistic Approach Toward Transforming Public Microarray Repositories Into Disease Diagnosis Databases
- Xianghong Zhou: Integrated Approaches to Mapping Genome to Phenome
- Lior Pachter: L.Pachter Talk
- James Bentley Brown: In vitro data and the analysis of ChIP-seq and ChIP-chip experiments
- Abby Dernburg: "Chromosome organization and dynamics in C. elegans."
- Greg Carter: Maximizing Information from Genetic Data
- Joseph Nadeau: 'Genetics and systems medicine when n=1'
- Leroy Hood: L. Hood Talk
Workshop Combinatorial, Enumerative and Toric Geometry
Show Schedules
- Mircea Mustaţă: On asymptotic invariants of graded sequences of ideals
- Lev Borisov: Strong exceptional collections of line bundles on Fano toric DM stacks
- Nicolas Perrin: Towards a Littlewood-Richardson rule in the Kac-Moody setting.
- Izzet Coskun: Geometric positivity in the cohomology of homogeneous varieties
- Ezra Miller: Equivariant transversality and K-theoretic positivity
- Kiumars Kaveh: Convex bodies, semi-groups of integral points, algebras of finite type, and geometry of linear series on varieties
- David Speyer: What can we learn about matroids from K-theory?
- Diane Maclagan: Tropical bounds on nef cones
- Sam Payne: Boundary complexes of varieties
- Evgueni Tevelev: Compactifications of Subvarieties of Tori
- Leonardo Mihalcea: Quantum K theory of Grassmannians
- Kai Behrend: The virtual Betti numbers of the Hilbert scheme of points on a Calabi- Yau threefold
- Thomas Lam: K-theoretic Schubert calculus on the affine Grassmannian
- Tara Holm: The K-Theory of Symplectic Orbifolds
- Bernd Sturmfels: The Hilbert scheme of the diagonal in a product of projective spaces
- Nicolas Ressayre: GIT-cones and applications
- Allen Knutson: Frobenius splitting of matrix Schubert varieties and positroid varieties, with applications to juggling
Workshop Sage Days: Algebraic Geometry
Show Schedules
- William Stein: Introduction to Sage
- David Eisenbud: Doing Algebraic Geometry in Macaulay2- - an introduction
- Michael Stillman: Doing Algebraic Geometry in Macaulay2- - an introduction
- Mike Hansen: The Sage/Macaulay2 interface
- Alexandru Ghitza: Algebraic Geometry using Sage
- Justin Walker: Interactive Sage Tutorial Using Sage
- Andrey Novoseltsev: Lattice Polytopes using Sage
- Daniel Bump: Lie theoretic methods in Sage
- Nicolas Thiéry: Thiery Shop
- William Stein: Final wrap-up
Workshop Modern Moduli Theory
Show Schedules
- Rahul Pandharipande: The top Chern class of the Hodge bundle.
- Brendan Hassett: Rational curves on K3 surfaces and their higher-dimensional analogs
- David Smyth: Modular compactifications of the moduli space of curves
- Mark Gross: "The tropical vertex"
- Tom Bridgeland: Hall algebras and curve-counting
- Yukinobu Toda: Stability conditions and Donaldson-Thomas type invariants
- Dominic Joyce: A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- Barbara Fantechi: "Intertia stack of M_{g,n}"
- Yuan-Pin Lee: K-equivalence in Gromov--Witten theory
- Dragos Oprea: The Verlinde bundles in higher genus
- Davesh Maulik: "Gromov-Witten theory on K3 surfaces
- Carel Faber: A remark on a conjecture of Hain and Looijenga
- János Kollár: Log canonical implies Du Bois
- James McKernan: Termination of flips
- Valery Alexeev: Explicit compactifications of moduli spaces of Campedelli and Burniat surfaces
- Eckart Viehweg: Kobayashi geodesics in A_g
Workshop Classical Algebraic Geometry Today
Show Schedules
- Richard Harris: The Interpolation Problem
- Yuri Tschinkel: Applications of projective geometry to birational geometry
- Rita Pardini: The geography of irregular surfaces.
- Christopher Hacon: Deformations of canonical pairs and Fano varieties
- János Kollár: Quotients by finite equivalence relations
- Olivier Debarre: Periods and Moduli
- Mark de Cataldo: The Hodge theory of character varieties
- Richard Thomas: Counting curves in 3-folds
- Daniel Huybrechts: Derived cateories and Chow groups of K3 surfaces
- Samuel Grushevsky: The Schottky problem
- Giuseppe Pareschi: Refined generic vanishing
- Martin Olsson: Main components of moduli spaces and log geometry.
- Burt Totaro: Algebraic surfaces and hyperbolic geometry
- Alina Marian: Lie algebra actions on the cohomology of hyperquot schemes
- Kieran O'Grady: Four-dimensional analogues of K3 surfaces.
- David Eisenbud: Syzygies and Geometry
- Jun-Muk Hwang: Equivalence problem for minimal rational curves
Workshop Connections for Women: Algebraic Geometry and Related Fields
Show Schedules
- Lucia Caporaso: From curves to abelian varieties:updating the classical Torelli theorem
- Tara Holm: Symplectic techniques in algebraic geometry
- Sara Billey: An introduction to Affine Grassmannians
- Sonja Petrovic: Graver bases of varieties of minimal degree
- Rebecca Lehman: Branch Curves of Singular Surfaces
- Rachel Pries: Boundary of the moduli space of curves and arithmetic applications
- Rekha Thomas: Convex Algebraic Geometry
- Amanda Knecht: Weak Approximation for Degree 2 del Pezzo Surfaces
- Kelly McKinnie: Indecomposable classes in the Brauer group of Q_p(t)
- Grigory Mikhalkin: Basic tropical notions: varieties and maps