Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): Dispersive boundary layers
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Summer Graduate School 2021 CRM-PIMS Summer School in Probability (Virtual School)
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- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems: Lecture 1
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems: Lecture 1
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems: Lecture 2
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems: Lecture 2
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems: Lecture 3
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems: Lecture 3
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems: Lecture 4
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems: Lecture 4
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 5
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems Lecture 5
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 6
- Sarah Penington: Free Boundary Problems and Branching Particle Systems
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems Lecture 6
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 7
- Sarah Penington: Free Boundary Problems and Branching Particle Systems: Lecture 2
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems Lecture 7
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 8
- Sarah Penington: Free Boundary Problems and Branching Particle Systems: Lecture 3
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems Lecture 8
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 9
- Kavita Ramanan: Asymptotics of Interacting Stochastic Processes on Sparse Graphs
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems Lecture 9
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 10
- Kavita Ramanan: Asymptotics of Interacting Stochastic Processes on Sparse Graphs: Lecture 2
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Optimization in Random Discrete Systems Lecture 10
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 11
- Kavita Ramanan: Asymptotics of Interacting Stochastic Processes on Sparse Graphs: Lecture 3
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Minimum Spanning Trees 1
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 12
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Minimum Spanning Trees 2
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 13
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Minimum Spanning Trees 3
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Minimum Spanning Trees 4
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 14
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Minimum Spanning Trees 5
- Jean-Christophe Mourrat: A PDE Approach to Mean-Field Disordered Systems Lecture 15
- Louigi Addario-Berry: Minimum Spanning Trees 6
Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Recent results on the instability of boundary layer models
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Flexural-gravity waves generated by moving loads on ice plates
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): Entropies of free surface flows in fluid dynamics
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Seminar Model problems in fluid dynamics: Profile decompositions method: a common thread of many works arising from geometry, physics and fluid mechanics
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Extremal Singularities in Prime Characteristic
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Convergence of the vanishing viscosity limit for one-dimensional compressible fluids
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Seminar Graduate Student Working Group: No Pure Capillary Solitary Waves Exist in 2D Finite Depth & Linear Instability in Fluid Free Surface Problems
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Vortex layers of small thickness
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Seminar Graduate Student Working Group: Well-posedness for the dispersive Hunter-Saxton equation & The dead water phenomenon, an example of fluid-structure problem
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Fluid-structure interaction system
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Workshop [Moved Online] Hot Topics: Topological Insights in Neuroscience
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- Lida Kanari: Topological insights on neuronal morphologies
- Woojin Kim: The Persistent Topology of Dynamic Data
- Xaq Pitkow: Discovering implicit computation graphs in nonlinear brain dynamics
- Tatyana Sharpee: Hyperbolic geometry in biological networks
- Dane Taylor: Geometrical and topological data analyses reveal that higher-order structures provide flow channels for neuronal avalanches
- Jose Perea: Topological analysis of quasiperiodic signals
- Bei Wang: Topological Data Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity in Time and Space Domains
- Matilde Marcolli: Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks
- Hengrui Luo: Combining Geometric and Topological Information for Boundary Estimation
- Konstantin Mischaikow: Identifying dynamics of networks
- Daniela Egas Santander: Nerve theorems for fixed points of neural networks
- Martina Scolamiero: Extracting topological features from multiple measurements
- Iris Yoon: Identifying analogous topological features across multiple systems
- Vladimir Itskov: Decoding geometry and topology of neural representations
- Alice Patania: Topological Characterization for Multi-Variate Pattern Analysis
- Henri Riihimäki: Simplicial connectivities of directed networks and higher paths
- Katharine Turner: Wasserstein stability for persistence diagrams
- Ezra Miller: Persistent homology in one or more parameters
- Steven Ellis: Using "Concurrence Topology'' to Detect Statistical (In)dependence Among Items of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
- Ann Blevins: Topological cavities in the human connectome
Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: When are multidegrees positive?
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Workshop [Moved Online] Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2021: Initiating, Sustaining, and Researching Mathematics Department Transformation of Introductory Courses for STEM Majors
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Symbolic powers, interpolation and related problems
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: On the size and shape of Betti numbers
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Workshop [Moved Online] Recent Developments in Fluid Dynamics
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- Welcome
- Jean Marc Delort: Gravity capillary wave equations on the circle, normal forms and long time existence: a review
- Herbert Koch: The KdV hierarchy at H^{-1} regularity
- Pierre Raphael: On the implosion of a viscous compressible fluid
- Thierry Gallay: Arnold's variational principle and its application to the stability of viscous planar vortices
- Didier Bresch: Heterogeneities in fluid mechanics
- Frederic Rousset: Incompressible limit for the free surface Navier-Stokes system
- Juhi Jang: Dynamics of Newtonian stars
- Albert Ai: Two dimensional gravity water waves at low regularity
- Luis Vega Gonzalezs: Riemann's non-differentiable function and the binormal curvature flow
- Peter Constantin: On the Nernst-Planck-Navier-Stokes System
- Nicolas Burq: Analytic Solutions For The Water-Waves System
- Sijue Wu: The quartic integrability and long time existence of steep water waves in 2d
- Erik Wahlén: Three-dimensional steady water waves with vorticity
- John Hunter: Wave propagation on vorticity discontinuities and the Burgers-Hilbert equation
- Irena Lasiecka: Long time behavior in a flow-structure interaction
- Anne-Laure Dalibard: Separation and Circulation in the Stationary Prandtl Equation
- Tristan Buckmaster: Stable shock wave formation for the compressible Euler equations
- Charlotte Perrin: Handling congestion in fluid equations
- Benoit Pausader: Long time existence for the Euler-Coriolis system
- Camillo De Lellis: Locally dissipative solutions of the Euler equations
- Mihaela Ignatova: Global regularity and long time behavior of solutions of electroconvection models
- Nader Masmoudi: Recent Progress in the Study of the Prandtl System and the Zero Viscosity Limit
- Jacob Bedrossian: Vortex filament solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
- Paul Milewski: Mode Two Solitary Waves in Stratified Flows
- Valeria Banica: Unbounded growth of the energy density associated to the Schrödinger map and the binormal flow
- Franck Sueur: Motion of several slender rigid filaments in a Stokes flow
- Emmanuel Dormy: Modeling inviscid water waves
- Terence Tao: Universality and possible blowup in fluid equations
- Pierre Germain: Vortex filament solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations
- Vladimir Sverak: On spectra of certain linearized operators
Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): 2D incompressible Euler system in presence of sources and sinks
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Seminar Graduate Student Working Group: The Fourier Extension problem through a time-frequency perspective
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Smooth stationary water waves with exponentially localised vorticity
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): Traveling waves with multi-valued height
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Model problems in fluid dynamics: Stability of the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the Irrational Torus
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Global +-regularity
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Long time confinement of vorticity around stationary points for 2D perfect incompressible flows
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Well-posedness for the dispersion-generalized Benjamin-Ono equation
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): A non-linear PDE approach to hyperbolic dynamics
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Betti numbers of monomial ideals fixed by permutations of the variables
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Statistical Mechanics and conjectures for the long-time behavior of certain infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Transverse linear instability of line periodic traveling waves for water wave models
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): Large-time behavior of 2D incompressible MHD system with partial dissipation
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Model problems in fluid dynamics: Almost-global well-posedness for 2d strongly-coupled wave-Klein-Gordon systems
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Various boundary conditions for the Stokes operator in non smooth domains
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Seminar DDC - Reading Group: Valuations on dp-finite fields
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Seminar Graduate Student Working Group: Uniform Lifetime of Classical Solutions of the Hot, Magnetized Relativistic Vlasov Maxwell System & Equivalence of function space and pure Banach space properties
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Nonlinear modulational instabililty of the Stokes waves in 2d full water waves
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Model problems in fluid dynamics: Instability via degenerate dispersion for generalized surface quasi-geostrophic models with singular velocities
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Saturation bounds for smooth varieties
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Effect of the rotation on the inviscid Primitive Equations for planetary geophysical flows
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): The relativistic Euler equations with a physical vacuum boundary
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): Angled crested like water waves
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Model problems in fluid dynamics: Global well-posedness for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: How short can a module of finite projective dimension be?
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Seminar DDC - Reading Group: Valuations on dp-finite fields
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): Vortex dynamics and relative equilibria
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Fronts Solutions of the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): Control of 3D gravity-capillary water waves
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Model problems in fluid dynamics: Global existence and decay of solutions to Prandtl system with small analytic and Gevrey data
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Smooth Hilbert schemes
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Seminar Euler/Navier Stokes (Part 1): On the weak and strong stability of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
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Seminar Graduate Student Working Group: Eigenvalue comparison for the Dirichlet and Neumann Stokes operators & On the flow map of the dispersive Burgers equation
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 2): Fully localised three-dimensional gravity-capillary solitary waves on water of infinite depth
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Seminar Water waves and other interface problems (Part 1): The compressible Euler equations in a physical vacuum: a comprehensive Eulerian approach
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Simplicial resolutions of powers of square-free monomial ideals
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Five Minute Talks
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Seminar Five Minute Talks
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Ideals with a radical generic initial ideal
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Seminar DDC - Reading Group: Valuations on dp-finite fields
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Free surface flows in fluid dynamics (UCB Chancellor Professor Course)
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Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: The quest for F-rational signature
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Workshop [Moved Online] Introductory Workshop: Mathematical problems in fluid dynamics
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- Camillo De Lellis: Transport equations and ODEs with nonsmooth coefficients (Part 1)
- Camillo De Lellis: Transport equations and ODEs with nonsmooth coefficients (Part 2)
- Jacob Bedrossian: Lagrangian chaos, almost sure exponential mixing, and passive scalar turbulence
- Jean-Yves Chemin: Regularity of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (Part 1)
- Jean-Yves Chemin: Regularity of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (Part 2)
- Camillo De Lellis: Transport equations and ODEs with nonsmooth coefficients (Part 3)
- Vlad Vicol: Non-conservative $H^{1/2-}$ weak solutions of the incompressible 3D Euler equations
- Tarek Elgindi: Singularity formation in the 3D Euler equation
- Jean-Yves Chemin: Regularity of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (Part 3)
- Valeria Banica: Vortex filament dynamics
- Daniel Tataru: An introduction to water waves (Part 1)
- Daniel Tataru: An introduction to water waves (Part 2)
- Sijue Wu: On the free boundary hard phase fluid in Minkowski spacetime
- Jon Wilkening: A Numerical Study of Quasi-Periodic Water Waves (Part 1)
- Jon Wilkening: A Numerical Study of Quasi-Periodic Water Waves (Part 2)
- Daniel Tataru: An introduction to water waves (Part 3)
- Thomas Hou: Potential Singularity Formation of the 3D Euler Equations and Related Models
- David Lannes: Wave-Structure interactions
- Katharina Schratz: Introduction to numerics for nonlinear Schrödinger
Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Arithmetic deformations of F-singularities
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Workshop [Moved Online] Connections Workshop: Mathematical problems in fluid dynamics
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- Anne-Laure Dalibard: Boundary layer methods in semilinear fluid equations
- Vera Mikyoung Hur: Unstable water waves: periodic Evans function approach
- Natasa Pavlovic: Beyond binary interactions of particles
- Colette Guillopé: About a higher-order water wave model: further theory
- Helena Nussenzveig Lopes: Vanishing viscosity and conserved quantities for 2D incompressible flow
- Anne-Laure Dalibard: Boundary layer methods in semilinear fluid equations
- Inwon Kim: A variational scheme for Naiver-Stokes Equations
- Yao Yao: Radial symmetry of stationary and uniformly-rotating solutions in 2D incompressible fluid equations
Seminar Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Sums of Squares: From Real to Commutative Algebra
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