Workshop Arithmetic Geometry
Show Schedules
- Armand Brumer: Odds and ends on curves of low genus
- Joseph Wetherell: Chabauty and covers for curves with an automorphism
- Michael Stoll: Uniform Chabauty bounds for twists
- Alexandra Shlapentokh: Diophantine undecidability of function fields of positive characteristic finitely generated over fields algebraic over a finite field
- jorgen Anderson: Wick's theorem and the calculation of genus one Jacobians
- John Cremona: Reduction of binary forms
- Tom Fisher: Descent calculations for the elliptic curves of conductor 11
- Catherine O'Neil: The period-index problem
- Franz Lemmermeyer: Second 2-descents for y2=x3-d2x
- Sylvain Duquesne: Explicit Weierstrass Preparation Theorem in several variables and rational points on the hyperelliptic curve y2=x9 - 6x8 + 31x7 - 81x6 + 177x5 - 176x4 - 9x3 + 107x2 + 19x + 1
- Henri Darmon: The calculation of periods on HpXH and Heegner points attached to real quadratic fields: a progress report
- Takakazu Satoh: Algorithms for computing zeta functions of elliptic curves over finite fields and related topics.
- Fernando Rodriguez-Villegas: Picard-Fuchs equations and computing zeta functions p-adically
- Florian Hess: On the computation of the divisor class group of global function fields
- Vinay Deolalikar: On splitting rational places in algebraic extensions of function fields over finite fields
- Nils Bruin: Explicit covering techniques
- Leopoldo Kulesz: Algebraic curves of genus at least 2 with many rational points
- Tanush Shaska: Curves of genus two covering elliptic curves
- William Stein: Visibility of Shafarevich-Tate groups of abelian varieties
- Bas Edixhoven: On computing coefficients of eigenforms
- Helena Verrill: Computation of periods of higher weight modular forms
- David Kohel: Shimura curve invariants
- Ki-ichiro Hashimoto: Q-curves over quadratic fields and Jacobian surfaces of GL2-type
- Jordan Ellenberg: Ljunggren's equation and modular Q-curves
- Joan-Carles Lario: Manin ideals for Q-curves
- Enrique Gonzalez Jimenez: Modular curves of genus 2
- Qing Liu: Rational points of the group of components of a Néron model.
- Dino Lorenzini: Special fibers of Néron models
- Rania Wazir: A Nagao-type formula for elliptic threefolds
- Fabrizio Andreatta: Uniformization of Néron models of semistable Jacobians
- Luis Dieulefait: Images of three-dimensional Galois representations
- Victor Rotger: On the group of automorphisms of Shimura curves and applications
- Tom Tucker: Thue equations and the method of Chabauty-Coleman
- Charles Doran: From K3 lattices to explicit K3 moduli
Workshop Subfactors and Algebraic Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
Show Schedules
- Edward Frenkel: Vertex algebras and the geometric Langlands correspondence
- Hans Wenzl: Braid groups and subfactors
- Akihiro Tsuchiya: Seiberg-Witten differentials as periods of rational elliptic surfaces
- Peter Goddard: An axiomatic approach to conformal field theory
- Dirk Kreimer: Combinatorics of quantum field theory
- Dylan Thurston: Hyperbolic Volume and the Jones Polynomial: A Conjecture
- Ruth Lawrence: Almost modularity of quantum 3-manifold invariants
- Richard Borcherds: Vertex algebras are trivial
- Connes fusion and KZ equations
- Sergio Doplicher: Aspects of duality
- Roberto Longo: Completely Rational Conformal Quantum Field Theory
- Michael Mueger: Completely rational CQFTs, local extensions and modular invariants
- Marta Asaeda: Exotic subfactor and the spindle algebra
- Dmitri Nikshych: Bimodule categories of subfactors and representation theory of quantum groupoids
- Michel Enock: Inclusions of von Neumann algebras, and quantum groupoids
- Adrian Ocneanu: Higher Coxeter systems
- Antony Wassermann: Quantum subgroups and vertex algebras
- Michael Freedman: Anyons in mathematics, computer sceince and physics
- Zhenghan Wang: On TQFT representations of mapping class groups
- Dror Bar-Natan: Finite type invariants and a strange breed of planar algebras
- Zeph Landau: Exchange relations planar algebras
- Feng Xu: Algebraic coset conformal field theories
- Nobuya Sato: Two approaches in 3-dimensional topological quantum field theories from subfactors
- Vaughan Jones: E_6 is a breeze, E_8's a tease
- Dietmar Bisch: Singly generated planar algebras of small dimension
- V. Sunder: Spectra of principal graphs
- Uffe Haagerup: Old and new results on spin models
- Vijay Kodiyalam: Paragroups and Hopf algebras
- Masaki Izumi: Non-commutative Poisson boundaries and compact quantum group actions
- David Evans: Modular invariants from subfactors
- Yasuyuki Kawahigashi: Braiding and extension of endomorphisms of subfactors
- Rosa Orellana: Finite dimensional representations of the braid group of type B and Markov traces
- Yoshimichi Ueda: Minimal actions of compact quantum groups and subfactors
- Dimitri Shlyakhtenko: Some applications of free probability to subfactor theory
Workshop Emerging Applications of Combinatorial Design
Show Schedules
- Jeff Dinitz: Scheduling Tournaments and Leagues
- Charles Colbourn: Applications of combinatorial designs in communications and networking
- Ronald Mullin: A survey of packing and covering designs
- Sid Dalal: Factor-covering designs for testing software
- Malcolm Greig: Constructing Large Designs
- Art Owen: Combinatorial problems arising in high dimensional integration and approximation
- Benno Schwikowski: Small and beautiful: Designing DNA sequences for molecular recognition
- William Martin: Combinatorics of the ordered Hamming space
- Qing Xiang: Recent results on difference sets with classical parameters
- Myra Cohen: Ladder orderings for double erasure codes
- Lucia Moura: The integer programming approach for generating designs
- Peter Gibbons: Computational methods for combinatorial design construction
- Vladimir Tonchev: Applications of combinatorial designs in digital communication
- Frank Hwang: Using combinatorial designs in the construciton of pool designs for clone screening
- Mark Lawrence: The need for speed: Combinatorial implications of an important application of Monte Carlo methods in financial risk management
- Toby Berger: Sharp asymptotic bounds on two-stage group testing efficiency
- Julie Ward: Designing storage area network fabrics
- Martin Tompa: Quality control in manufacturing DNA arrays: A combinatorial design approach
- Alan Ling: Some applications of combinatorial designs to extremal graph theory
- David Torney: Biologically motivated design problems
- Helen Verrall: Hamilton decompositions of directed wrapped butterfly graphs
- Tran Trung: Selected applications of combinatorial designs
- Two applications of combinatorial design theory
Workshop Number-theoretic cryptography workshop
Show Schedules
- Moni Naor: Short Course on Foundations of Cryptography: Good Encryption Schemes
- Moni Naor: Short Course on Foundations of Cryptography: Committments and Applications
- Moni Naor: Short Course on Foundations of Cryptography: Pseudo-Random Functions and Permutations
- Short Course on Foundations of Cryptography: Interactive Proofs & Zero Knowledge
- Short Course on Foundations of Cryptography: Encryption - Part I
- Code Breaking in WW II: The Enigma: the Colossus, and Bletchley Park
- Moni Naor: What is a proper cryptographic assumption, or The complexity of refutation
- Johannes Buchmann: Identification and signatures based on class groups
- Cynthia Dwork, Moni Naor: Short Course on Foundations of Cryptography
- Gerhard Frey: Discrete logarithm systems based on polynomial orders
- Joseph Silverman: Lattices and cryptography in theory and practice
- Ueli Maurer: Index search, discrete logarithms, and Diffie-Hellman
- Antoine Joux: Tripartite Diffie-Hellman using pairing on elliptic curves
- Kristin Lauter: Genus three curves over finite fields
- Neal Koblitz: Security and efficiency issues in elliptic curve cryptography
- Ming-deh Huang: Discrete logarithm problems arising from curve based cryptography
- Michael Anshel: The Arithmetica Key exchange
- Don Coppersmith: Solving low-degree polynomials
- Glenn Durfee: Cryptanalysis of RSA using Lattice-Based Root Finding Techniques
- Phong Nguyen: The orthogonal lattice and its applications to cryptanalysis
- Arjen Lenstra: The XTR Public-Key system
- Dan Bernstein: Design and implementation of a public-key signature system
- Daniele Micciancio: Improving lattice based cryptosystems using the Hermite Normal Form
Workshop Simple C*-algebras and Non-commutative Dynamical Systems
Show Schedules
- Characteristic square, extended modular automorphisms and grading
- Robert Powers: New results concerning semigroups of *-endomorphisms of B(H)
- Ian Putnam: The Lefschetz formula for hyperbolic dynamical systems and non-commutative topology
- George Elliott: A brief survey of progress on the classification problem for amenable C*-algebras
- Mikael Rordam: A characterization of the nuclear, separable C*-algebras that absorb the Cuntz algebra O'
- Thierry Giordano: Some extremely amenable groups
- Claudia Pinzari: Noncommutative pressure and the variational principle for Cuntz-Krieger-type C*-algebras
- Jean Bellissard: The gap labelling theorem for aperiodic media
- Erling Størmer: The variational principle for a class of asymptotically abelian C*-algebras
- Kenneth Dykema: Simple C*-algebras arising as free products
- Guihua Gong: On the classification of simple inductive limit C*-algebras
- Peter Friis: The Brown-Douglas-Fillmore Theorem revisited
- Palle Jorgensen: Decidability of isomorphism for ordered simple dimension groups
- Joachim Zacharias: Entropy and quasi-free C*-dynamics for Cuntz-Pimsner algebras
- Etienne Blanchard: Purely infinite C*-algebras: The Hausdorff case
- Nathanial Brown: Topological entropy of free product automorphisms
- Jean Renault: Singly generated dynamical systems and their C*-algebras
- Ola Bratteli: The infinite distance between AF flows and flows allowing continuous symmetry breaking
- Huaxin Lin: Simple C*-algebras with tracial topological rank zero
- Anatoly Vershik: Constructions of factor representations for some locally finite groups
- William Arveson: Interactions in non-commutative dynamics
- Simon Wassermann: Tensor products of reduced free product algebras
- Marcelo Laca: A C* Algebraic Dynamical system from number theory
- Marius Dadarlat: Embeddings of exact C*-algebras
- Jesper Villadsen: Comparison of projections and unitary elements in simple C*-algebras
- Shaloub Razak: Classification of simple stably projectionless C*-algebras
- Eberhard Kirchberg: The passage to non-simple algebras
- Claire Anantharaman-Delaroche: Exact groupoids
- Klaus Thomsen: A second order pairing between K-theory and traces
- Boris Tsirelson: New examples of product systems
- Dan Kucerovsky: Weyl-von Neumann theorems: An abstract approach
- Marie Choda: Dynamical completely positive approximation entropy of exact C*-algebras
- Andrew Dean: An invariant for actions of the reals on a UHF algebra
- Dimitri Shlyakhtenko: Cuntz-Pimsner C*-algebras and reduced amalgamated free products
- Cornel Pasnicu: Tensor products of C*-algebras with the ideal property
- Sergey Neshveyev: Comparing entropy of a system and its subsystem
- Soren Eilers: Invariants for C*-algebras with one/two/many ideals
- Bruce Blackadar: Scaling elements revisited
- Ruy Exel: KMS states on Cuntz-Krieger algebras over infinite matrices
Workshop The Panorama Of Mathematics, A conference in honor of S. S. Chern
Show Schedules
- Robert Bryant: On the Geometry of Differential Equations
- Jeremy Gray: A Hundred Years of the Hilbert Problems
- Phillip Griffiths: Abel's Differential Equations
- Isadore Singer: Hermitian Line Bundles in String Theory and M Theory
- Leonard Adleman: DNA Computation
- Richard Karp: Mathematical Challenges from Genomics and Molecular Biology
Workshop Clay Mathematics Institute Introductory Workshop in Operator Algebras
Show Schedules
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory 11
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory 10
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory 9
- Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory 8
- The almost commutative version of the standard model
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, I
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, II
- Antony Wassermann: Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, I
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, I
- Marc Rieffel: Non-commutative Geometry I
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, III
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, IV
- Antony Wassermann: Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, II
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, II
- Marc Rieffel: Non-commutative Geometry II
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, VI
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, VII
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, IV
- Marc Rieffel: Non-commutative Geometry III
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, VIII
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, IX
- Antony Wassermann: Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, IV
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, V
- Dietmar Bisch: Subfactors and Planar Algebras, I
- Richard Kadison: The Theory of Operator Algebras, X
- Dimitri Shlyakhtenko: Introduction to Free Probability Theory, I
- Antony Wassermann: Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, V
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, VI
- Thomas Schücker: First, The Standard model of gravitational, electro-magnetic, weak and strong forces; the almost commutative version of the standard model
- Dimitri Shlyakhtenko: Introduction to Free Probability Theory, II
- Dietmar Bisch: Subfactors and Planar Algebras, II
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, VII
- Antony Wassermann: Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, VII
- Dimitri Shlyakhtenko: Introduction to Free Probability Theory, III
- Antony Wassermann: Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory, VI
- Dietmar Bisch: Subfactors and Planar Algebras, III
- Michael Pimsner: Introduction to K-Theory for Operator Algebras, VIII
Workshop Clay Mathematics Institute Introductory Workshop in Algorithmic Number Theory
Show Schedules
- Computational class field theory
- Andrew Granville: Smooth numbers II
- Number field algorithms
- Andrew Granville: Smooth numbers I
- Jeffrey Shallit: The complexity of Euclid's GCD algorithm
- Hendrik Lenstra: Solving Pell's Equation
- Dan Bernstein: Fast Multiplication
- Stan Wagon: Computational Number Theory: Basic Algorithms
- Carl Pomerance: Smooth numbers and the quadratic sieve
- Dan Bernstein: Applications of fast multiplication
- Bjorn Poonen: Elliptic Curves I
- Stan Wagon: Computational number theory: Subtler basic algorithms
- Peter Stevenhagen: The number field sieve
- Carl Pomerance: Primality
- Hendrik Lenstra: Lattices I
- Jeffrey Shallit: Algorithmic number theory before computers
- Hendrik Lenstra: Lattices II
- Andrew Odlyzko: Lattice basis reduction algorithms in cryptanalysis
- Dan Bernstein: Protecting communications against forgery
- Umesh Vazirani: Quantum Computation
- Bjorn Poonen: Elliptic Curves II
- Daqing Wan: Zeta functions over finite fields
- William Stein: How to get your hands on modular forms using modular symbols
- Christina Ballentine: Infrastructure
- Bjorn Poonen: Elliptic curves III
- Joe Buhler: L-series in algorithmic number theory
- Noriko Yui: Congruent number problems in dimension one and two