Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: Inductive Construction of the HFK Moduli Spaces
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: Computations in Morava K-Theory
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Seminar Floer Homotopy Foundations Seminar: The Stable Quasicategory of Flow Categories
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Coulomb Branches and KO Theory
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Seminar Gauge Theory (Semi)-Virtual Seminar: Stability and Neck Pinches in Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow
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Seminar Diffeomorphisms and Gauge Theory Seminar: Monopole Floer Homology and Reality
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: Introduction to Topological Hochschild Homology
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: The Stratified Spaces M(N, λ) Modeling Moduli Spaces
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Homology Cobordism and Knot Concordance
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: The Quantum Connection, Familiar and Yet Mysterious
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: KR-Theory Computations
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Seminar Floer Homotopy Foundations Seminar: The Multicategory of Low Categories
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Complex Chern-Simons Invariants of 3-Manifolds via Abelianization
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: Stratified Spaces, Whitney Umbrella and Generalizations
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Seminar Floer Homotopy Foundations Seminar: Symmetric Monoidal Infinity Categories
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: Introduction to Grid Homology
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Seminar Gauge Theory (Semi)-Virtual Seminar: Relative Genus Bounds from Floer K-Theory
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Workshop [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Floer Homotopical Methods in Low Dimensional and Symplectic Topology
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- Steven Sivek: Floer Homology and Non-Fibered Knot Detection
- Shaoyun Bai: Normally Complex Polynomial Perturbations and Arnold Conjecture
- Semon Rezchikov: Virtual Equivariant Morse-Floer Theory
- Tim Large: Localization and Morava K-theory Gromov-Witten Invariants
- Xin Jin: Microlocal Sheaves of Spectra Supported on Lagrangians
- Daniel Alvarez-Gavela: Normal Invariant of Nearby Lagrangians via Twisted Generating Functions
- Mona Merling: Stable Spaces of Equivariant H-Cobordisms
- Kristen Hendricks: Naturality Issues in Involutive Heegaard Floer Homology
- Mark McLean: Generalized Holomorphic Curve Counting
- Linh Truong: Homology Concordance and Knot Floer Homology
- Gary Guth: Stabilizations, Satellites, and Exotic Surfaces
- Ciprian Manolescu: A Knot Floer Stable Homotopy Type
- Sherry Gong: Computations of Ribbon Concordances
- Sungkyung Kang: One Stabilization is Not Enough for Contractible 4-Manifolds
- Gage Martin: Annular Links, Double Branched Covers, and Annular Khovanov Homology
- Peter Feller: Homogenization of Knot Invariants and Slice-Bennequin Inequalities
- Melissa Zhang: Equivariant Khovanov Stable Homotopy Types and their Applications
Seminar FHT Program Seminar: New Families of Symplectomorphisms
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: A Filtered Mapping Cone Formula for Cables of the Knot Meridian
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: Computations of the Image of the J Homomorphism
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Seminar What Is Seminar: "What is: Morse Theory for the Yang-Mills Functional on S^4?"
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Seminar Floer Homotopy Foundations Seminar: The (Semi-) Quasi-Category of Flow Categories
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Morse Theory on Moduli Spaces of Pairs and the Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau Inequality
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: "G_2-Instantons: an Overview and New Examples"
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: "Khovanov Spectra Wrap-Up; Organizational Meeting for Knot Floer Spectra"
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Locating Closed Geodesics on Foscolo's K3 Surfaces
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Contact Convexity After Honda-Huang
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Framed Bordism of Exact Lagrangians via Spectral Fukaya Categories
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Seminar FHT Reading Group: NilHecke Algebras
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Seminar Diffeomorphisms and Gauge Theory Seminar: Cohomological Invariants in Gauge Theory for Families
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: Complex Cobordism
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Seminar What Is Seminar: What is a Concentrating Dirac Operator?
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Instantons on ALF Spaces, Codimension-1 Collapse and QALF Metrics
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: On Counting Associative Submanifolds in G_2 Manifolds and Seiberg-Witten Monopole
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Seminar Gauge Theory (Semi)-Virtual Seminar: Instantons and Handle Decompositions
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Workshop [HYBRID WORKSHOP] New Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories
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- Simon Donaldson: Overview of Some Appearances of Multivalued Solutions in Differential Geometry
- Max Zimet: K3 Surfaces as Gauge-Theoretic Moduli Spaces
- Martijn Kool: Vafa-Witten Invariants of Projective Surfaces - Overview
- Pierrick Bousseau: Holomorphic Floer Theory and Donaldson-Thomas Invariants
- Sergey Cherkis: All Gravitational Instantons from Monopole Moduli Spaces
- Mina Aganagic: Homological Link Invariants from Mirror Symmetry
- Siqi He: Existence and Non-Existence Results of Z2 Harmonic 1-Forms
- Aleksander Doan: Holomorphic Floer Theory and the Fueter Equation
- Gregory Parker: Concentrating Local Solutions of the Two-Spinor Seiberg-Witten Equations
- Pavel Putrov: Counting Solutions of Kapustin-Witten Equations on a Three-Manifold Times a Line from Physics Dualities
- Ákos Nagy: On the Geometry of $G_2$-Monopoles and the Donaldson--Segal Program
- Jan Manschot: Path Integral Derivations of Vafa-Witten and K-Theoretic Donaldson Invariants
- Richard Wentworth: Some Remarks on Yang–Mills Type Equations in Higher Dimensions
- Saman Habibi Esfahani: Towards a Monopole Fueter Floer Homology
Seminar Diffeomorphisms and Gauge Theory Seminar: Construction Zone
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: The Adams Spectral Sequence
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: The Geometry of Mehler's Kernel
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: A New Construction of 4-Dimensional Hyperkähler ALE Spaces via Gauge Theory
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: From Framed Flow Categories to Spectra
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Seminar Gauge Theory (Semi)-Virtual Seminar: Floer Theory of Families of Equivalent Objects
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Morava K-Theory and Hamiltonian Loops
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: A Connected Sum Formula of Embedded Contact Homology
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Nilpotent Higgs Bundles and Families of Flat Connections
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: "From Hyperbolic Crystals to Bundles: Moduli Spaces in Spectral Theory"
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Homological Instability in Dimension 4
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Exotically Embedded Submanifolds in 4-Manifolds and Stabilizations
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Seminar FHT Reading Group: Mirror Symmetry for A_n Surfaces
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: On “the” GMN Construction of Hyperkähler Metrics on Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: The Gluing construction of J-Holomorphic Curves
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: Khovanov Homology and Resolution Configurations
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Seminar Gauge Theory (Semi)-Virtual Seminar: GTV - The Knot Complement Problem for Nullhomotopic Knots
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Seminar Diffeomorphisms and Gauge Theory Seminar: Family Seiberg-Witten invariant and nonsymplectic loops of diffeomorphisms
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Global charts for higher genus Gromov--Witten moduli spaces
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Symmetry and Sliceness
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Seminar Homotopy Computations and uses in Floer Theory Seminar: The Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence and K-theory
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Seminar Floer Homotopy Foundations Seminar: A pedagogical introduction to global charts for Hamiltonian Floer trajectories
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Seminar GT Program Seminar: Limiting configuration, spectral data and the SU(1,2) Higgs bundle
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: The Kapustin-Witten equations and their dimensional reduction
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: Non-Trivial Steenrod Squares on the Khovanov Homology of prime knots
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Seminar FHT Program Seminar: Arnol’d Conjecture Over the Integers
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Seminar Floer Homotopy Foundations Seminar: Global Charts in Genus 0 Gromov-Witten Theory
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Seminar GT Graduate Student Seminar: Seiberg-Witten Floer K-Theory and Cyclic Group Actions on Spin 4-Manifolds with Boundary
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Seminar Homotopy Types in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar: A Framed Flow Category for the Cube
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Workshop [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Introductory Workshop: Floer Homotopy Theory
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- Dusa McDuff: Floer Homology Foundations Pt 1
- Alexander Kupers: Stable homotopy foundations: The Pontryagin-Thom construction
- Nicholas Wilkins: Infinity Structures and Operads Pt 1
- Nathaniel Bottman: Infinity Structures and Operads Pt 2
- Chris Wendl: Floer Homology Foundations Pt 2
- Anna Marie Bohmann: Stable Homotopy Foundations: Generalized Cohomology Theories
- Nancy Hingston: Loop Spaces and Poincaré Duality Part 1: Topological Aspects
- Alexandru Oancea: Loop Spaces and Poincaré Duality Part 2: Symplectic Aspects
- Chris Wendl: Floer Homology Foundations Pt 3
- Anna Marie Bohmann: Stable homotopy foundations: Introduction to spectra
- Dusa McDuff: Floer Homology Foundations Pt 4
- Chris Wendl: Floer Homology Foundations Pt 5
- Alexander Kupers: Stable homotopy foundations: Atiyah duality and Poincaré duality
- Inbar Klang: Thom Spectra and Orientations
- Thomas Kragh: Spectral Orientations in Floer Theory
- Anna Marie Bohmann: Stable homotopy foundations: Duality in Morava K-theory
- Jianfeng Lin, XiaoLin Danny Shi, Zhouli Xu: Monopole Floer Theory and Homotopy Theory, Pt 1
- Jianfeng Lin, XiaoLin Danny Shi, Zhouli Xu: Monopole Floer Theory and Homotopy Theory, Pt 2
Workshop [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Connections Workshop: Floer Homotopy Theory
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- Jennifer Hom: Floer Homology and Homology Cobordism
- Melissa Zhang: Khovanov Homology and the Involutive Heegaard Floer Homology of Branched Double Covers
- Po Hu: Derived Representation Theory and Stable Homotopy sl_k Link Invariants
- Shira Tanny: Floer Homology of Hamiltonians Supported on Subsets
- Mona Merling: An Introduction to Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory
- Catherine Cannizzo, Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Ipsita Datta, Renee Hoekzema, Iuliia Semikina, Weizhe Shen: Contributed Talks (6 Talks)
- Xin Jin: Microlocal Sheaves of Spectra and Symplectic Applications
- Inbar Klang: Equivariant Factorization Homology and Tools for Studying It
Seminar 5 Minute Talks
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Workshop [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Introductory Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory
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- Tomasz Mrowka: Lecture
- Lara Anderson: Physical Perspectives on Gauge Theories and Dualities
- Thomas Walpuski: Gauge Theory Beyond the Fourth Dimension
- Alex Waldron: Basics of Yang-Mills Gauge Theory Pt I
- Rafe Mazzeo: Noncompactness in Low Dimensional Gauge Theories
- Alex Waldron: Basics of Yang-Mills Gauge Theory Pt II
- Sherry Gong: Introduction to Intanton Floer Homology Pt I
- Olga Plamenevskaya: Contact 3-Manifolds and Gauge-Theoretic Invariants
- Song Sun: Gauge Theory and Complex Geometry Pt I
- Sherry Gong: Introduction to Intanton Floer Homology Pt II
- Jason Lotay: Gauge Theory and Special Holonomy Pt I
- Song Sun: Gauge Theory and Complex Geometry Pt II
- Jason Lotay: Gauge Theory and Special Holonomy Pt II
- Katrin Wehrheim: The Symplectic Geometry of Connections
- Christopher Kottke: An Introduction to Magnetic Monopoles
- Jason Lotay: Gauge Theory and Special Holonomy Pt III
- Song Sun: Gauge Theory and Complex Geometry Pt III
Workshop [HYBRID WORKSHOP] Connections Workshop: Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Gauge Theory
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Seminar An Analytic AKE Program
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Seminar A Closer Look at the Model Theory of the Rings $\mathbb Z /p^n\mathbb Z$
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Seminar Indecomposable Polynomial Rings: Interpretability of Integers and Undecidability
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Seminar An Axiomatization of Products of Rings
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Seminar Curve-Excluding Fields
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Seminar Effective Hausdorff Dimension and Applications
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Seminar Forcing in Algebraic Field Extensions of the Rationals
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Seminar Non-Diophantine Sets in Rings of Functions
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Seminar Nondefinability of Rings of Integers in Algebraic Extensions of the Rationals
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Seminar Boolean Algebras and Semi-Retractions
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Seminar A Computable Functor from Groups to Fields
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Seminar Odoni's Conjecture on Iterated Polynomials and Algebraic Extensions of $\mathbb Q$
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Summer Graduate School Tropical Geometry
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- Renzo Cavalieri: Lecture 1
- Hannah Markwig: Lecture 1
- Renzo Cavalieri: Lecture 2
- Hannah Markwig: Lecture 2
- Renzo Cavalieri: Lecture 3
- Hannah Markwig: Lecture 3
- Renzo Cavalieri: Lecture 4
- Hannah Markwig: Lecture 4
- Renzo Cavalieri: Lecture 5
- Hannah Markwig: Lecture 5
- Renzo Cavalieri: Lecture 6
- Hannah Markwig: Lecture 6