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CAS Subcommittee on Summer Graduate Schools

The CAS Subcommittee on Summer Graduate Schools (CAS-SSGS) is charged with proposing graduate summer schools to the Directorate and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Topics for proposed graduate schools should be of current widespread interest -- each school must attract at least 40 student participants to be financially viable -- and not too closely aligned with other planned or recently-held summer schools. Though some MSRI graduate summer school topics are predetermined by upcoming programs at MSRI or its partners, there is potential for CAS influence on 1-3 graduate summer school topics per year.

Names in bold indicate the Chair or Co-Chair of the committee
Name Institution Office Start Date End Date
Donatella Danielli Arizona State University Mar 01, 2024 Apr 30, 2026
Tara Holm Cornell University Sep 01, 2021 Apr 30, 2025
Dorina Mitrea Baylor University Mar 01, 2024 Apr 30, 2027
Charles Moore Washington State University May 01, 2023 Apr 30, 2026
Lei Ni University of California, San Diego May 01, 2023 Apr 30, 2026
Henry Schenck Auburn University May 01, 2023 Apr 30, 2026