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  1. Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2025: K-12 Mathematics Literacy for 21st-Century Citizenship

    Organizers: David Barnes (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)), Marta Civil (University of Arizona), Josue Cordones (Bronx Collaborative High School), Bill Crombie (The Algebra Project), Courtney Ginsberg (Math for America), Mark Hoover (University of Michigan), Emille Lawrence (University of San Francisco), Maisha Moses (The Young People's Project), Benjamin Moynihan (The Algebra Project, Inc.), Karen Saxe (Macalester College), Robin Wilson (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)

    Activist Bob Moses argued that mathematical literacy was the next civil rights front line. The 2025 CIME workshop will explore what mathematical literacy might mean and why it still matters for citizenship now and in the future. The workshop’s long-term impact relies on the participation of research mathematicians, mathematics educators, educational researchers, teachers of school mathematics, and policymakers working across different perspectives and roles to foster collaboration that will raise the floor for mathematical literacy for citizenship now and in the future.

    Updated on Jan 27, 2025 09:37 AM PST