Workshop Geometric Flows in Riemannian and Complex Geometry
Show Schedules
- Simon Brendle: Fully nonlinear flows with surgery
- Felix Schulze: Ricci flow from metrics with isolated conical singularities
- Tom Ilmanen: Singularities of mean curvature flow
- Tea
- Burkhard Wilking: Manifolds with almost nonnegative curvature operator
- Gang Tian: Hermitian curvature flows
- Brett Kotschwar: Asymptotic rigidity of noncompact shrinking gradient Ricci solitons
- Lei Ni: Flow by the Gauss curvature and its power
- Lu Wang: Hypersurfaces of Low Entropy
- Bruce Kleiner: Ricci flow through singularities
- Jian Song: The Ricci flow on the sphere with marked points
- Vincent Guedj: Convergence of weak Kaehler-Ricci flows on minimal models of positive Kodaira dimension
- Richard Bamler: Convergence of Ricci flows with bounded scalar curvature
- Natasa Sesum: Ancient solutions, their asymptotics and uniqueness
- Peter Topping: Global solutions of the Teichmueller harmonic map flow
- Miles Simon: A gap theorem and some uniform estimates for Ricci flows on homogeneous spaces
- Eleonora Di Nezza: Smoothing properties and uniqueness of the weak Kaehler-Ricci flow
Workshop Hot Topics: Cluster algebras and wall-crossing
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- Denis Auroux: SYZ mirror symmetry in the complement of a divisor and regular functions on the mirror
- Lauren Williams: Cluster algebras and cluster varieties
- Sean Keel: Theta Functions for Log Calabi-Yau manifolds I -II
- Mark Gross: Scattering diagrams, broken lines and theta functions
- Paul Hacking: Examples of cluster varieties and their scattering diagrams.
- Mark Gross: Scattering diagrams, broken lines and theta functions
- Sean Keel: Theta Functions for Log Calabi-Yau manifolds I -II
- Andrew Neitzke: Hitchin systems, spectral networks and noncommutative clusters
- Tom Sutherland: Scattering diagrams from stability conditions
- Linhui Shen: Donaldson-Thomas transformations for moduli spaces of G-local systems on surfaces
- Linhui Shen: Donaldson-Thomas transformations for moduli spaces of G-local systems on surfaces
- Clelia Pech: Mirror symmetry for homogeneous spaces
- Lauren Williams: Cluster duality and mirror symmetry for the Grassmannian
- Harold Williams: Cluster Algebras and Exact Lagrangian Surfaces
- Bernd Siebert: Wall structures in mirror symmetry
- Clelia Pech: Mirror symmetry for homogeneous spaces
- Christof Geiss: Generic bases are dual semicanonical bases for unipotent cells
- Tom Sutherland: Stability conditions and cluster varieties
Workshop Kähler Geometry, Einstein Metrics, and Generalizations
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- Valentino Tosatti: Holomorphic fibrations on Calabi-Yau manifolds and collapsing
- Mihai Paun: Foliations with positive slopes and stability of cotangent bundle
- Yanir Rubinstein: Tian's properness conjectures
- Heather Macbeth: Kähler-Einstein metrics and higher alpha-invariants
- Jeff Cheeger: Manifolds of bounded Ricci curvature and the codimension $4$ conjecture
- Johannes Nordstrom: Disconnecting the G_2 moduli space
- Tamas Darvas: Infinite dimensional geometries on the space of Kahler metrics and applications to canonical metrics
- Bing Wang: Kähler Ricci flow on Fano manifold
- Sun-Yung Chang: Compactness of conformally compact Einstein manifolds in dimension 4
- Ronan Conlon: Asymptotically Conical Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Aaron Naber: L^2 Curvature Bounds on Manifolds with Bounded Ricci Curvature
- Dominic Joyce: New Donaldson-Thomas type invariants counting coherent sheaves on Calabi-Yau 4-folds
- David Witt Nystrom: Duality between the pseudoeffective and the movable cone on a projective manifold
- Mark Gross: Gromov-Hausdorff collapse of Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Lorenzo Foscolo: ALF gravitational instantons and collapsing Ricci-flat metrics on the K3 surface
- Slawomir Kolodziej: Stability of weak solutions of the complex Monge-Ampere equation on compact Hermitian manifolds
- Eveline Legendre: The Hilbert--Einstein functional and the Sasaki-Futaki invariant
- Akito Futaki: Fano-Ricci limit spaces and spectral convergence
Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2016: Observing, Evaluating and Improving Mathematics Teaching from the Early Grades through the University
Show Schedules
- David Eisenbud, Miriam Sherin: Welcome and framing the workshop
- Anna Sfard: When words get in your eyes: On challenges of investigating mathematics-in-teaching and on the importance of paying attention to words
- Sarah Eichhorn, Deborah Hughes Hallett, Robert Indik, Mara Landers, Scott Peterson: Supporting collegiate mathematics teaching: Current realities
- Deborah Ball: (How) Can we “see” the work of teaching mathematics?
- Roger Howe, Lindsey Mann: Seeing the math in teaching
- Chris Rasmussen: Attending to student thinking and their interactions when working in small groups
- Lawrence Clark, Imani Goffney, Whitney Johnson, Danny Martin: Observing practices that support learners’ identity development and participation in mathematics classrooms
- Marcy Wood: Parallel session 1.a: Mathematical micro-identities: Students’ positioning and learning during mathematics lessons
- Natasha Speer: Parallel session 1.b: Watching mathematicians at work: Mathematical knowledge for teaching calculus and the practice of examining student work
- Miriam Sherin: Designing video clubs for teacher learning
- Alan Schoenfeld: The practice and use of observation in powerful professional development: The teaching-for-robust-understanding (TRU) framework
- Dawn Berk, James Hiebert: Structuring the practice and use of observation to improve developmental mathematics courses in a mathematics department
- Michael Driskill , Kristen Smith: Preparing secondary mathematics teachers to facilitate video clubs
- Ann Edwards: Parallel session 2.a: Advancing quality teaching: Using video to support professional development in the Community College Pathways network
- Scott Peterson: Parallel session 2.b: Teaching Triads: Enhancing teaching through the use of Cognitive Coaching
- William Day, Julia Penn: Parallel session 3.a: Reflecting on one’s own classroom video to enhance classroom interactions
- Travis Lemon: Parallel session 3.b: Lessons learned from Lesson Study
- Deborah Hughes Hallett, Wayne Raskind, Ayse Sahin, Douglas Ulmer: Observing and talking about teaching: Departmental leadership
- Deborah Ball: A conversation about practical next steps
- James Hiebert, Anna Sfard: Closing session: Reflections on ideas discussed at the workshop
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Modern Riemannian Geometry
Show Schedules
- Karsten Grove: Manifolds with lower sectional curvature bounds and Alexandrov geometry
- Guofang Wei: Comparison geometry for Ricci curvature I
- Mark Haskins: Ricci flat spaces and metrics with special or exceptional holonomy I
- Michael Anderson: Aspects of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds I
- Tobias Colding: Mean curvature flow
- Catherine Searle: Positively and non-negatively curved manifolds and (torus) symmetries
- Andrea Mondino: Metric measure spaces satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds I
- Vitali Kapovitch: Semiconcave functions in Alexandrov geometry
- Karsten Grove: A panoramic glimpse of nonnegative curvature
- Guofang Wei: Comparison geometry for Ricci curvature II
- Mark Haskins: Ricci flat spaces and metrics with special or exceptional holonomy II
- Michael Anderson: Aspects of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds II
- Catherine Searle: The maximal symmetry rank conjecture for nonnegative curvature
- Richard Schoen: Minimal submanifolds and lower curvature bounds I
- Richard Schoen: Minimal submanifolds and lower curvature bounds II
- Tobias Colding: Mean curvature flow
- Andrea Mondino: Metric measure spaces satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds II
- Vitali Kapovitch: Measure-metric boundary and Liouville theorem in Alexandrov geometry
Workshop Connections for Women: Differential Geometry
Show Schedules
- Lu Wang: Topology of Closed Hypersurfaces of Small Entropy
- Panagiota Daskalopoulos: Ancient solutions to geometric flows
- Eleonora Di Nezza: Monge-Ampère equations on quasi-projective varieties
- Christina Sormani: Sliced Filling Volumes and Intrinsic Flat Convergence
- Yi Wang: Finite total $Q$-curvature on a locally conformally flat manifold
- Raquel Perales: Convergence of Manifolds and Metric Spaces with Boundary
- Casey Kelleher: Singularity Formation of the Yang-Mills Flow
- Guofang Wei: Local Isoperimetric Constant Estimate for Integral Ricci Curvature